Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<print $condswitchtext>>
Situation Summary
<<for _j to 0; _j<$conditionlist.length; _j++>>
<<if $conditiondescriptions.index.includes($conditionlist[_j])>>
<<print $conditiondescriptions[$conditionlist[_j]].combatdesc>>
<<for _p to 0; _p<$playermoves.length; _p++>>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[_p] == -1>>
<<set _playertarget to random(0,$monsterlist.length-1)>>
<<capture _p _playertarget>>
<<linkreplace `"You spot a "+$playermoveschance[_p]+"% chance to "+$playermoves[_p]+ " at "+$monsternamelist[_playertarget]`>>
<<if $energy<1>>
<<print "You have run out of energy, so you can't take the opportunity to "+$playermoves[_p]>>
<<set $energy-->>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_p] to _playertarget>>
<<print "You are going to "+$playermoves[_p]+" targeting "+$monsternamelist[_playertarget]>>
<<elseif $playermovesconfirm[_p] == -2>>
<<capture _p>>
<<linkreplace `"You could take a "+$playermoveschance[_p]+"% chance to "+$playermoves[_p]+"."`>>
<<if $energy<1>>
<<print "You have run out of energy, so you can't take the chance to "+$playermoves[_p]>>
<<set $energy-->>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_p] to 1>>
<<print "You are going to try to "+$playermoves[_p]+".">>
<<for _v to 0; _v<$attacklist.length; _v++>>
<<capture _v>>
<<set _monlink = $monsternamelist[_v] + " the "+$monstermodifierlist[_v]+" "+$monsterlist[_v]>>
<<link _monlink>>
<<print " with "+$monsterhp[_v]+"hp remaining.">>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$attacklist[_v].length; _i++>>
<<capture _i _v>>
<<linkreplace `"Plans to "+$attacklist[_v][_i]+" with a "+$attackchancelist[_v][_i]+"% chance of success."`>>
<<if $energy <1>>
<<print "You are out of energy, and can't avoid "+$monsternamelist[_v]+"'s attempt to "+$attacklist[_v][_i]>>
<<print "You avoid the monster's attempt to "+$attacklist[_v][_i]>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v][_i] to 0>>
<<set $energy-->>
[[Done - do your worst (turn by turn attacks)|Post decision condition switching][$autores = 0]]
[[Done - do your worst (fast resolution - skip monster misses)|Post decision condition switching][$autores = 1]]
[[Done - do your worst (fastest resolution)|Post decision condition switching][$autores = 2]]<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = ["basic"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist = [""]>>
<<set $monstercounter = 0>>
<<set $conditionlist to []>>
<<set $playermoves to []>>
<<set $playermoveschance to []>>
<<set $playermovesdam to []>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm to []>>
default generation
<<set _numattacks to $weapon[1]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("ambush")>>
<<set _numattacks to _numattacks*2>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("ambush")>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_numattacks; _i++>>
<<set _rand to random($weapon[2].length-1)>>
<<set _attacktype to $weapon[2][_rand]>>
<<set _attackchance to random($weapon[3][_rand]/2, $weapon[3][_rand])>>
<<set _attackmaxdamage to $weapon[4][_rand]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("breathless")>>
<<set _attackchance = _attackchance - 5>>
<<set $playermoves.push(_attacktype)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_attackchance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(_attackmaxdamage)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-1)>>
<<goto "Postoptioncondchecks">>
<<set $attacklist to []>>
<<set $attackchancelist to []>>
<<set $conditionlist.shuffle()>>
then for each monster
<<for _v to 0; _v<$monstermoves.length; _v++>>
<<set _movesnum = []>>
<<set _attackchoicelist = []>>
<<set _attackchancelist = []>>
<<set _numberofattacks to 0>>
<<set _conditionfound to 0>>
<<for _q to 0; _q<$conditionlist.length; _q++>>
<<if $monstermoves[_v].index.includes($conditionlist[_q])>>
<<if _conditionfound == 0>>
<<set _conditionfound to 1>>
<<set _movesnum = $monstermoves[_v][$conditionlist[_q]].movesnum>>
<<set _attackchoicelist = Array.from($monstermoves[_v][$conditionlist[_q]].choices)>>
<<set _attackchancelist = Array.from($monstermoves[_v][$conditionlist[_q]].chances)>>
<<if _movesnum.length ==0>>
<<set _movesnum = $monstermoves[_v]["standard"].movesnum>>
<<set _attackchoicelist = Array.from($monstermoves[_v]["standard"].choices)>>
<<set _attackchancelist = Array.from($monstermoves[_v]["standard"].chances)>>
//determine total attacks
<<for _m to 0; _m< _movesnum.length; _m++>>
<<if random(0,100) < _movesnum[_m]>>
<<set _numberofattacks++>>
//remove inappropriate attacks (eg trip if already prone) and replace with ( what?)
<<set _replacelist to ["kneeling","restrained", "naked", "fingered", "fucked", "fucked"]>>
<<set _replacetarget to ["trip", "grab", "strip", "finger","finger","fuck"]>>
<<set _replacewith to ["grab", "touch","touch", "touch","touch","touch"]>>
<<for _r to 0; _r<_replacelist.length; _r++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_replacelist[_r])>>
<<for _z to 0; _z<_attackchoicelist.length; _z++>>
<<if _attackchoicelist[_z] == _replacetarget[_r]>>
<<set _attackchoicelist[_z] = _replacewith[_r]>>
REMOVE ATTACKS (remove attacks, eg trip if already prone, and do not replace)
<<set _removelist to ["prone","bound"]>>
<<set _removetarget to ["trip","grab"]>>
<<for _r to 0; _r<_removelist.length; _r++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_removelist[_r])>>
<<for _z to _attackchoicelist.length-1;_z>=0; _z-->>
<<if _attackchoicelist[_z] ==_removetarget[_r]>>
<<set _attackchoicelist.deleteAt(_z)>>
<<set _attackchancelist.deleteAt(_z)>>
//which attacks?
<<set $attacklist[_v] to []>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v] to []>>
pick random attacks
<<for _a to 0; _a <_numberofattacks; _a++>>
<<set _randomattack = random(0,_attackchoicelist.length-1)>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push(_attackchoicelist[_randomattack])>>
<<set _lowattack to Math.floor(_attackchancelist[_randomattack]/2)>>
<<print "lowattack "+ _lowattack>>
<<print "attackchance "+ _attackchancelist[_randomattack]>>
<<set _attackchance to random(_lowattack,_attackchancelist[_randomattack])>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(_attackchance)>>
<<set _condchangecheck to $monsterlist[_v]+"combatchanges">>
<<if tale.has(_condchangecheck)>>
<<include _condchangecheck>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_v] == $fingerer>>
<<for _f to 0; _f<$attacklist[_v].length;_f++>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_f] to "keep fingering">>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v][_f] to 80>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_v] == $fucker>>
<<for _f to 0; _f<$attacklist[_v].length;_f++>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_f] to "keep fucking">>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v][_f] to 80>>
<</for>> end of per monster loop here
<<print $attacklist>>
<<print $attackchancelist>>
<<goto "Decision Passage">>
[[Decision Passage]] SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bottomless", "naked", "prone", "standard"],
bottomless:{movesnum:[100, 80],
choices:["finger", "grab", "trip", "touch"],
choices:["finger", "grab", "trip", "touch"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "touch"],
chances: [60, 50, 45]},
choices:["grab", "strip","touch", "trip"],
chances: [40, 30, 30, 30]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 3>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Goblin Modifiers">>
Pre-built player for development
armour is Name, hp, pleasurereduction, desc
<<set $pleasure to 0>>
<<set $submission to 0>>
<<set $topcloth = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<set $undamtop = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<set $bottomcloth = ["Fancy Skirt", 1, 0, "An embroidered skirt, a gift from your grandmother. It's got little flowers running around it, with lots of little details - your favourite is a fairy peeking from behind a rosebud on your left hip.", "bottom", 5]>>
<<set $undambot = ["Fancy Skirt", 1, 0, "An embroidered skirt, a gift from your grandmother. It's got little flowers running around it, with lots of little details - your favourite is a fairy peeking from behind a rosebud on your left hip.", "bottom", 5]>>
<<set $weapon = ["Knife", 4, ["slash"], [60], [1], "A utilitarian knife, fast, but not really balanced for combat.",10]>>
<<set $weaponskill to 20>>
<<set $energy to 10>>
<<set $gold to 300>>
<<if $devversion ==1>>
<<set $adventurelist to ["A Greenskin Trio", "A Squamous Horror", "The Lair of Grobnash", "Goblin Raiders", "A Strange Affliction"]>>
<<set $adventurelist to ["A Greenskin Trio"]>>
<<set $chosenadventure = "">>
<<include "characterinitiation">>
<<goto "Splash Screen">>
This is a very very sneaky monster
<<for _i to 1; _i<$buildmonstermoves.length; _i++>>
<<for _v to 0; _v<$buildmonstermoves[_i].choices.length; _v++>>
<<if $buildmonstermoves[_i].choices[_v] == "trip">>
<<set $buildmonstermoves[_i].chances[_v]+20>>
<<if $buildmonstermoves[_i].chances[_v]>100>>
<<set $buildmonstetmoves[_i].chances[_v] = 100>>
<<goto $returnpassage>>
<<set $monstercounter = 0>>
<<set $monsterhp to []>>
<<set $desctext = []>>
<<set $monstertraitlist to []>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">><<if $monstercounter < $monsterlist.length>>
<<set _destination to $monsterlist[$monstercounter]>>
<<set $monsterid to "M"+$monstercounter+"behaviour">>
<<goto _destination>>
<<goto "Conditions switching">>
[[Conditions switching]] setting up a goblin link
<<goto "Goblin moves">><<set _list1 to ["Boris", "Gronk", "Gumsnik", "Drak", "Kriknak"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Dribblebutt", "Siccum", "Knarls", "Snotface", "Tweed", "Gibbleson"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set _randomloot = random(1,5)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<goto $returnpassage>>
<<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "tough", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Goblin Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
Monsters Attack
<<if $attackchancelist.length == 0>>
<<goto "attacksover">>
<<elseif $attackchancelist[0].length ==0>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<elseif $attackchancelist[0][0] ==0>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<set _namefinder to $monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length>>
<<print $monsternamelist[_namefinder]+" tries to "+$attacklist[0][0]+" you, needing to roll under "+$attackchancelist[0][0]+" to hit.">>
<<set _roll to random(1,100)>>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "It rolls a "+_roll>>
<<if $attackchancelist[0][0]>_roll>>
<<link "Oh no!">>
<<goto $attacklist[0][0]>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<link "It misses!">>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
Attacks done with
<<set $energy = $energy +3>>
<<if $energy >10>>
<<set $energy to 10>>
<<set $autorestext = []>>
<<set $condswitchtext to "">>
<<goto "Monster conds switching">><<nobr>>
<<set $desctext.push("You try to twist aside from the monster, but it isn't enough, and the monster grabs you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
You are already well secured by the monster.
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("restrained")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("held")>>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("grabbed")>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("held")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("grabbed")>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("grabbed")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("thrill of restraints")>>
<<set _condrand = random(0,100)>>
<<if _condrand<40>>
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure=10>>
Being grabbed and manhandled like this makes your knees go weak, and a thrilling thought of what might happen if you can't escape flick across your mind.
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster rips and tears at your clothes, you feel them give way slightly as they are damaged by the monster's attacks.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set _randomstrip to random(0,100)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set _randomstrip to 99>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set _randomstrip to 1>>
<<if _randomstrip <50>>
<<if $topcloth[2]<0>>
<<print "The monster only has to tug slightly at your cursed armour, which slips aside, eager to allow them access to your body.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("bottomless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("topless")>>
<<print "The monster tears your top">>
<<set $topcloth[1] = $topcloth[1]-1>>
<<if _randomstrip >49>>
<<if $bottomcloth[2]<0>>
<<print "As soon as the monsters hands reach your armour it shifts and parts, exposing your pussy and ass, quickly making sure it isn't a barrier to them fucking you.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("topless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("bottomless")>>
<<print "The monster tears your bottoms">>
<<set $bottomcloth[1] = $bottomcloth[1]-1>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("prone")>>
<<set $desctext to ["You already hit the ground, the monster can't trip you again"]>>
<<set $desctext to ["The monster manages to snag your leg, and you fall backwards to the ground."]>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("prone")>>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _touchtopbot to random(1,100)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set _touchtopbot to random(1,70)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set _touchtopbot to random(30,100)>>
<<if _touchtopbot<51>>
<<set _touchtarget to "top">>
<<set $desctext to ["The monster paws and touches at your breasts, you aren't able to stop it from playing with you."]>>
<<set _touchtarget to "bottom">>
<<set $desctext to ["You feel the monster pawing between your legs and around your hips, encouraging your body to feel pleasure."]>>
<<set _touchgood = random(0,3)>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<set _nakedtouch = 1>>
<<set _cursedtouch = 0>>
<<if _touchtarget =="top">>
<<if $topcloth[1]>0>>
<<set _touchgood = _touchgood - random(1,$topcloth[2])>>
<<if $topcloth[2]<0>>
<<set _touchgood = _touchgood +1>>
<<set _cursedtouch = 1>>
<<if _touchtarget =="bottom">>
<<if $bottomcloth[1]>0>>
<<set _touchgood = _touchgood - random(1,$bottomcloth[2])>>
<<if $bottomcloth[2]<0>>
<<set _touchgood = _touchgood +1>>
<<set _cursedtouch = 1>>
<<if _touchgood <0>>
<<set _touchgood to 0>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<if _cursedtouch ==1>>
The cursed clothes you are wearing twist and writhe, making sure your attacker can slip his hands whereever he wants. You feel his hands on your skin - even worse, your armour joins in molesting you, making you feel even better.
<<if _nakedtouch ==0>>
Your armour protects you somewhat from the lewd intentions of the monster.
Without armour protecting you, the monster's touch roams freely across your skin.
<<if _nakedtouch+_cursedtouch>0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("sensitive breasts")>>
<<if _touchtarget=="top">>
Your sensitive breasts feel incredible, as the monster weighs them and squeezes them. When he finds your nipple and pinches lightly you can't help but gasp
<<set _touchgood = _touchgood+1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("dark yearnings")>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length].includes("humanoid")>>
You can't help but respond to the humanoid monster's rough tough against your skin, reminding you how much you like that contrast, and how much it makes you feel like a toy for them
<<set $submission++>>
You take _touchgood pleasure from the monsters ministrations
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure + _touchgood>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure = 10>>
<<if _touchgood>1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<if _touchgood >0>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<link "Hah!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster does a thing you in a way which I'll make more descriptive soon")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<set $conditiondescriptions to {
index:["prone", "topless", "bottomless", "held","restrained", "bound", "naked", "cumming"],
combatdesc: "You have been knocked to the ground, lieing in front of your foes."},
combatdesc: "Your body is exposed to the monsters, your armour no longer offering you any protection."},
combatdesc: "You no longer have any protection for the lower half of your body."},
combatdesc: "The monsters have a firm hold of you, making it harder to fight."},
combatdesc: "The monsters have restrained you, pinning you and making it hard to do anything but struggle."},
combatdesc: "None of your armour protection remains - making you more vulnerable to a host of lewd actions from the monsters."},
combatdesc: "You have been crudely tied by the monsters, restricting your movements"},
combatdesc: "All you can do is writhe in pleasure, you're too distracted by your orgasm to take any actions, and you spend a significant amount of energy cumming instead of fighting back."}
<<set $devversion to 0>>
<<set $darkforges to 0>>
<<set $adventuretraits to []>>
<<set $conditionlist to []>>
<<set $monstermoves to []>>
<<set $condswitchtext to "">>
<<set $inventory to []>>
<<set $rumours to []>>
<<set $monsternamelist = []>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $autorestext = []>>
<<set $alternateend to "">>
<<set $citydanger =1>>
<<set $playerautoinhib to 0>>
<<set $finishquesteffects to []>>
<<set $customlossend = "">>
<<goto "Player example">>
<<if $pleasure>1>>
<<set $pleasure= $pleasure-random(0,1)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Your legs are open, and you have a monstrous phallus buried deep inside you, sawing back and forth.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("dispirited")>>
<<if $energy>8>>
<<set $energy =8>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You aren't feeling as energetic as you usually manage, your dispirited condition sapping your resolve.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("slutty nature")>>
<<if $pleasure <3>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Your slutty nature ensures your body never stops feeling somewhat sensitive and good.">>
<<set $pleasure to 3>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("flaming weapon")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" The flames on your weapon die back and flicker out.">>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("flaming weapon")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<if $topcloth[1] <1>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Your top has been ripped and torn so much that the remaining shreds offer no protection to your upper body.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("topless")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<if $bottomcloth[1] <1>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" The armour around your lower body and legs has been so badly damaged by the monsters that it no longer hinders the monsters in their attempts to touch you.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("bottomless")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Your armour has become completely useless as protection. You are left basically naked. Being stripped like this in front of your leering foes makes you feel embarrassed and less confident.">>
<<set $submission++>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("topless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("bottomless")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("wet")>>
<<if random(3,10)<$pleasure>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Despite yourself you can feel your body starting to prepare to get fucked, as the pleasure starts to build.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("wet")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("kneeling")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You continue to kneel in front of the monsters, remaining in the submissive position making you feel more compliant by the second.">>
<<set $submission++>>
<<if $submission>10>>
<<set $submission = 10>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("aftershocks")>>
<<if random(7,10)<$pleasure>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You feel waves of pleasure building between your legs, pulsing stronger and stronger. It takes an effort not to cum right away, and you are acutely aware that if you take any more pleasure while in this condition, it will tip you over the edge">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("edging")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<set $condswitchtext+" The waves of pleasure recedes slightly, as with a sustained effort of self control you manage to prevent yourself from giving in and cumming.">>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You groan, the long sound turning into a desperate moan of pleasure as the monsters drive your body over the edge, forcing pleasure on you until you start shaking, your hips bucking involuntarily as the orgasm takes over.">>
<<set $cumcount++>>
<<if $submission >3>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("stubborn")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("stubborn")>>
<<set $submission to 0>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" With a wrench, you invoke your spirit of confidence, stubbornly denying the hold that the monsters are starting to have over your mind. You feel a new resistance spring up in your heart.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naturally subby")>>
<<if $submission <4>>
<<set $condswitchtext=$condswitchtext+" You are no longer capable of feeling this confident and independent. You feel your resolve melt slightly, returning to your now natural state of baseline submissiveness.">>
<<set $submission = 4>>
<<if $submission ==10>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("compliant")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("obedient")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("compliant")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" The constant domination the monsters are putting you through makes you feel completely compliant, having to stop yourself eagerly leaping to obey any order they care to give you.">>
<<elseif $submission >7>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("obedient")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("submissive")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("obedient")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You definitely feel submissive to these monsters, after how they have treated you it's become impossible to keep from feeling like it would be good to do what they say.">>
<<elseif $submission >5>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("submissive")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("shaken")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("submissive")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" By now you are starting to have feelings of submissiveness toward the monsters. You try your best to fight them, but can feel them growing nonetheless.">>
<<elseif $submission >3>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("shaken")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("shaken")>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You start to lose the feeling of confidence you had, no longer certain that you are superior to these enemies. They are so aggressive and confident...">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("exhibitionist")>>
<<set _rand to random(0,100)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<if _rand <25>>
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You feel the heat of the monster's gaze running up and down your exposed body, and your breath quickens as you think about them staring at you.">>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<if _rand<15>>
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" The monsters are openly staring at your breasts, enjoying how they sway and bounce as you fight. You bite your lip, trying to ignore how the embarassment merges into pleasure in your body.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("helpless exhibitionist")>>
<<set _rand to random(0,100)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You're naked, and even though you're supposed to be fighting them, you're also here so they can look at you. You feel a shiver of pleasure as you think about fulfilling your role as a monster fantasy.">>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<if _rand<50>>
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You cup your exposed breasts, encouraging the monsters to enjoy the sight of your body, teasing them with the possibility of more.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("thrill of restraint")>>
<<set _rand to 101>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<set _rand to random(0,100)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
<<set _rand to random(0,90)>>
<<if _rand < 30>>
<<set $submission++>>
<<if $submission <6>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" You're being restrained by the monsters, held firm, and it is starting to make you feel more submissive to them.">>
<<if $submission >5>>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" Being firmly restrained like this makes your knees weak despite yourself, and reaffirms how strong and dominant your attackers are compared to your soft submissive body.">>
<<set $combattimer++>>
<<if $timetriggers.includes($combattimer)>>
<<set $devCheckplease to "wooop wooop">>
<<set _findtt to $timetriggers.indexOf($combattimer)>>
<<set _ttevents to $timeevents[_findtt]>>
<<include timeeventhandler>>
<<if $cumcount>2>>
<<goto "cametoomuch">>
<<if $cumcount<3>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<if $companionhp>0>>
<<goto "companionattacks">>
<<goto "Player Options Builder">>
<<goto "Player Options Builder">>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $playermoves.length == 0>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[0]<0>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Hero">>
<<goto $playermoves[0]>>
<<set $attackflavour to "The edge of your weapon cuts into the monster, wounding it">>
<<goto "generic attack">><<set $attackflavour = "You thrust forward, and the sharp tip of your weapon impales your foe">>
<<goto "generic attack">><<nobr>>
<<print "You "+ $playermoves[0]+ " at "+$monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]+" needing a "+ $playermoveschance[0]+" or less to hit">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<set _tohit = random(1,100)>>
<<print "you roll a "+_tohit>>
<<if _tohit >$playermoveschance[0]>>
<<print "Your attack fails to connect">>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<link "Damn!">>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Hero">>
<<set _damage = random(1,$playermovesdam[0])>>
<<print $attackflavour>>
<<print "The attack does "+_damage+"hp damage to "+$monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("flaming weapon")>>
<<set _damage++>>
<<print "As the flames on your weapon flicker across the monster, it howls in pain, taking an additional point of damage.">>
<<set $monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]]=$monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]]-_damage>>
<<if $monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]] <1>>
<<print $monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]+" can't take any more damage, and collapses.">>
<<for _h to 1; _h<$playermovesconfirm.length; _h++>>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[_h]==$playermovesconfirm[0]>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_h] to -1>>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[_h]>$playermovesconfirm[0]>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_h] to $playermovesconfirm[_h]-1>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<print "The defeated monster drops "+$monsterlootlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]+" gold pieces of loot.">>
<<set $gold = $gold + $monsterlootlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]>>
<<set _deldependants to 0>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]].includes("parent")>>
<<set _deldependants to 1>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if _deldependants==1>>
<<for _del to $monsterlist.length-1; _del>=0; _del-->>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_del].includes("child")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if $attackstuns ==1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]].length; _i++>>
<<set $attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]][_i] = 0>>
<<set $attackstuns=0>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length==0>>
[[Take that!!|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<</nobr>><<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You attempt to regain your feet, needing to roll "+$playermoveschance[0]+" or less to succeed.">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "You roll a "+_rand>>
<<if $playermoveschance[0]<_rand>>
<<include "standtextfail">>
<<include "standtextsucceed">>
<<include "standeffect">>
[[Keep Fighting|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp = Math.round($buildmonsterhp*1.4)>>
<<goto $returnpassage>>
<<if visited("Enter the game")>0>>
<<link $playername>>
<<set _weplink to $weapon[0]>>
<<link _weplink>>
<<set _topoff to 0>>
<<set _bottomoff to 0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set _topoff to 1>>
<<set _bottomoff to 1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set _topoff to 1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set _bottomoff to 1>>
<<if _topoff == 0>>
<<link $topcloth[0]>>
<<set $clothref = "top">>
<<print "Your "+$topcloth[0]+" has been destroyed.">>
<<if _bottomoff == 0>>
<<link $bottomcloth[0]>>
<<set $clothref = "bottom">>
<<print "Your "+$bottomcloth[0]+" has been destroyed.">>
<<print "You have "+$energy+"/10 energy remaining.">>
You are currently at $pleasure/10 pleasure, and $submission/10 submissiveness.
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<set _complink = $companionname+" the "+$companiontype>>
<<link _complink>>
<<switch $companionhp>>
<<case 3>>
Who is confidently fighting
<<case 2>>
Who is struggling with the monsters
<<case 1>>
Who is in danger of being overcome
<<case 0>>
Who is being trained and corrupted by the monsters
<<if $conditionlist.includes("corrupt companion")>>
<<set _complink = $companionname+" the pet">>
<<link _complink>>
$gold gp
<<set _sideconditionlist = $conditionlist>>
<<set _sideconditionlist.sort()>>
<<set _redlist to ["prone", "kneeling", "held","grabbed","restrained", "bound","topless", "bottomless","naked", "stubborn", "ambush", "disspirited", "wet", "being fucked", "fingered", "ordered", "shaken", "submissive", "obedient", "compliant", "edging", "cumming", "aftershocks","ambush", "flaming weapon","mild aphrodisiac", "medium aphrodisiac", "strong aphrodisiac", "overpowering aphrodisiac"]>>
<<set _permcon to 0>>
<<capture _c>>
<<for _c to 0; _c<_sideconditionlist.length; _c++>>
<<if _redlist.includes(_sideconditionlist[_c])>>
<<set _permcon++>>
<<link _sideconditionlist[_c]>>
<<if _permcon<$conditionlist.length>>
<<print "Permanent Conditions">>
<<for _c to 0; _c<_sideconditionlist.length; _c++>>
<<if not _redlist.includes(_sideconditionlist[_c])>>
<<link _sideconditionlist[_c]>>
<<link "More details on combat conditions">>
Dialog.setup();'Detailed Condition Mechanics').processText());;
<</link>><<widget "updatebar">><<silently>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<display "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<widget "arptext">>
<<set _text to $Args[0]>>
<<if $Autores>1>>
<<set $autoresplayertext.push(_text)>>
<<print _text>>
<<widget "breastsize">>
<<switch $playerbreastsize>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _bsizetext to ["small breasts", "perky breasts", "petite boobs", "small tits"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _bsizetext to ["average breasts", "medium sized breasts", "shapely tits", "average boobs"]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _bsizetext to ["ample breasts", "large breasts", "big soft tits", "generous bosoms"]>>
<<if $args[0] == "print">>
<<print _bsizetext.random()>>
<<widget "breastreact">>
<<switch $playerbreastsize>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _breacttext. to ["glances at your breasts" , "takes in your small tits with an appreciative smile", "enjoys looking at your perky tits"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _breacttext to ["stares at your breasts", "savours the sight of your naked breasts", "enjoys your exposed tits", "lustfully watches your breasts swinging free"]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _breacttext to ["can't tear their eyes from your large breasts", "stares openly at your impressive chest", "watches your large boobs eagerly"]
<<if $args[0] == "print">>
<<print _breacttext.random()>>
<<widget "breastverb">>
<<switch $playerbreastsize>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _breastverbtext to ["jiggle", "bounce perkily"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _breastverbtext to ["jiggle", "bounce"]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _breastverbtext to ["sway", "heave", "ripple"]>>
<<if $args[0] == "print">>
<<print _breastverbtext.random()>>
<<widget "asssize">>
<<switch $playerass>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _asssizetext to ["tight ass", "boyish ass", "small butt"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _asssizetext to ["round ass", "medium sized ass", "average butt"]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _asssizetext to ["big round ass", "curvy ass", "large butt"]>>
<<if $args[0] == "print">>
<<print _asssizetext.random()>>
<<widget "hipsize">>
<<switch $playerass>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _hipsizetext to ["narrow hips", "slender hips"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _hipsizetext to ["curved hips", "gently curving hips"]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _hipsizetext to ["wide fertile hips", "curvy hips", "generous hips"]>>
<<if $args[0] == "print">>
<<print _hipsizetext.random()>>
<<widget "breastgrope">>
<<set _touchstyle to $args[0]>>
<<set _cloth to $args[1]>>
<<set _emote to $args[2]>>
<<if _cloth ==1>>
<<switch $playerbreasts>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _breasttext to ["They paw at your chest, crushing your small tits beneath your armour","Your attacker rubs at your chest, hidden beneath your armour"]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _breasttext to ["You feel your breast squeezed in the monster's grip, even through your clothing.", "You feem them grabbing at your breasts, stroking and pawing."]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _breasttext to ["The attacker crudely grabs your right breast and squeezes, roughly massaging.", "A hand slides up your stomach, and lifts your breasts, appreciating their size and weight."]>>
<<elseif _touchstyle == "standard">>
<<switch $playerbreasts>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<<elseif _touchstyle == "cruel">>
<<switch $playerbreasts>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _breasttext to [""]>>
<</widget>><<if $conditionlist[_c]=="topless">>
Your top armour has been shredded or destroyed, and no longer provides any protection against the monsters. You'll take full pleasure from any attacks targetting your upper body, as even if there are shreds of your garment left they do nothing to stop the monsters touching you however they'd like.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="bottomless">>
From the waist down your armour has been destroyed, or at least damaged to the point where it no longer protects you. The monsters can touch you however they'd like, which means you take full pleasure from attacks targetting your lower body. It also means that you are vulnerable to penetration by some monsters.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="naked">>
The monsters have succeeded in stripping you completely, forcing you to fight them with no protection. They can touch you as much as they like, forcing you to take full pleasure from all their attacks, and you are very vulnerable to monsters who decide to take it further, if they can get hold of you.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="grabbed">>
The monsters have grabbed you, maybe a loose part of your outfit, or a tenuous grasp on your body. It doesn't hinder you yet, but if they can grab you again it might spell trouble. You will get a chance to wriggle free in your option list.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="held">>
The monsters have properly grabbed you, you're struggling with one of them holding your wrists, or grabbing you in a bear hug. It's harder to attack, and some monsters might have been waiting for this chance, but you still have a chance to escape.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="restrained">>
You have been firmly restrained by the monsters, having let them improve their grip on you until you can only wriggle in their grip. You will get fewer attacks, and even if you break free they will still have some grip on you. The one plus point is that if the monsters do not have special equipment, this is as far as they can take the grab.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="prone">>
You are lying on the ground. Many monsters will try different attacks, taking advantage of your vulnerable position, and your own attacks are all at a 10% penalty to hit. You will always get a chance to stand up in your option list.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="wet">>
Your pussy has started to get wet, anticipating what might happen soon, if you can't defeat these foes. You are more vulnerable to monsters playing with your body, and it's harder to stop them from penetrating you if they attempt to.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="fingered">>
$fingerer has pushed fingers or tentacles inside you, and they are eagerly pleasuring you. You'll have a chance to escape, but every turn you don't they'll force you to feel more and more, and you aren't sure how long you'll hold out.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="edging">>
You find yourself on the brink of orgasm, just about holding yourself together. If you take any pleasure this round, it will likely push you over the edge and leave you helpless cumming at the hands of your attackers.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="cumming">>
You can't take it any more, the feelings being pressed upon your helpless body are too strong for your fast dwindling willpower. It feels too good! You feel your loins starting to pulse, your breath coming in gasps...this isn't good!...
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="aftershocks">>
Your body still shakes with the last tremors of your recent orgasm. You can't be pushed to the edge immediately, but you won't recieve full energy regeneration this turn either, as you shakily recover from being forced to cum.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="shaken">>
You have started to lose a little bit of confidence. This has no major effects, although some monsters who care a lot about making you more submissive might notice your shaken confidence.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="submissive">>
You are feeling somehow that the monsters are strong and dominant. Instead of ignoring their orders, you are likely to have at least a small urge to obey them.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="obedient">>
The monsters have dominated you enough that you almost look forward to their orders, and it's getting harder and harder to resist giving in to them. If you don't focus hard it feels like your place should be serving them, and theirs ordering you.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="compliant">>
Yes Mr Monster Sir! Whatever you want.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="stubborn">>
You are firmly resolved to defeat these foes, and not to let them best you! You will not countenance defeat. This acts as armour against the monsters convincing you otherwise.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="kneeling">>
You have been ordered to your knees, and are submissive enough that you obeyed. Remaining here will make you feel more and more submissive with each passing turn. Additionally, although you have a chance to break free, and can still struggle against them, you can not bring yourself to attack your dominant foes.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="bound">>
You have let the monsters bind your limbs with some sort of fastening, which makes it impossible to attack them, and much harder to struggle against their attacks on you. It will be hard to break out from your bindings, but if you don't then you are doomed.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="companion">>
You have an ally with you - although you will have to protect her during battle, she will also assist you in your struggles against the monsters.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="big cock lover">>
You love big cocks. Something about how menacing they look dangling between monster thighs, about the sense of achievement in taking one entirely inside you, but especially about how helplessly stretched, filled, and good you feel when one of them is fucking you. You might get aroused at first sight of a monster with a large cock, and being fucked by one turns you on a lot
<<if $conditionlist[_c] == "ambush">>
By waiting in ambush you will recieve double your usual number of attacks
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="flaming weapon">>
Your weapon is wreathed in flame, which sizzles with an unnatural heat. The flames lick out towards monsters, twisting and flickering as they try to sear and burn.
Attacking with this weapon will do additional damage.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="thrill of restraint">>
You have grown fond of the feeling of being grappled by your foes, and rendered helpless. Each turn you are held you have a chance to gain additional pleasure.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="exhibitionist">>
You like the idea of being watched, of having lustful eyes seeing your exposed body. When topless you have a chance to gain additional pleasure each turn, which grows if you are stripped completely.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="helpless exhibitionist">>
You can't get enough of being watched, especially by monsters that have dire intentions toward you. The raw lust you can see on their faces as they appraise your body makes you feel so sexy and wanted. If you end up topless you're likely to take pleasure just from being exposed, and if you're naked that will get even worse.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="slutty nature">>
Being made to feel so good by your various foes has made you realise something about yourself. Not everyone would be so turned on by all the attention these monsters lavish on you. It's something about you, perhaps you were made to be played with? You're always a little turned on, knowing that your body wants to be made to feel good.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="dawning realisation">>
You have started to have some worries about how easily your body reacts to the monsters. Should a real warrior feel so good about her foes attacking her like that? At the moment these are only worries, but you should probably avoid ending up feeling so good wouldn't want those concerns reinforced.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="eager to please">>
You've started to have a puppy like enthusiasm for obeying orders, having to fight an immediate instinct to let other folk think for you before you think for yourself.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="servile nature">>
You've let yourself enjoy following orders enough that it's second nature now. You can still fight against monsters, but as soon as one of them manages to bark an order at you, something compels you to follow it - it even makes you feel good.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="sensitive breasts">>
Careful and prolonged attention by various molesters has increased how sensitive your breasts feel. Now your nipples harden at the slightest touch, and even lightly caressing the soft flesh sends thrills of pleasure through you.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="empty feeling">>
Being fucked feels so good that when you aren't being filled up you feel a gently aching emptiness. That just makes it more satisfying and pleasurable when you are being fucked - the only time you aren't missing having a cock buried in you is when one is.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="rope bunny">>
You loved it when those monsters bound you so well, even in the middle of a fight. The helplessness of it, the way you could struggle but barely avoid them doing what they want with your body...with thoughts like these it's sure that whenever you end up tied, you become completely submissive immediately.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="dawning perversion">>
The thought of non human lovers forcing themselves on you as the price of losing still feels scary, but also is starting to feel dread to think what will happen if this development continues.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="dark yearnings">>
Your body is so pure and vulnerable. Something about the contrast of having it defiled by semi-human monsters leads you to thoughts of surrender and servitude. If you end up in their hands you'll start to feel submissive pretty quickly.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="cursed collar">>
You are wearing a collar - a band of black leather which has somehow sealed around your neck making it impossible for you to remove. It's impossible to hide, and you feel like it draws everyone in to realising what a submissive slut you are capable of being made in to.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="obviously submissive">>
Something you can't hide shows everyone who looks at you that you are a submissive. Some react with shock, some with scorn, many with lust and attempts to dominate you and enjoy you giving up your body to them as well.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="welcoming mouth">>
You've been very well trained by some monsters to understand that your mouth is there to be penetrated and fucked. You find it impossible to bite someone using your mouth - it's just no longer something you are capable of. Realising this, you can expect more monsters to try to take advantage - and being fucked like that is bound to make you feel very submissive.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="ordered">>
You just gave in to a dominant order from the monsters, your subby mind obeying them instinctively before you could stop yourself.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="thrill of restraints">>
You've started really enjoying the feeling of being held. Not cuddled, but more roughly handled. Every time it happens you can feel yourself partly leaning in to it, your body reacting with a rush of anticipation.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="being fucked">>
Your pussy is stuffed full of cock - either a more normal human/humanoid cock or some other appendage that more monstrous opponents might use for breeding. It feels good for you and your lover, and worse - if you let it keep happening he might cum inside you.
<<if $conditionlist[_c] =="perfect pussy">>
After extensive training at the hands of victorious monsters, you let your pussy be trained to be an ideal sleeve to pleasure cocks. Anyone fucking you will feel really good, and cum much more quickly than they would otherwise.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]== "naturally subby">>
You were defeated by your dominant foes, cumming so much you gave up struggling and let them impress upon you your natural state. Which according to them (and now according to you) is being easily submissive to anyone trying to dominate you, always feeling somewhat submissive as a baseline, even before anyone tries to make that worse.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="constricted">>
You've been wrapped up tightly by the monster and you're struggling for breath, every time it squeezes more you are in danger of losing your breath and having your next attacks weakened.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="breathless">>
After constricting you the monster has squeezed you tightly this round, reducing your chances for your attacks to land.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="mild aphrodisiac">>
You've been a little affected by an aphrodisiac, making you more vulnerable to pleasure.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="medium aphrodisiac">>
You've had a decent dose of an aphrodisiac, making your skin more sensitive and everything feel better.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="strong aphrodisiac">>
The aphrodisiac in your system is making you feel very turned on, making pretty much any pleasure that you take feel amplified several times.
<<if $conditionlist[_c]=="overpowering aphrodisiac">>
You are completely drenched in the effects of a powerful aphrodisiac, making even light brushes on your skin feel orgasmic. It's going to be really hard to avoid cumming with this level of toxin affecting you.
<</if>><<set $playermoves to []>>
<<set $playermoveschance to []>>
<<set $playermovesdam to []>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm to []>>
<<set _numattacks to $weapon[1]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_numattacks; _i++>>
<<set _rand to random($weapon[2].length-1)>>
<<set _attacktype to $weapon[2][_rand]>>
<<set _attackchance to (random($weapon[3][_rand]/2, $weapon[3][_rand])-10)>>
<<set _attackmaxdamage to $weapon[4][_rand]>>
<<set $playermoves.push(_attacktype)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_attackchance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(_attackmaxdamage)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-1)>>
<<set _rand to random(60,100)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("stand")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_rand)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>>
<<set _escapechance = random(40,85)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("escape")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>><<nobr>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You struggle in the monster's grasp, trying to free yourself, needing to roll "+$playermoveschance[0]+" or less to succeed.">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "You roll a "+_rand>>
<<if $playermoveschance[0]<_rand>>
<<include "escapetextfail">>
<<include "escapetextsucceed">>
<<include "escapeeffect">>
[[Keep Fighting|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Small, gnarled green hands paw at your clothes and body, and despite your attempts to dodge they latch on to you, the goblin sneering at you.",
_descname+" isn't amazingly strong, but he is fast, and you don't manage to avoid his clutches. Soon one hand becomes two, and the monsters tighten their control over you.",
"Your heart sinks as you feel the grip of small green hands, unable to avoid "+_descname+"'s grasp.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Quick hands grab at fastenings, each time you turn away "+_descname+" is too fast, and already has his green fingers unhooking buttons, or untying knots. You feel your clothing loosen somewhat as you are unable to protect yourself.",
"There is a glimmer of silver, a tiny sharp knife that your assailant wields with purpose, cutting strips into your armour, weakening it. You try to stop, but the sneer on his face grows wider as the knife does it's sinister work.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="trip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Although their small size makes them some of the less fearsome opponents you'll face, it does mean that they are just the right height that you don't always notice their attempts to trip you up. That's what happens here, before you know it a green hand grabs your ankle and tugs, and you fall backwards on to the floor.",
"-Pretty girl better lieing down- sniggers "+_descname+" as he darts in to grab your leg, and tumble you to the ground. He looks down at his handiwork with a satisfied grin, and you see flickers of lust in how he looks at you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] == "finger">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Your heart sinks as you feel nimble green fingers deftly open you up, pulling your folds apart just before two more slide into you. The goblin cackles in excitement, curling his fingers inside you. Although he's hardly skilled the long dextrous fingers quickly find places that make you feel much better than you want to.",
_descname+" teases you, tracing his long green fingers around between your legs, grazing your upper thighs, your butt, and your clit. Before you can stop him one digit slides easily inside you - thinner than a human finger - and when he realises it's not affecting you how he wants, the finger is quickly joined by another, and you feel yourself stretch around the invading digits.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Small nimble hands dart over your body, seeking soft flesh to caress and squeeze. Somehow they find somewhere sensitive, even in the whirl of combat, and there is a snickering goblin laugh as the little creature gleefully gropes you.",
_descname+"'s eyes widen as he watches your soft body squish under his grasp. He's barely paying attention to the fight right now, and you see his tongue hang out of his mouth as his hands grab and paw.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push(
_descname+"'s speed takes you by surprise, and before you can defend yourself properly he buries his short little goblin cock as deep as it will go inside you, and starts humping enthusiastically.",
"The goblin slips inside your guard, and then inside you, stubby cock fitting easily inside your cunt. You let out a gasp, more from the shock of letting him do this - although it also feels kind of good in the state you are in now.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"The goblin's little green butt bounces up and down on your hips, and it yelps with each thrust, excited that such a low ranking monster gets to be the one fucking a beautiful adventuress.",
"The goblin closes his eyes in concentration, wanting to savour every moment he can of thrusting between your legs. He mutters something to himself as he fucks you, a weird smile curving his face.")
<</nobr>><<set _helddel = $playermoves.length-1>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set _escapechance = random(35,75)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("escape")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>><<set _helddel = $playermoves.length-1>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(_helddel)>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(_helddel-1)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(_helddel-1)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(_helddel-1)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(_helddel-1)>>
<<set _fingorfuck = 0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("fucked")>>
<<set _fingorfuck = _fingorfuck+1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("fingered")>>
<<set _fingorfuck = _fingorfuck+1>>
<<if _fingorfuck >0>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(_helddel-2)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(_helddel-2)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(_helddel-2)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(_helddel-2)>>
<<set _escapechance = random(35,85)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("escape")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>><<if $clothref == "top">>
<<print $topcloth[0]>>
<<print $topcloth[3]>>
<<print "Durability: "+$topcloth[1]>>
<<if $topcloth[2]<0>>
<<print "Protectiveness: Cursed!">>
<<print "Protectiveness: "+$topcloth[2]>>
<<if $clothref == "bottom">>
<<print $bottomcloth[0]>>
<<print $bottomcloth[3]>>
<<print "Durability: "+$bottomcloth[1]>>
<<if $bottomcloth[2]<0>>
<<print "Protectiveness: Cursed!">>
<<print "Protectiveness: "+$bottomcloth[2]>>
<<if $monsterlist[_v] == "goblin">>
Goblins are a small race of green humanoids, often found in caves or dark forests. They are relatively weak, sometimes used as slaves or servants by stronger dark creatures. They are not brilliant thinkers, although often seem to have a certain low cunning.
One goblin alone is hardly a concern, their main threat is in numbers. Many adventuresses have fallen because one extra goblin was just enough to overwhelm her.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] == "goblin slavemaster">>
Some goblins are faster and stronger than others. The values and focus of goblins being what it is, these more capable goblins are often drawn in to the roles of slavemasters. They specialise in controlling and taming heroines, with the ultimate goal of eroding their resistence until they agree to become willing goblin slaves.
Slavemasters attack more often, and also carry crude bindings and collars which makes it very dangerous to be too well restrained by them.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="troll">>
Trolls are vicious and powerful monsters, obsessed first with food and then, in the moments where they are not hungry, with fucking troll whelps in to peasant girls, adventurers, and any other fertile female that happens to fall into their clutches.
They are powerfully strong, and also naturally regenerate, wounds healing over and knitting together. This makes them very hard to defeat solo, and they often work with tribes of goblins, to bring them both food and captives.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="cultist">>
Humans who have decided their best chances lie in siding with the darkness against you, Cult followers are not the strongest foe you will fight, but they are still dangerous, partly because you'll usually find them in groups, and partly because of the various corrupt powers they serve, and occasionally channel.
It isn't unusual to find cultists accompanied by supernatural beings, and in the stress of combat sometimes something...inhuman...will use its ties to the cultist to push through to confront you directly.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="possessed hand">>
A floating hand, animated by some foul magic. The fingers constantly squirm as if they were already inside you trying to make you cum...
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="cult leader">>
A senior member of the cult - no doubt guilty not just of selling his soul to the darkness but also of luring many of his friends and associates in to such an irredeemable bargain. He wields greater power than the average cultists, and with a little support might pose a threat to even an experienced adventuress.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="transformed">>
Although this thing still bears the physical form of the cultist it possessed, the resemblence ends there. It moves faster than the cultist ever did, and those movements are not human. You are certain that some of the motions it makes is leaving the cultists body with a range of sprains, you don't think the cultist will ever be back in his body to realise.
The scariest thing about the transformed though, is the absolute hunger and lust you can see in its empty eyes. They are fixed between your legs, unblinking - and the jutting hardness between its legs points exactly in the same direction, leaving no doubt as to its demonic intent.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="tentacle">>
A sinuous thin column of flesh, snaking toward you. Quite strong and dextrous, excellent tools for the monster controlling them to overwhelm you, if you aren't careful.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="tentacled horror">>
A foul thing that does not belong in this plane of existence, having to be brought here by dark rituals, and kept here by sacrifice. The world being corrupted as it is, what might once have desired blood sacrifice to maintain its demonic energy instead feeds on less deadly, but just as dangerous sacrifices.
You don't know how many village girls, travellers, and adventuresses like yourself have been fed to this thing sexually to feed it, but you're determined not to be the next.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="granny">>
Not strictly a monster, but she's pretending to be one to help prepare you for the tough and corrupted world you will face once you leave home.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="doppleganger">>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_v].includes("cloned")>>
Since the doppleganger absorbed your essence it has taken on your physical form. It's like looking in to a mirror - except your clone's face is gasping with lust. Fighting a version of yourself that seems constantly on the verge of cumming feels very strange.
Its breasts <<breastverb "print">> on its chest as it tries to press its body against yours, and its <<hipsize "print">> do their best to grind against you sensuously.
A strange humanoid form, with feature that shift and flow in to each other, giving you the impression of many different people without ever really having enough detail to make any of them out. Whenever it reaches for you the hand and arm it reaches with seem to settle into a form very similar to your hand and arm for a moment.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="naga">>
A sinuous humanoid, standing a little taller than a human her body ripples with a snakes strength and her fangs are visible as a smile splits her mouth. You feel like it would be a REALLY bad idea to be caught up in her coils - naga's are renowned as deadly foes for the unprepared adventurer.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="bandit">>
A human, but one corrupted by the fall of the world. What makes bandits worse in a way than your usual monsters is that they used to be like you, but now are driven by dark urges to seek the same things as goblins, or orcs. Bandits tend to live outside civilisation, grouping up to help each other survive the world outside, avoiding the more deadly monsters while still finding prey among the common folk - and adventurers, if they can.
<<if $monsterlist[_v] =="thug">>
The fall of the world has affected everyone to some extent - even you don't find the idea of being kidnapped by horny monsters as awful as you feel like you should - but this man has clearly felt it more than most. He looks like he was part of the underworld before the fall, and now he just pursues unfairly earnt sex, as well as gold.
<<if $monstermodifierlist[_v] == "tough">>
This particular monster is a seasoned veteran, with a couple of obvious scars and a mean appearance. It will have more hit points than the average $monsterlist[_v] and will be harder to put down.
<<if $monstermodifierlist[_v] == "sneaky">>
This $monsterlist[_v] has eyes that dart with an unusual intelligence. It is more likely to adapt to whatever situation you find yourself in, as well as being better at attacks that inconvenience you.
<<if $monstermodifierlist[_v] == "hung">>
This specimen is unusually well endowed for a $monsterlist[_v]. A thick menacing cock dangles between its legs, swinging heavily both menacing and inviting.
<</nobr>><<print $rightside>>
<div id="picplace"></div><<set _oktofuck to 0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set _oktofuck to 1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set _oktofuck to 1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<set _oktofuck to 0>>
<<if _oktofuck==1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includesAll("wet","prone")>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] == "touch">>
<<if random(1,100) >60>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] = "fuck">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<set $desctext.push("You feel the monster's intrusive touch between your legs, as it pushes inside you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
The monster can't find room to finger you properly, as you are already full up with monster cock! It contents itself with rubbing at your clit, trying to make you cum on the other monster's cock.
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<print $desctest>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("wet")>>
It's impossible to deny your body was ready to be fingered, even if you weren't. Your wet pussy makes it easy for the monster to slide inside you, and you immediately feel waves of pleasure spreading out from where you are stretched around it.
<<set $fingerer to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _pleasure = (random(1,3))>>
You take _pleasure pleasure from the monster's attack.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure + (random(2,3))>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("fingered")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
You aren't ready for the monster to penetrate you like this, and it's easy to resist feeling too good. With a grunt, the monster gives up - for now.
You take 1 pleasure from the attention, nonetheless.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+1>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure =10>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
You did it! The defeated bodies of your erstwhile foes lie strewn about you. You wipe your brow and gather your thoughts, before you
<<link "continue with your adventure">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<set $energy to 10>>
<<set $timetriggers to []>>
<<if $submission>1>>
<<set $submission-->>
<<set $comppowerup == 0>>
<<include "victoryremoveconditions">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("naked")>>
You scavenge together some scraps of fabric and leather, and broken pieces of armour into something to at least cover your loins.
<<set $bottomcloth to ["Improvised loincloth", 1, 1, "You have an improvised loincloth wrapped around your waist. Better than nothing, but only just."]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("bottomless")>>
You scavenge together some scraps of fabric and leather, and broken pieces of armour into something to at least cover your loins.
<<set $bottomcloth to ["Improvised loincloth", 1, 1, "You have an improvised loincloth wrapped around your waist. Better than nothing, but only just."]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("topless")>>
You manage to fasten a crude bra from leather and fur that you find. Augmented with what scraps of your ruined armour you can attach to it, it at least covers your breasts from being totally exposed.
<<set $topcloth to["Crude bra", 1, 1, "You are wearing a crude bra you've fastened from various bits and pieces. It's not much protection, but it does keep nefarious hands away from your most sensitive parts, for a little while."]>>
<<set $playermoves to []>>
<<set $playermoveschance to []>>
<<set $playermovesdam to []>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm to []>>
<<set $energy = $energy -2>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster is relentless, driving into your pussy over and over, in time with your gasps and moans.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
The _monsterdesc grunts in frustration, as it is pushed aside and another monster sinks its cock into your vulnerable pussy. It finds itself unable to keep fingering you - as you are now full of a much more dangerous appendage.
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<set $pleasure=$pleasure+1>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>>set list of stuff that adds options to default
<<set _condcheck to ["grabbed","held","prone", "fingered", "being fucked", "restrained","kneeling","cumming","bound"]>>
<<for _k to 0; _k<_condcheck.length; _k++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_condcheck[_k])>>
<<set _includetext to _condcheck[_k]+"player">>
<<include _includetext>>
<<goto "Move selector">><<nobr>>
<<set $desctext.push("You realise too late that you've not managed to protect yourself in time, and the monster slides inside you, opening you up and starting to fuck you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
Sadly for the _descname, $fucker already beat him inside you, and it can only growl in frustration.
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("fingered")>>
_descname impatiently pulls $fingerer out from between your legs, only to take up that position himself.
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $fingerer to "">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("empty feeling")>>
At last! Your pussy rewards you with a shiver of pleasure as it finally gets filled again. You missed this feeling, no matter what you try to tell yourself. You take 1 pleasure, and get 1 step subbier.
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<set $submission++>>
<<set _pleasureplus = random(1,3)>>
You take _pleasureplus pleasure from the monster starting to move inside you, pushing in to you again and again.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+_pleasureplus>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("big cock lover")>>
The monster's huge cock fills you up so good, stretching you delightfully around him. It feels extra good.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+1>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("being fucked")>>
<<set $fucker to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set $fuckerpleasure to 1>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster is relentless, driving his dick into your pussy over and over, his hips meeting yours in a terrible rhythm.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<set $pleasure=$pleasure+2>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("big cock lover")>>
Being pounded by such a well hung enemy, you start to lose focus on anything except how good it feels to be taken like this. Each thrust seems to reinforce how much the monster is dominating you, and you know you're getting more submissive.
<<set $submission++>>
<<set $fuckerpleasure = $fuckerpleasure +1>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("perfect pussy")>>
Your pussy fits itself perfectly around his cock. It's an instinctive action more than an conscious one, and even if you would very much prefer it wouldn't your pussy knows how to make cocks feel really good and is happy for the chance to show off.
The monster inside you groans in surprise at the sensations, then grins at how fortunate a find you are. He will cum much more quickly than he would with an average woman.
<<set $fuckerpleasure++>>
<<print $fucker+" has a "+($fuckerpleasure*10)+"% chance to cum inside you.">>
<<linkreplace "no no no no no....">>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<print "He rolls a "+_rand>>
<<if ($fuckerpleasure*10)>=_rand>>
<<print "The monster fucking you buries himself as deep inside you as he can, and with a gasp of dismay you feel hot spurts of cum shooting from him, coating your inside.">>
<<print "He keeps fucking you, still building up toward his orgasm. You still have some time to get him out of you before it's too late.">>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<</nobr>><<if $conditionlist.includes("aftershocks")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("aftershocks")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("cumming")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("aftershocks")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("ordered")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("ordered")>>
<<if $autores <2>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Hero">>
<<if $playermovesconfirm.includesAny(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)>>
<<set $playerautorestext = []>>
<<set $playerautoresatt = []>>
<<goto "autores Hero">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</if>><<set $energy = $energy-1>><<set _escapechance = random(20,70)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("get him out of you")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>><<set _escapechance = random(20,50)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("get him out of you")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>><<nobr>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You struggle to push the monster out of your pussy, before they can make you feel too good...or something worse happens. You need to roll a "+$playermoveschance[0]+" or less to succeed.">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "You roll a "+_rand>>
<<if $playermoveschance[0]<_rand>>
<<include "get him out of youtextfail">>
<<include "get him out of youtextsucceed">>
<<include "get him out of youeffect">>
[[Keep Fighting|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<</nobr>>The monsters cheer and jeer as you feel the monster cum flowing inside you, unable to stop him cumming while still buried in your pussy.
Some monsters are very virile, others less so, but letting any of them do this to you runs the risk of being bred by them. You need to be more careful!
<<set _impreg to 40>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("womb tattoo")>>
<<print "You feel the powerful tattoo decorating your lower belly surge with power, encouraging your body to be ever ready to accept seed. you shiver in pleasure at the thought of being bred like this">>
<<set _impreg to 100>>
This monster has a _impreg chance of ending your adventuring career, and having you start a new career raising his foul offspring.
<<linkreplace "uh oh...">>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<print "He rolls a "+_rand>>
<<if _rand>_impreg>>
This time you get lucky, and the monster's seed fails to quicken inside you.
<<set $attackchancelist[0]= []>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<set $fucker to "">>
<<link "Thank the Gods!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
For a moment you dare to hope that you are still okay, but then a magical shiver throughout your body lets you know that your womb could not defend itself against the flood of monster seed. The same magic that dulls your sense of urgency and outrage, and starts to lull you into surrendering to the powerful being that conquered you like this.
<</nobr>>Your days as an adventurer are over. Although the monsters too sense that your body has accepted its conquest, they still find it necessary to pump you full of their cum, which has the dual effect of keeping you fucked and helpless while the magic slowly takes effect.
You lose track of how often you cum while they do this, and when they are done it just seems natural to stand up for them, and follow them back to their lair.
$fucker is almost tenderly possessive of you, as if he senses that you are carrying his spawn.
Perhaps you will be better at your new role than you were at fighting.
<<if $adventurename =="DF Arena Win">>
<<link "Well done, my minions!">>
<<goto "DF Arena Win">>
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bound", "restrained", "bottomless", "naked", "prone", "standard"],
choices:["strip", "order", "dominate"],
choices:["bind", "bind","strip", "dominate"],
chances:[50, 50, 60, 50]},
choices:["finger", "grab", "trip", "dominate"],
choices:["finger", "grab", "trip", "dominate","order"],
choices:["grab","grab", "strip", "dominate"],
chances: [50, 50, 45, 60]},
choices:["grab", "strip","dominate","dominate"],
chances: [50, 35, 50,50]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["cruel", "humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 4>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Goblin slavemaster Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough","hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Goblin slavemaster Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Boris", "Gronk", "Gumsnik", "Drak", "Kriknak"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Dribblebutt", "Siccum", "Knarls", "Snotface", "Tweed", "Gibbleson"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(10,20)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The slavemaster's grasp is quite firm for such a small creature, wiry strength that's obviously used to controlling adventurers.",
"The bossy little creature gets tired of you struggling, and grabs at your wrists, trying to manouver you in to some kind of hold. He's definitely trained at this, and with a clever twist of his wrist you feel his grasp on you grow more secure.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <40>>
<<set $desctext = (["The goblin slavemaster strokes at your body appreciatively, assessing how much it might fetch him when you are properly trained. The confidence and professional nature of his touch can't help but remind you of his plans for you, and you grow a little more submissive under his hands."])
<<set $submission++>>
<<set $desctext.push("The slavemaster slides his hands over your skin, encouraging you to feel good, to relax into his touch and let him pleasure you. He isn't entirely unpersuasive, even though this is happening in the middle of a battle.",
_descname+" enjoys weighing your body in his hands, finding the more yielding flesh and testing how it gives under his fingers. He snickers \"good body for soon be slave.\"")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push("The slavemaster efficiently rips long strips of armour from you, clearly used to preparing over-dressed adventuresses for the auction-block. It only takes a few moments where you don't quite defend yourself properly and you can feel your armour losing durability.",
"The slavemaster seems very familiar with the particular design of your armour. Green hands unerringly find hidden fastenings, and release them with practised ease.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="bind">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" quickly retrieves some crude looking bindings from his belt, looping them around your wrists and ankles as you struggle against the monsters holding you. Your heart sinks as he fastens them, little clicks betraying the presence of latches designed to stop you from freeing yourself.",
"Click! The slavemaster fastens crude bindings around your limbs, you writhe and buck but the monsters have you held still enough that you can't avoid them. He steps back, and you realise you can't move your wrists or ankles apart. This is really bad!")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="dominate">>
<<set $desctext.push("The slavemaster stares you in the eyes, a cruel superiority written across his face. \"No use fighting. You too weak, and we make you feel little and good. You give up soon.\". He smiles at you, and you look away, feeling some truth in his words.",
"\"Bad! Stop struggling and let us tame you. You can be little slave slut, will feel really good.\". His words are confident, and despite yourself you feel yourself leaning in to the imagery they conjure up. You're already sure that if you surrendered they could make your body feel good, even as your mind tries to resist.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="order">>
<<set $desctext.push("Seeing you grow less confident, the slavemaster decides to test if you are ready to start accepting his orders. He barks at you fiercely, testing your resolve and seeing it melting away.",
"Your immediate reaction to "+_descname+"'s shouted order is to obey! For a few moments you instinctive try to comply with whatever the little slavemaster demands...")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="finger">>
<<set $desctext.push("The goblin slavemaster decides that more pleasure will help him break down your mental defenses, and slides his fingers inside you, expertly probing to find where feels good.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push("His quick fingers working in and out of your pussy make you feel better and better, the slavemaster smiling down at you as you fail to stop him forcing pleasure on you. \"Ready to give up and be slave?\" he asks, and you aren't entirely sure the answer is entirely no anymore.")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includesAll("bound","naked")>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] == "touch">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] = "collar">>
<<if (random(1,100)<($submission*10)>>
<<for _dd to 0; _dd<$attacklist[_v].length; _dd++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_dd] == "dominate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_dd] = "order">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<40>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <50>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<</if>>setting up a goblin slavemaster
<<goto "Goblin slavemaster moves">><<nobr>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster takes advantage of the moments you are completely restrained to bind you, making it much harder to escape.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("rope bunny")>>
As the bindings fasten on to you, you feel a wave of helplessness. You fought so hard, and here you are tied again. A huge wave of submissive feelings threatens to overwhelm you.
<<set $submission to 10>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("bound")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("held")>>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("grabbed")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("grabbed")>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _escapechance = random(40,80)>>
<<set $playermoves to (["escape bonds"])>>
<<set $playermoveschance to ([_escapechance])>>
<<set $playermovesdam to ([0])>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm to ([-2])>><<nobr>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You struggle against the bonds you are tied in, needing to roll "+$playermoveschance[0]+" or less to free yourself.">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "You roll a "+_rand>>
<<if $playermoveschance[0]<_rand>>
<<include "escape bondstextfail">>
<<include "escape bondstextsucceed">>
<<include "escape bondseffect">>
[[Keep Fighting|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<</nobr>><<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
The monster pulls on your collar, clearly intending to replace it with his own. Finding that it won't come off, a brief puzzled look is slowly replaced by a sly smile.
It mutters something to itself, stroking the cursed collar gently. Then, rather than collar you, it fumbles with a latch, removing the leash from the collar it intended for you.
Then it leers forward, smiling lewdly as it clips the crude leash to your rather more ornate cursed collar.
You don't even question it when the monster holding the leash pulls, instead obediently allowing yourself to be led away.
For now this is game over.
Unable to fight back any more, you make one last token wriggle, but it doesn't matter. The monster pets you patiently until you give up moving, then snakes the leather collar around your neck, fastening it with a loud click.
It feels good.
You finally give up, the snug leather around your neck too much a symbol of submission for you to keep struggling while it grips your neck like this and your conqueror holds the leash.
You feel like it will not be removed for a long time.
For now this is game over.
<<if $adventurename =="DF Arena Win">>
<<link "Well done, my minions!">>
<<goto "DF Arena Win">>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<set $desctext to ["Meeting your gaze, the monster growls dominantly at you, posturing at the same time to try to convince you that your place is not to fight, but to serve."]>>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<set $submission++>>
<<if $submission >10>>
<<set $submission to 10>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<set $desctext = ["Barking orders at you, the monster makes it clear that it expects you to follow its demands, like a good adventuress."]>>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<set $orderslist = ["orderkneel", "orderwrists", "orderjill"]>>
<<set _orderdest = $orderslist.random()>>
<<include _orderdest>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
The monster makes it clear it expects you to kneel in front of it. You still have a chance to resist the order, depending on how submissive you have got during the fight.
<<set _resistchance to 100-($submission*($submission+2))>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("eager to please")>>
Something inside you leaps with joy at the chance to obey a harshly demanded order.
<<set _resistchance to _resistchance-10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("servile nature")>>
You don't even consider ignoring the order. Despite being in the middle of a desperate fight, a dopey smile appears on your face and you relax in to compliance.
<<set _resistchance to 0>>
<<if _resistchance <0>>
<<set _resistchance to 1>>
<<print "You have a "+_resistchance+"% chance to refuse to obey the monster">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<set _resistrand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You roll a "+_resistrand>>
<<if _resistrand>_resistchance>>
You feel yourself start to obediently kneel in front of the monster, it feels worryingly good to submit yourself to it like this.
<<link "I'll kneel for them!">>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("ordered")>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("kneeling")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("prone")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("prone")>>
The level of submission the monster is asking for is too much for you to acceed to yet. You shake your head, and continue fighting.
<<link "Hah!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
The monster tells you to offer it your wrists, so it can grab them. You still have a chance to resist the order, depending on how submissive you have got during the fight.
<<set _resistchance to 100-($submission*($submission+3))>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("eager to please")>>
Something inside you leaps with joy at the chance to obey a harshly demanded order.
<<set _resistchance to _resistchance-10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("servile nature")>>
You don't even consider ignoring the order. Despite being in the middle of a desperate fight, a dopey smile appears on your face and you relax in to compliance.
<<set _resistchance to 0>>
<<if _resistchance <0>>
<<set _resistchance to 1>>
<<print "You have a "+_resistchance+"% chance to refuse to obey the monster">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<set _resistrand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You roll a "+_resistrand>>
<<if _resistrand>_resistchance>>
You happily offer your wrists up to the monster, feeling a thrill of forbidden pleasure as it smiles menacingly and grasps them.
<<link "Here are my wrists Sir...">>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("ordered")>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _deloptions = ["grabbed","held"]>>
<<for _i to $conditionlist.length-1; _i>=0; _i-->>
<<if _deloptions.includes($conditionlist[_i])>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete($conditionlist[_i])>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bound")>>
You are already tightly bound, offering your wrists like this is symbolic only, it makes no difference to how helpless you already are.
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("restrained")>>
The level of submission the monster is asking for is too much for you to acceed to yet. You shake your head, and continue fighting.
<<link "Hah!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</linkreplace>><<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "The Lair of Grobnash">>
You have travelled for days to reach this place. A foul tear in the rock of the mountain, almost reminiscent itself of the snarling maw of some mountainous beast. Within - the guild believes - is Grobnash.
Grobnash is a rock troll, a lumbering creature of huge appetites, both in terms of the toll on local livestock and it's penchant for breaking in defeated adventuresses on its trollcock.
As a seasoned adventurer you have some idea what to expect within - there may be traps, and trolls are usually surrounded by a clan of goblins - the goblins using the troll for protection, and in exchange bringing it stolen goods and food, and flattering the massive beast with chuckling compliments.
As you approach the lair, your heart dwells for a moment on the potential fame and plaudits you will receive for defeating this beast. Also, your loins can't help anticipating the other possible outcome...
You shake your head. You can't go in to this expecting to finish it being stuffed full of trollcock until you are forced to bear Grobnash's whelps! With your jaw set stubbornly, you step across the threshold of the lair, pausing to let your eyes adjust to the darkness before starting your hunt.
<<set $conditionlist.push("stubborn")>>
[[Onward|The Lair of Grobnash]]<<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "The first steps into the darkness are marked by a change in temperature, the warm spring day outside cooling as you venture into the underground lair. For a little while the entrance wends downward darkens and narrows, before you see light ahead. You burst into a small room, finding a goblin slavemaster and his three servants in the middle of eating someone's pet dog. Yelling, you throw yourself into the fight">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
<<set $flavourtext to "The next room appears to be empty. Stepping cautiously forward, you make sure there are no foes awaiting you ahead, before sweeping your torch across the rocky walls, taking in the room. You see a typical goblin mess, broken plates strewn on the floor, and dirty straw mats where something sleeps pushed against the walls. Then your eyes move up onto a crude tapestry, that seems strangely compelling. For a moment you are unable to look away, and your eyes drink in the full detail of the tapestry, which depicts a towering mountain troll, loincloth dangling to one side of a preposterously large erection. Kneeling in front of the troll is a female adventuress, her hair held in a firm grip by a goblin shaman, who is staring straight out of the tapestry at you. As you stare at it you realise the kneeling adventurer has to be you, just from the silhoette you can tell, those are your naked breasts, that's the curve of your back as you worship the mighty troll...">>
<<goto "Trap subarousal">>
<<if $adventureprog == 3>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You are approaching the lair of the foul beast himself. You can smell Troll, thicker and thicker in these deeper passageways. Ahead of you you hear goblin voices. At least two aggressively ordering the others. Slavemasters, for sure. There have been no branches for a while - it seems to get to Grobnash, you'll have to go through these final guards.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==4>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Finally, you stalk into the lair of the beast himself. At first you think you've somehow been mistaken - the cave only has a couple of goblins crouched near the far wall. Then you realise. The wall shifts, and then stands, looming over the goblins. A wide grin cracks across the face of the troll. \"Pretty fuckthing here for Grobnash. You want kneel, or you want us make kneel?\" You don't answer, except to grip your sword tighter in your grasp, and step forward. Whichever way it goes, this will be the final battle.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["troll", "goblin slavemaster", "goblin slavemaster"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =["Grobnash"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = ["rock"]>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==5>>
You have triumphed! You sit to recover somewhat from the fight, wiping the blood from your well used blade. Drawing a small knife, you hack off Grobnash's ears, as a grisly proof that you have earnt the right to call yourself Trollslayer.
You will be a local hero, in months to come you will find it impossible to pay for a drink or a meal anywhere within 50 miles, and returning to the guild you are met with surprised jubilation! You are promoted, and given a significant stipend in tribute to your heroic actions.
At night, sometimes you touch yourself thinking about what would have happened to you deep in the mountain, if you had been a bit less strong, a bit less capable. By day though, you are a figure of strength and heroism for thousands.
Well done!
[[Back to town|Adventure's end]]
<</if>><<print $flavourtext>>
You have to spend some energy if you want to break out of this trap!
<<link "Spend 2 energy">>
<<set $energy = $energy -2>>
<<replace #choices>>
You aren't so worried about the effects the trap is having on you.
<<set _trapeffect = random(2,4)>>
You take _trapeffect submission and pleasure as your mind struggles to resist the effects.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+_trapeffect>>
<<set $submission = $submission +_trapeffect>>
<<link "I look so good, kneeling like that for him">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Spend 3 energy">>
<<set $energy = $energy -3>>
<<replace #choices>>
You make a conscious effort to pull away from the trap.
<<set _trapeffect = random(1,3)>>
You take _trapeffect submission and pleasure as your mind struggles to resist the effects.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+_trapeffect>>
<<set $submission = $submission +_trapeffect>>
<<link "Nnnoooo....that can't be me...can it?">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Spend 4 energy">>
<<set $energy = $energy -4>>
<<replace #choices>>
You focus really hard on avoiding the effects of the trap.
<<set _trapeffect = random(1,2)>>
You take _trapeffect submission and pleasure as your mind struggles to resist the effects.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+_trapeffect>>
<<set $submission = $submission +_trapeffect>>
<<link "That isn't me - this is foul goblin magic.">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Spend 5 energy">>
<<set $energy = $energy -5>>
<<replace #choices>>
You put everything in to defeating the trap, sweat breaking out on your brow as you concentrate on protecting your mind from its effects.
You completely deny the trap, it has no effects on you.
<<link "Pfff...talentless goblin scum.">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
@@<<print $flavourtext>>
[[Draw Steel!|Monstersetupstart]]
<<set $monstercounter = 0>>
<<set $monsterhp to []>>
<<set $desctext = []>>
<<set $monstermoves to []>>
<<set $monstertraitlist to []>>
<<set $monsterlootlist to []>>
<<set $combattimer to 0>>
<<set $cumcount to 0>>
<<set $addmoninhib to 0>><<goto $returnpassage>><<set _escapechance = random(25,60)>>
<<set $playermoves.push("stop kneeling")>>
<<set $playermoveschance.push(_escapechance)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.push(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.push(-2)>>
<<for _kn to 0; _kn < $playermoves.length; _kn++>>
<<if $playermovesdam[_kn] >0>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_kn] to -3>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You attempt to force yourself to stop kneeling for the monsters, needing to roll "+$playermoveschance[0]+" or less to succeed.">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<print "You roll a "+_rand>>
<<if $playermoveschance[0]<_rand>>
<<include "stop kneelingtextfail">>
<<include "stop kneelingtextsucceed">>
<<include "stop kneelingeffect">>
[[Keep Fighting|Resolution Passage Hero]]
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<</linkreplace>>setting up a troll
<<goto "Troll moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
choices:["fuck", "grab", "touch","regenerate"],
choices:["grab", "strip","touch","regenerate"],
chances: [80, 80, 30,100]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["bigcock","humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 10>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Troll Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough","rock"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Troll Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Gorefist", "Mawtooth", "Fallgrim", "Pusbelly", "Raggleclaw"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["the Hungry", "the Ravenous", "the Famished", "the Devourer", "Maidenbreaker"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(30,50)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The troll's huge hand closes around your thigh. He has a devastatingly strong grip, the moment his fingers close you are much more controlled by the monsters.",
"The troll's fingers are long enough to form a belt around your waist, meeting each other as his hand grabs on to you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" does not need finesse to remove your armour - he is strong enough to rend it apart with clumsy might, the metal bending and yielding, leather and fabric parting easily.",
"The troll grabs your garments in both hands and pulls them apart. Fastenings fly off with popping tearing sounds, and you aren't sure your armour can stand up to much more of this terrible strength.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("Clumsy troll hands paw at your body, a moments respite from the assault of this massive monster, although you can still feel the power kept somewhat in check as he squeezes and massages you with those giant hands.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push("The troll lifts you bodily with one hand around your waist, and slides you slowly on to his powerful cock. It stretches you as it sinks slowly in, the mix of sensations almost overwhelming.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext = ["Using one giant hand around your waist, the troll fucks you up and down on his shaft, grunting deep gutteral moans as he uses you to pleasure himself. Feeling him so deeply inside you while he moves your whole body over his shaft affects your mind as well, it is very hard not to feel submissive to the monster completely controlling and fucking you like this."]>>
<<set $submission++>>
<</nobr>><<if $monsterhp[_v] >8>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] =="regenerate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] ="grab">>
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <10>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster backs off for a second, and when you don't manage to pressure it you see its wounds knit together again, closing up as its monstrous flesh heals itself.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length] to $monsterhp[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length]+3>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Damn It, how am I supposed to kill this thing?!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<if $attackchancelist.length == 0>>
<<if $autorestext == []>>
<<goto "attacksover">>
<<goto "printlastmisses">>
<<elseif $attackchancelist[0].length ==0>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<elseif $attackchancelist[0][0] ==0>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _namefinder to $monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length>>
<<set _roll to random(1,100)>>
<<if $attackchancelist[0][0]>_roll>>
<<set $autoreshitroll to _roll>>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 2">>
<<set $autorestext.push($monsternamelist[_namefinder]+" tries to "+$attacklist[0][0]+" you, needing to roll under "+$attackchancelist[0][0]+" to hit. It rolls a "+_roll+", and misses.")>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$autorestext.length;_i++>>
<<print $autorestext[_i]>>
<<set _namefinder to $monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length>>
<<print $monsternamelist[_namefinder]+" tries to "+$attacklist[0][0]+" you, needing to roll under "+$attackchancelist[0][0]+" to hit.">>
<<print "He rolls a "+$autoreshitroll+", and hits!">>
<<link "Damn!">>
<<goto $attacklist[0][0]>>
<<set $autorestext = []>><<for _i to 0; _i<$autorestext.length;_i++>>
<<print $autorestext[_i]>>
The monsters have finished their attacks for this turn
<<link "Phew">>
<<goto "attacksover">>
<</link>><<set _didmonswitch to 0>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("big cock lover")>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$monsterlist.length; _i++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_i]==$fucker>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_i].includes("bigcock")>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <100>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getbigcocklover">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("dawning perversion")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("dark yearnings")>>
<<if $pleasure >8>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand<20>>
<<set _humanoid to 0>>
<<for _h to 0; _h<$monsterlist.length; _h++>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_h].includes("humanoid")>>
<<set _humanoid to 1>>
<<if _humanoid >0>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getdarkyearnings">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("dawning perversion")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<if $pleasure>7>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$monsterlist.length; _i++>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_i] ==$fucker>>
<<if _rand < 20>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_i].includes("humanoid")>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getdawningperversion">>
<<else if $monstertraitlist[_i].includes("monster")>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getdawningperversion">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("helpless exhibitionist")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("exhibitionist")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <30>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "gethelplessexhibitionist">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("helpless exhibitionist")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("exhibitionist")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <30>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getexhibitionist">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("thrill of restraints")>>
<<if $pleasure >5>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <10>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getthrillofrestraints">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("rope bunny")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("thrill of restraints")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bound")>>
<<if $pleasure >5>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <50>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getropebunny">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("servile nature")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("eager to please")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("ordered")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getservilenature">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("servile nature")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("eager to please")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("ordered")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cumming")>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "geteagertoplease">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("dawning realisation")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("slutty nature")>>
<<if $pleasure ==10>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <20>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getsluttynature">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("dawning realisation")>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("slutty nature")>>
<<if $pleasure ==10>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <25>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getdawning">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("empty feeling")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<if $pleasure>7>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <15>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getemptyfeeling">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("sensitive breasts")>>
<<if $pleasure >8>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand<10>>
<<set _didmonswitch to 1>>
<<goto "getsensitivebreasts">>
<<if _didmonswitch == 0>>
<<goto "Conditions switching">>
<</if>><<print $fucker+" smiles as he fucks you on his almost too-large cock. You look back into his monstrous eyes, the feeling of being stretched around the massive organ of the "+$montype+" growing better and better.">>
You can't help it, your body giving up against the waves of pleasure, and starting to cum around his thrusting cock. You can feel the contractions deep inside you, stronger than usual as your pussy squeezes itself against the large, almost unyielding intruder.
That only pushes you into more pleasure, the feeling of being so helplessly full, so satisfied leaving your mouth hanging open in a long moan.
Even as you slowly stop shaking, struggling to catch your breath and focus against the pleasure that still rolls through you, you can tell that this has affected you. You're already feeling a dazed sense of satisfaction and pride. It seems like you'll never lose this lust for well-hung partners!
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("big cock lover")>>
[[I love feeling so full|Conditions switching]]setting up a possessed
<<goto "Possessed moves">>The monster guides your hand between your legs, placing your fingers against your clit, and encouraging you to pleasure yourself for him.
<<set _resistchance to 100-($submission*($submission+2))>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("eager to please")>>
Something inside you leaps with joy at the chance to obey a harshly demanded order.
<<set _resistchance to _resistchance-10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("servile nature")>>
You don't even consider ignoring the order. Despite being in the middle of a desperate fight, a dopey smile appears on your face and you relax in to compliance.
<<set _resistchance to 0>>
<<if _resistchance <0>>
<<set _resistchance to 1>>
<<print "You have a "+_resistchance+"% chance to refuse to obey the monster">>
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<set _resistrand to random(1,100)>>
<<print "You roll a "+_resistrand>>
<<if _resistrand>_resistchance>>
He moves your hand for you, for a couple of strokes, and as he moves his hand away you keep stroking yourself, fingers rubbing over your sensitive clit, pleasuring yourself for the monsters.
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure +3>>
<<if $pleasure >10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<link "They're making me fuck myself!">>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("ordered")>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
No! Of course you won't rub yourself for them! As soon as the monster lets go you pull your hand away from between your legs, refusing his order.
<<link "Hah!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster focuses on your companion, and you aren't able to protect her from its attentions.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $companionhp=$companionhp-1>>
<<if $comppowerup == 1>>
<<print "Your companion loses focus, powering up was for nothing!">>
<<set $comppowerup = 0>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<set _outlink = "Poor "+ $companionname>>
<<link _outlink>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _ctraininhib to 0>>
<<set $desctext.push("Your companion has been overwhelmed by the monsters, and helplessly accepts their attention while you are distracted elsewhere in the fight...")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<if $comptrained <3>>
<<set _compbad to ["comptrain"]>>
<<set _somerestrain to 0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<set _somerestrain++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
<<set _somerestrain++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bound")>>
<<set _somerestrain++>>
<<if _somerestrain>0>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("bottomless")>>
<<set _compbad.push("compforcelick")>>
<<set _compbad.push("compforcekiss")>>
<<set _ctraininhib to 1>>
<<goto "compgivesup">>
<<set _randomcompdom to _compbad.random()>>
<<goto _randomcompdom>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<if $companionhp > 0>>
<<goto "Companion okay">>
<<goto "Companion struggling">>
<</if>>While you are distracted elsewhere, the monster concentrates on training $companionname with a mix of pleasure and commands. She doesn't resist as it slides a limb around her neck, while the other toys with her body, insisting that she feels good, and moving her around to get her used to obeying instructions.
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <50>>
<<set $comptrained to $comptrained+1>>
You see her nod softly, starting to accept how it feels to be made into their toy.
<<set _outlink = "Poor "+ $companionname>>
<<link _outlink>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
Now that they have her reluctantly complying with their orders, the monsters guide $companionname over to where you are restrained. They hold her face close to yours, and although you turn your head aside the first couple of times, eventually they manage to hold you still enough that $companionname can press her lips against yours.
She relaxes into the kiss, trembling slightly as the monsters do something to her body out of your sight. Her tongue parts your lips, and darts in to slide over yours.
You hear appreciative noises from the monsters as the two of you are forced to kiss. Your companion is lost in the kiss, and her enthusiasm feels really good, even though you eventually manage to break away.
<<set $pleasure++>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <50>>
<<set $comptrained to $comptrained+1>>
As you pull away from her, you see her eyes are kind of unfocused, and she makes no attempt to pull away, instead turning to the monsters to see what they want from her next.
<<set _outlink = "Poor "+ $companionname>>
<<link _outlink>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
$companionname looks helplessly at you, as the monsters keep forcing her to obey their commands. She's been looking more and more like they are overcoming her, and this time it seems like she's run out of resistance.
There's a shift you notice, as she goes from reluctantly obeying their instructions, to giving in and acting how they want without them needing to prompt her.
<<set $conditionlist.delete("companion")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("corruptcompanion")>>
<<set $companiontype to "Pet">>
You realise that her career as an adventurer is ending right now, her will broken by the monsters. Perhaps you can still send her home when you defeat them, but she won't be fit to face combat again.
<<set _randmonst to $monsternamelist.random()>>
She eagerly strokes _randmonst, even encouraging him to dominate her more. He responds by fondly patting her ass, before turning his attentions back to you.
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<set _linktext to $companionname+" is their pet now.">>
<<link _linktext>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</if>>Restricted in your movement, it isn't too difficult for the monsters to hold you still enough while they move an obedient $companionname between your legs.
You feel her breath on your pussy, before the monster firmly guides her face forward, and her lips press against your soft flesh. She doesn't listen to your protests, and you feel tentative little laps between your legs as she starts to pleasure you.
She obviously isn't super experienced, but at the monster's urging she sets about pleasuring you, lashing your clit with long strokes of her little tongue.
Despite yourself, you feel your body respond eagerly to the attention your now-submissive companion is lavishing on you. It feels really good, and you can barely stop yourself humping her face.
<<set _randpleasure = random(2,4)>>
<<set $pleasure=$pleasure+_randpleasure>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<include "aphrodisiac effects">>
<<set _rand to random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand <50>>
<<set $comptrained to $comptrained+1>>
Eventually the monsters have to pull her back, her face wet with your juices. Your heart sinks as you realise she wasn't making any attempt to resist even when they weren't holding her against you...
<<set _outlink = "Poor "+ $companionname>>
<<link _outlink>>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<set _compattpassage = $companiontype+" attacks">>
<<include _compattpassage>>
<<set $compattack to random(1,3)>>
<<if $comppowerup == 1>>
<<set _targ to random(0,$monsterlist.length-1)>>
<<set _targname = $monsternamelist[_targ]>>
Having drawn in power from around herself, $companionname reaches out a hand toward _targname. The swirling hot wind spirals in toward her hand, and then lashes out, the air glowing and distorting as she throws terrible heat directly into the monster. The monster takes 4hp of damage!
<<set $monsterhp[_targ] = $monsterhp[_targ] -4>>
<<if $monsterhp[_targ] <1>>
<<print $monsternamelist[_targ]+" is overwhelmed by the flames, and falls into a smoking ruin on the floor.">>
<<if $monsternamelist[_targ] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_targ] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<print "The defeated monster drops "+$monsterlootlist[_targ]+" gold pieces of loot.">>
<<set $gold = $gold + $monsterlootlist[_targ]>>
<<set _deldependants to 0>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_targ].includes("parent")>>
<<set _deldependants to 1>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_targ)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if _deldependants==1>>
<<for _del to $monsterlist.length-1; _del>=0; _del-->>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_del].includes("child")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<set $comppowerup = 0>>
<<switch $compattack>>
<<case 1>>
$companionname lashs out with her hands, sending bolts of fire searing into the ranks of monsters. You can feel the backwash of heat - the creatures impacted by the bolts clearly feel a lot more, staggering backward with several still-smoking circles on their bodies showing exactly where the fire mage struck them.
(Three bolts do one damage each.)
<<for _i to 0; _i<3; _i++>>
<<set _targ to random(0,$monsterlist.length-1)>>
<<print $monsternamelist[_targ]+" is seared by bolts of flame">>
<<set $monsterhp[_targ] = $monsterhp[_targ]-1>>
<<for _j to $monsternamelist.length; _j>=0; _j-->>
<<if $monsterhp[_j]<1>>
<<print $monsternamelist[_j]+" can't take any more damage, and collapses.">>
<<if $monsternamelist[_j] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_j] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<print "The defeated monster drops "+$monsterlootlist[_j]+" gold pieces of loot.">>
<<set $gold = $gold + $monsterlootlist[_j]>>
<<set _deldependants to 0>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_j].includes("parent")>>
<<set _deldependants to 1>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if _deldependants==1>>
<<for _del to $monsterlist.length-1; _del>=0; _del-->>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_del].includes("child")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<case 2>>
<<set _monname to $monsternamelist.random()>>
$companionname mutters arcane syllables under her breath, and you smell smoke and sulphur as your weapon is suddenly wreathed in flames. _monname recoils back as the flames sizzle out, licking towards your enemies almost like they are intelligent and hungry to burn.
<<set $conditionlist.push("flaming weapon")>>
<<case 3>>
With a rising yell, you feel a sirrocco wind swirl around the battle, the heat as intense as if you were at too close to a campfire. $companionname is at the eye of the storm, her eyes beginning to glow red as she charges power.
<<set $comppowerup to 1>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length==0>>
[[Take that!!|Player Options Builder]]
<<set $monsterlist = ["troll"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =["Grobnash"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = ["rock"]>>
<<set $pleasure to 0>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">><<set $attackflavour to "Your weapon smashes into the monster with a crunch, sending it reeling backward as well as damaging it">>
<<set $attackstuns to 1>>
<<goto "generic attack">>Your mind starts to go blank as the monsters pleasure you. You're completely naked, exposed for them to look at, and they all look so hungry as they stare at your body...
You aren't sure how much it's the embarassment and how much it's the coming orgasm that are making your skin flush. The feelings merge together, and although you don't like being exposed like this, you can no longer deny that you love it.
It's so terrible having your body shown off like this, on display for them while they enjoy it how they like! It feels so helpless and also so fucking hot.
As the pleasure pushes you in to climax, those feelings get even stronger, and you cum really hard thinking about how intently they are watching you.
<<set $conditionlist.push("exhibitionist")>>
[[They're showing me off! It's embarassing!|Conditions switching]]You are in the bustling market square, people milling about between several stalls and the surrounding shops. It's a whirlwind of colours and smells, the diverse residents enjoying their lives seemingly unaware of the growing threat to the realm.
There are several interesting buildings you might want to visit. In the market square there are some amazing stalls, but the one that grabs you by the nose is Hotpots and Happiness - a long standing market stall run by a fat elf woman called Loreila. Despite the name (and she does sell hotpots), they are more famous for their pies. Garrick's Blades is a well known blacksmith, offering a selection of weapons and armour. There are other blacksmiths in town, but all the adventurers patronise Garrick - he has a reputation for craftmanship. Finally the Badly Greased Goblin is a notorious drinking hole, where all sorts of folk mingle and drink.
Head North to the [[Palace District]]
Head West to the [[Harbour District]]
Check out [[Garrick's Blades]]
Find your way into the [[Badly Greased Goblin]]
Visit the market stall called [[Hotpots and Happiness]]
Leave on a quest via the [[City Gates]]
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
You could say goodbye to your companion, wishing her luck and continueing with your adventures alone.
<<link "Bid my companion farewell">>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("companion")>>
<<set $companionname to "">>
<<set $compantiontype to "">>
<<set $companionhp to 0>>
<<set $comptrained to 0>>
<<set $comppowerup to 0>>
<<replace "#compremove">> Your companion thanks you for the time you had together, and disappears into the Market crowds. <</replace>>
@@The Palace District is upmarket, and dominated by the spires of the royal palace at the north of the district. The houses here are very well built, and decorated with stone-carved art. The main point of interest here, apart from the palace, is the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild. In happier days the guild was a small converted house in a less well off area of town, but these days the successes of the guild in protecting the realm from incursions persuaded the queen to have a large building erected specifically for the guild, right next to the palace.
The Adventurer's guild is where you might find information about where your skills can be useful in fighting back the monsters.
Visit the [[Royal Palace]]
Check in at the [[Adventurer's Guild|pre Adventurer's Guild]]
Head south to the [[Market Square]] Garrick greets you with a gruff, mumbled hello. The smithy is always warm, and drops of sweat have carved white channels into the sooty black of his face. He looks you up and down - you have the impression that he's more interested in your gear than in your body, which is unusual these days.
<<if $topcloth[1]<$undamtop[1]>>
<<if $topcloth[1]==0>>
<<set _repaircost to Math.round($undamtop[5]/5)>>
<<set _repaircost to Math.round($undamtop[5]/5)>>
<<print "\"I could repair your $undamtop[0] if you want. It'll cost you "+ _repaircost +" gold.\"">>
<<set _reptoplink to "Repair "+$undamtop[0]>>
<<link _reptoplink>>
<<if _repaircost>$gold>>
Dialog.setup();"Garrick mutters at you, explaining you can't afford those repairs right now.");;
<<set $gold = $gold-_repaircost>>
<<set $topcloth = $undamtop>>
<<goto "Garrick's Blades">>
<<if $bottomcloth[1]<$undambot[1]>>
<<if $bottomcloth[1]==0>>
<<set _repaircost2 to Math.round($undambot[5]/5)>>
<<set _repaircost2 to Math.round($undambot[5]/5)>>
<<print "\"I could repair your $undambot[0] if you want. It'll cost you "+ _repaircost2 +" gold.\"">>
<<set _repbotlink to "Repair "+$undambot[0]>>
<<link _repbotlink>>
<<if _repaircost2>$gold>>
Dialog.setup();"Garrick mutters at you, explaining you can't afford those repairs right now.");;
<<set $gold = $gold-_repaircost2>>
<<set $bottomcloth = $undambot>>
<<goto "Garrick's Blades">>
After greeting you, he goes back to hammering out an exotic looking curved blade, letting you browse the shop and select whatever weapon you are interested in.
<<for _i to 0; _i < $weaponshop.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _weplink to $weaponshop[_i][0]>>
<<link _weplink>>
<<if $weaponshop[_i][6]>$gold>>
Dialog.setup();"Garrick mutters at you, to stop touching things you can't afford");;
<<set $gold = $gold-$weaponshop[_i][6]>>
<<set $weapon = $weaponshop[_i]>>
<<set $weaponshop.deleteAt(_i)>>
<<goto "Garrick's Blades">>
<<link "(more info)">>
<<print $weaponshop[_i][6]+" gold pieces">>
<<print $weaponshop[_i][5]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $armourshop.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<set _armlink to $armourshop[_i][0]>>
<<link _armlink>>
<<if $armourshop[_i][5]>$gold>>
Dialog.setup();"Garrick mutters at you, to stop touching things you can't afford");;
<<set $gold = $gold-$armourshop[_i][5]>>
<<if $armourshop[_i][4] == "top">>
<<set $topcloth to $armourshop[_i]>>
<<set $undamtop to $armourshop[_i]>>
<<if $armourshop[_i][4] == "bottom">>
<<set $bottomcloth to $armourshop[_i]>>
<<set $undambot to $armourshop[_i]>>
<<set $armourshop.deleteAt(_i)>>
<<goto "Garrick's Blades">>
<<link "(more info)">>
<<print $armourshop[_i][5]+" gold pieces">>
<<print $armourshop[_i][3]>>
[[leave the shop|Market Square]]The crowds around The Badly Greased Goblin are even thicker than in the market square, as despite smelling much like its namesake the inn has a rowdy but fun atmosphere, and (apart from the very refined and snobby) a broad cross section of the city meets here.
There's rowdy laughing and beer glasses clanking. The pub gave up on tables a long time ago, so most folk are standing - although a few sit backs to the wall, probably because they lost their legs to beer earlier this morning.
Milling around for a bit, you talk to a bunch of folk about town gossip, someone buys you a beer "for your service" (although you half suspect more to try to talk you in to bed).
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
It's a great place to meet folk, and you have the chance to pick up a companion to accompany you on your adventures. At the moment you could recruit:
<<link "Mara the Fire Mage">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("companion")>>
<<set $companionname to "Mara">>
<<set $companiontype to "Fire Mage">>
<<set $companionhp to 3>>
<<set $comptrained to 0>>
<<set $comppowerup to 0>>
<<goto "newcompanion">>
After a while in the inn, you spill outside into the [[Market Square]], blinking your eyes as you get used to the sunlight in contrast to the dim and beery atmosphere inside.<<if $citydanger == 0>>
She beams her usual smile at you, and before you have a chance to really say hello pushes a small steaming packet of pastry into your hand.
"Here love, try this, fresh this morning!"
The package bursts in your mouth, and hot gravy floods your mouth, peppery and savoury...really good.
Loreila grins at you as you savour the little pastry, for a moment ignoring the crowds thronging around the stall.
"Good huh? It's my new recipe for the filling!"
You can't help but nod in agreement as Loreila wipes a couple of crumbs from your face with a napkin.
After giving you a brief tour of her stall, you can't help but feel happy about the friendly piewoman and her market stall.
[[Market Square]]
<<if $citydanger ==1>>
[[Loreila|Loreilahead]] smiles broadly at you as you approach. "Hey love! Got some great pies here for you if you want to try some!"
Of course you want to try some! Loreila offers you a slice of a fat pork pie, still hot from the oven. It takes a moment not to burn your fingers, but then you stuff it into your mouth, savouring her expertise.
She offers you a napkin, and another big smile.
[[Market Square]]
<<if $citydanger ==2>>
[[Loreila|Loreilahead]] almost manages to hide the worry behind a slightly shakey version of her trademark grin. "Hey Love."
She reaches beneath her stall, and picks out something. It's a pie - a little less grey looking than the ones she has laid on display.
"Here love, I saved this for you - it's got the last of the real meat I could find. These ones are rat." she scowls at the idea.
"Hard times we're in at the moment hey? We'll pull through though." Almost like she's convincing herself, rather than you.
[[Market Square]]
<<if $citydanger ==3>>
Loreila's stall is closed, wooden boards covering the front of the stall. There's no one here, and no sign where she might have gone.
[[Market Square]]
<<if $chosenadventure == "">>
The guards at the gate greet you with friendly smiles, and ask you about your next adventure. That makes you realise you should probably decide on an adventure before you leave the safety of the city.
[[Market Square]]
[[Just go looking for trouble]]
<<elseif $adventuretraits.includes("city")>>
You realise at the gate that this quest starts within the city - leaving the walls isn't necessary or helpful at this point!
Return to the [[Market Square]]
You step through the gates, the guards opening them for you and wishing you well. You'll have to walk a little way to get to your adventure, but a few days in the beautiful countryside outside the city will be a pleasant treat, before the danger that awaits you.
<<link "Onwards!">>
<<goto $chosenadventure>>
As you approach the palace, a large guard in fancy colours blocks your way.
"Where are you going lass?" He asks.
"Oh, nonono. You can't just waltz in here and visit the queen! Who do you think you are? The head of the adventuring guild? Get away with you."
When you don't immediately leave, he continues.
"Come back when you're more advanced in your career. Right now it's far too early to access the palace"
Oh well. Only one thing to do - back to the [[Palace District]] In the adventurer's guild you can see [[Laurel|Laurelhead]], sat behind the desk.
<<include "Laureldesc">>
[[Hamtier|Hamtierhead]], a loud bossy barbarian is sat with some juniors, laughing crudely.
You peruse the noticeboard at the adventurer's guild, looking for jobs.
<<capture _i>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$adventurelist.length; _i++>>
<<link $adventurelist[_i]>>
<<set $chosenadventure = "Adventure setup - "+$adventurelist[_i]>>
Dialog.setup();"You walk over to the registration desk and inform Laurel that you are going to take on that assignment. She writes your name in the book, and has you scrawl a mark. There's still time to choose a different mission if you're prefer, or you can leave the guild and prepare for your adventure.");;
<<set _adventuredesc = "Adventuredesc - "+$adventurelist[_i]>>
<<include _adventuredesc>>
<<set $exploreflavour to ["caveexplore", "fortexplore"].random()>>
<<switch $exploreflavour>>
<<case "caveexplore">>
<<set _duntype to "cave">>
<<case "fortexplore">>
<<set _duntype to "fort">>
<<set _dunsize to "small">>
<<include "namethatdungeon">>
<<print "There's also a notice that a small dungeon has been discovered. It's called "+$dungeonname+" and it lies a short distance to the "+["east", "north","south","west"].random()>>
<<print "It's urgent, you'll have to head there straightaway if you choose to take on this adventure.">>
<<link "I'll go there immediately">>
<<goto "makesmalldungeon">>
[[Leave the Guild|Palace District]]<<print $companionname+" is looking for a chance to contribute in the struggle, and also for some adventure. After a couple of drinks together, you reckon that she wouldn't be unbearable to spend campfire time with, and that she has the skills to be a useful companion against the monsters, so you agree to let her join you. She looks excited to help you against the monsters.">>
<<print "devnote: Mara is here to develop companions in the game - In the future companions will be more detailed, and varied companions will be available. You'll also have to earn them - either with gold or by completing special quests. For now, enjoy Mara!">>
Head back to the [[Market Square]] <<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "Goblin Raiders">>
You travel out about a day from the capital, easy walking along the main roads. Staying overnight at a cute little country inn, you set off the next day along the trade road rumoured to have been targetted by this gang of goblin raiders.
The rosey dawn still colours some of the sky pink as you set off to patrol the road, and see what you find.
[[A nice day for a walk!|Goblin Raiders]]<<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "The first hours of patrol are quiet - you pass a couple of merchants, and neither of them report anything unusual along the road. It looks a bit like this might be a fools errand, until your sharp eyes spot a lone goblin hiding behind a tree. You pretend not to see him until you are just a few steps away, to make sure he can't run, and then you pounce!">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Having defeated the lone goblin rather easily, you search the area close to where you found him. Sure enough, you find a small stash of plundered goods hidden in a thicker patch of trees. Nearby there are the cold remains of a camp fire. You wait for a while, and sure enough several monsters emerge from the undergrowth. They start fussing around the camp, preparing to restart the campfire and cook what looks like a couple of squirrels and a toad.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("ambush")>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==3>>
<<set $flavourtext to "With your foes strewn around the campfire, it looks like you are victorious! You carefully gather the stolen goods, and stash them more carefully, making a note of the position so you can send someone with the capacity to carry the goods. Then you're faced with a choice - if these were the last of the goblins, you could head back to town, considering your quest complete. On the other hand if you want to be more thorough, you could patrol through the night - although it might be more dangerous...">>
<<set $adventurechoices to ["head back to town", "patrol through the night"]>>
<<goto "adventurechoices">>
<<if $adventureprog ==4>>
<<set $flavourtext to "The night is dark, and full of terrors...even in this relatively civilised area, you know it isn't safe to be abroad in the dark hours. You move as quietly as you can, trying to make sure you are aware of anyone or anything before they are aware of you. The two goblins clearly had the same idea, as none of you had any idea the others were there before you are almost in swords-reach of each other!">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin slavemaster"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==5>>
The two slavemasters defeated, you search their bodies. Some loose change, a rat, a few crude collars, clearly meant for adventuresses less capable than you...and two sheets of paper, scrawled words in a neat hand. You can't read them in the dark of night, but as dawn breaks you read through them on your way back to the city. They are orders - one set for these slavemasters, to lead a gang in disrupting trade. The others are in some kind of code- the kind of thing the guild will be very eager to see.
After a tired but relaxing journey back to the city, you find yourself at your [[Adventure's end]]
<</if>><<print $flavourtext>>
<<capture _link>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$adventurechoices.length; _i++>>
<<set _link = $adventurename +" "+ $adventurechoices[_i]>>
<<link $adventurechoices[_i]>>
<<goto _link>>
<</capture>>You head back to town, with the vague suspicion that you left something unfinished, back there in the woods. Still, the haul of loot that you found and returned to the merchants, and the dead goblins all let you claim a victory, and the guild is pleased with you.
[[Yay?|Update Town]] You decide to make sure you have really dealt with the threat. After a quick meal, during which you watch the sun dip down below the tops of the trees, you set off into the gathering dusk, patrolling along near the road, alert and watchful.
[[Slow, quiet, focussed...|Goblin Raiders]]You arrive back at the capital, weary but happy, and pass through the city gates into the [[Market Square|Update Town]]
<<for _adend to 0; _adend <$finishquesteffects.length; _adend++>>
<<include $finishquesteffects[_adend]>>
<<set $finishquesteffects to []>>
<<if not $adventurename == "dungeoncore">>
<<set $adventurelist.delete($adventurename)>>
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
choices:["grab", "strip","strip"],
chances: [50,60,60]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["human"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 5>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Possessed Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough"]>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Possessed Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Derek", "Robert", "Thwain", "Gerald", "Harry", "Yelwin"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Oak", "Strongarm", "the Blacksmith", "Smith", "Cooper","Potter"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = 0>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The possessed's hand grabs at you, catching you almost by accident. The grip is clumsy, but surprisingly strong.",
"Unthinking hands clutch at you almost like zombies, eventually finding some sort of grip and pulling you toward them, restricting your movement.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push("Following their primitive orders "+_descname+" grabs and tears at your clothes. Many of their attempts yank at solid pieces, or slide off harmlessly, but their assault is relentless, and you eventually feel your clothes give way.",
"With singleminded (perhaps even half-minded) purpose, the possessed rips, tears, and pulls at your armour, bending it and tearing it trying to render you naked.")>>
<</nobr>><<if ($monsterlist.length - $monsterlist.count("possessed"))==0>>
<<set $attacklist[_v] = ["crumble"]>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v] = [100]>>
<</if>><<set $buildmonstertraits.push("bigcock")>>
<<goto $returnpassage>> <<print $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length]+" loses focus without someone to direct it, and collapses.">>
<<if $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set _delat to $monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<link "Well that was easy!">>
<<goto "Victorycheck">>
<</link>>setting up a cultist
<<goto "Cultist moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
choices:["grab", "strip","strip","trip"],
chances: [50,60,60,40]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["human"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 4>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Cultist Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Cultist Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Derek", "Robert", "Thwain", "Gerald", "Harry", "Yelwyn"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Oak", "Strongarm", "the Blacksmith", "Smith", "Cooper","Potter"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(2,8)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cultist grabs at you, slowing down your movement - you realise that restraining victims is a key skill in his line of work, and although you aren't a meek and quiet sacrifice, his grip is confident and strong.",
"Grabbing at you, the cultist shouts that you should stop struggling and make it easy on yourself. His words don't have much effect on you, but the sure grip he finds on your body does.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" does his best to strip you, trying to find the fastenings of your armour, and tearing in frustration where he can't simply unfasten. He seems very eager - even more than most monsters - to see you rendered naked for him.",
"The cultist's smile grows bigger as he removes more of your clothing. \"soon...soon...\" he mutters, almost to himself, or some unseen watcher, rather than to you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cultist's touch is strangely perfunctory, almost like he's following a weird script. His hands move over you, from sensitive spot to sensitive spot, stroking, caressing, then pinching. Despite the robotic movements, you can still feel yourself responding.",
"The cultists grabs and squeezes at you, trying to turn you on - perhaps to distract you and make you more pliable to whatever fate he intends you to have?")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="transform">>
<<set $desctext.push("Given a moment stepped back from the melee, "+_descname+" throws his head back, and howls. It's a horrible sound that makes your skin crawl, and seems to reach between worlds, pulling something through that completely replaces the looks at you with vicious hunger.",
"You are unable to stop the cultist finding a moment to utter some forbidden phrases in a weird language, and in moments you see his eyes go blank, then burn with an unworldly vigour as some dark thing takes over his body like a puppet.")
<</nobr>><<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <30>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster howls a strange and terrible cry, as something shifts within him. His flesh warps, and you see something else looking out from behind empty eyes, as he lunges for you with renewed vigour.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set _monadd to ($monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length)>>
<<set $monsterlist[_monadd] to "transformed">>
<<set $monsterhp[_monadd] to $monsterhp[_monadd]+3>>
<<set _buildtransformedmoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
chances: [60]}
<<set $monstermoves[_monadd] to _buildtransformedmoves>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<set $nextadventureprog =1>>
<<set $adventurename = "A Strange Affliction">>
The village of Gleehaven looks cosy and picturesque as you walk down from Arborvale hills. Nestled in the green valley it's as beautiful as any village you've seen. It seems strange that evil could have extended it's foul tentacles into the heart of this community.
Still, something is a little off - in the evening you'd expect to see folks finishing their errands, coming home from the fields, and making their way to the local hostelry to spend the evening laughing and drinking ale. Instead there are a couple of sullen looking farmers trudging home, and otherwise empty streets.
[[Onward|A Strange Affliction]]
<<set $adventureprog to $nextadventureprog>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You walk in to the village, noticing a couple of curtains twitching, hearing the rattle of someone checking their door is locked. Something is definitely amiss. There are two places you could go to investigate what's happening. There is still light and laughter swelling from the village inn - the Hogs Rest - seemingly untouched by whatever troubles the rest of the village. Or you could head directly to the church - reportedly the hotspot of the problems - and try to find whatever is causing the problem directly.">>
<<goto "ASA - dec1">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You decide to head to the Hogs Rest. The door is open, and you are welcoming by a hubbub of chatter and laughing that you've heard in a whole bunch of inns and hostelries before. A variety of villagers are sat at trestle tables or stood at the bar, drinking and chatting. They turn to look at you suspiciously, but slowly resume drinking as you approach the bar.">>
<<goto "ASA - dec2">>
<<if $adventureprog ==3>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You leave the inn, despite the landlords protests, and find a thick hedge beside the village blacksmith, trusting that his forge will wake you early in the morning to go about your duty. You sleep badly, and wake up to the sound of metal hammering on metal. It takes a moment to work out the aches from your muscles and then you clamber out of the hedge, before heading to the church to investigate. You arrive at the church just in time to find 3 bleary eyed cultists, who clearly haven't slept much better than you.">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 11>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==4>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Your sleep is disturbed a little by strange dreams, where weird things with tentacles squirm just out of your view. Still, you feel well rested when you wake up. It's only when you get up to put on your armour that you realise something is wrong: What seemed like an innocent (if daring) night gown clings to your body, making it hard to remove...even as you try, the garment shifts and changes, looking lewder by the moment.">>
<<set $trapcursedcloth to ["Indecent Lace",2,-1,"You are wearing a sheathe of cursed lacework, the patterns in the lace forming strange runes as well as accentuating your body. It hardly conceals you at all, almost the opposite in fact."]>>
<<set $nextadventureprog to 5>>
<<goto "Trap cursedarmour">>
<<if $adventureprog ==5>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Obviously the landlord must be in league with the cult - with dawning horror you realise that the only reason the inn would be so full of life was because the people there didn't have the fear that the rest of the village does. When you walk downstairs, it's sword in hand, ready to deal with the cultists.">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 7>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =["Landlord Barron"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==6>>
<<set $flavourtext to "It's a little uncomfortable and you definitely feel somewhat bleary-eyed in the morning. Perhaps you should have taken the comfortable sleeping clothes they provided for you? Any doubts about that are quickly cleared though when you emerge downstairs. As soon as he sees you are wearing your normal armour, the landlord shouts out a warning. Two other men emerge from a side room, and move menacingly toward you.">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 7>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =["Landlord Barron"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==7>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Having dealt with the landlord and his goons, you wait for an unconscious cultist to wake up. He stays conscious long enough to tell you everything about a cult ritual progressing under the church, and then you make sure he stays unconscious for much longer this time. You help yourself to breakfast, and set off for the church - it'll be safer in daylight. Sure enough, as you make your way in you are met by guards - three of them, along with some kind of floating hand, no doubt animated by foul magic">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 11>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cultist", "cultist", "possessed hand"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 10>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You head straight to the church, determined to confront this evil at source. The main doors - imposing oak doors twice your height - are barred, but you find a side door that's open, and sneak inside. You find yourself in a small alcove, with benches and robes - clearly where the priests would prepare before giving sermons in the main church. As you open the door to the main hall of the church, you are greeted by several heads that turn toward you. Cultists move menacingly forward, as the door behind you clicks shut. Maybe coming here at night was a mistake?">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 11>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cultist", "cultist", "cultist", "possessed", "possessed hand", "possessed hand", "possessed hand"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==11>>
<<set $flavourtext to "With the cultists in the hall defeated, you find a set of dark stairs leading down in to the crypt beneath the church. As you start descending you hear a dark chanting rising up from beneath - some ongoing ritual, which you are determined to prevent. You step down into the candlelit room. It's full of pillars, but in the flickering light you can make out several hooded figures, as well as one who holds a curved knife, and leads the chanting. When he sees you he interrupts the chant to shout an order, and the cultists move to attack.">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 12>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cult leader", "cultist", "cultist", "possessed hand"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==12>>
With the cult slain, you can't help but think that this won't be the last you see of them! Even so, this time you have triumphed, and the village will be safer again.
You also managed to stop whatever ritual they were trying to do - if only you knew more about it, in case another cult tries to complete it elsewhere.
For now though, you are victorious!
[[Back to town|Adventure's end]]
<<print $flavourtext>>
[[I will investigate the Hogs Rest|A Strange Affliction][$nextadventureprog to 2]]
[[I will go straight to the church|A Strange Affliction][$nextadventureprog to 10]]
<<print $flavourtext>>
The landlord, a thin man with salt-and-pepper hair, insists on welcoming you to town with your first drink, and everyone follows his lead to welcome you to the town. He introduces himself as Barron and says he's very happy to see you here to help with the cult. You make enquiries, and several of the villagers tell you they have noticed strange things happening, and they're glad you are here to help.
The landlord offers you a room in the inn as the villagers start to disperse home. It's a small room, but cosy - it's next to the chimney, which keeps it warm, and there are nightclothes provided.
[[I really don't trust him, I'll leave and sleep rough outside the village|A Strange Affliction][$nextadventureprog to 3]]
[[This is lovely, I'll be well informed and rested when I go to confront this evil|A Strange Affliction][$nextadventureprog to 4]]
<<link "I will sleep in my armour">>
<<set $energy to 8>>
<<set $nextadventureprog to 6>>
<<goto "A Strange Affliction">>
Something about being made to feel good while being held by the monsters is starting to get to you. Their grip makes you feel kind of helpless in a really good way, you aren't 100% sure whether you are struggling to escape, or to feel that you can't.
<<set $conditionlist.push("thrill of restraints")>>
[[No, don't hold my wrist so feels...|Conditions switching]]<<nobr>>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="finger">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cultist's touch is strangely perfunctory, almost like he's following a weird script. His hands move over you, from sensitive spot to sensitive spot, stroking, caressing, then pinching. Despite the robotic movements, you can still feel yourself responding.",
"The cultists grabs and squeezes at you, trying to turn you on - perhaps to distract you and make you more pliable to whatever fate he intends you to have?")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push("Given a moment stepped back from the melee, "+_descname+" throws his head back, and howls. It's a horrible sound that makes your skin crawl, and seems to reach between worlds, pulling something through that completely replaces the looks at you with vicious hunger.",
"You are unable to stop the cultist finding a moment to utter some forbidden phrases in a weird language, and in moments you see his eyes go blank, then burn with an unworldly vigour as some dark thing takes over his body like a puppet.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="regenerate">>
<<set $desctext.push("The dark light burning behind the transformed cultists eyes pulses, and his wounds knit together with dark magic. You can see the terrible energy damaging his body, even as it knits it together, but the fell being is happy to use the body and discard it once the fight is over.")
<</nobr>><<if $monsterhp[_v] >5>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] =="regenerate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] ="fuck">>
<</if>>setting up a possessed hand
<<goto "Possessed hand moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "bottomless", "standard"],
chances: [20]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to [""]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 3>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Possessed hand Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to []>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Possessed hand Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Lefty", "Righty", "Five", "Wristy", "Manuel"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Fingers", "Palm", "Fist", "Hand", "Thumb"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = 0>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="finger">>
<<set $desctext.push("The hand is not a complicated being - it's been possessed with a spirit of lust, and that spirit knows what it wants. It wants to be inside you. Before you can react the floating hand cups itself between your legs, two fingers sliding into your pussy.",
"Possessed for one purpose, this hand wastes no time slamming two fingers into your exposed pussy, floating back and forth to saw those fingers inside you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push("The hand seems to give of an aura of smug accomplishment, as it fulfils the purpose of its creation - sliding in to your body, making you gasp as it does.",
"The hand between your legs keeps pumping its fingers into you. It seems to be entirely tireless, you can't help but wonder if it would just keep going until you passed out, if you were unable to stop it.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("The hand seems to almost completely lack purpose at the moment, lazily wafting in the air near to your body. Even so, this time is slides off your sensitive body in a way that still brings you pleasure.",
"You twist and turn, but it's hard to shake off the hand as it isn't attached to anything else - the grip on your body is strong enough to hold the hand in place, and any time you stop trying to shake it off, it resumes massaging your flesh.")
<</nobr>><<print $flavourtext>>
You can try to resist as this cursed garment is forced upon you, which will increase the chance of removing it.
You have to spend some energy if you want to break out of this trap!
<<link "Struggle with 3 energy">>
<<replace #choices>>
<<set $energy to $energy -3>>
You struggle as hard as you can not to be forced into the cursed clothing.
<<set _trapeffect = random(0,100)>>
<<if _trapeffect >60>>
<<print "But it's no use, despite your struggles the curse sets in place, making it very hard to remove the armour and leaving you dressed in the "+$trapcursedcloth[0]>>
<<set $topcloth = Array.from($trapcursedcloth)>>
<<link "I guess I'm wearing this for the time being...">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<print "...and you manage to remove the armour before the curse sets in.">>
<<link "Hah! That was worth the energy.">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Save my energy">>
<<replace #choices>>
You struggle not to let the curse take hold, although you're also careful not to spend too much energy - no point keeping the curse off if you're too tired to fight.
<<set _trapeffect = random(0,100)>>
<<if _trapeffect >40>>
<<print "The curse strengthens and strengthens until you give in and accept that it's locked in, leaving you wearing the "+$trapcursedcloth[0]>>
<<set $topcloth = Array.from($trapcursedcloth)>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("topless")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("topless")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("naked")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("bottomless")>>
<<link "I guess I'm wearing this for the time being...">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<print "...and despite saving your energy you manage to remove the armour before the curse sets in.">>
<<link "Perfect!">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
@@<<print "You feel so good at the hands of these monsters. Your skin is so sensitive, your nipples aching to be played with, your pussy desperate for attention from anyone!">>
<<print "Those worries you've had about yourself start to coalesce, distracting you from the fight momentarily as you're forced to contemplate them again.">>
<<print "Feeling this good in this kind of situation must say something about who you are. Even as you think that you feel it sinking in, and you sigh in acceptance of this new found self knowledge.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("slutty nature")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("dawning realisation")>>
[[I guess I'm ready to admit it. My body loves this.|Conditions switching]]<<print "As the monsters make you feel as good as you've ever felt, you start worrying a bit about what it means. How can they make you feel so good? Why can't you stop them?">>
<<print "Even as the moment passes, you feel these doubts remain, nagging at the back of your mind.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("dawning realisation")>>
[[Why do they make me feel so good so easily? What's wrong with me?|Conditions switching]]setting up a cult leader
<<goto "Cult leader moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
choices:["grab", "strip","strip","trip"],
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["human"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 5>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Cult leader Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Cult leader Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Derek", "Robert", "Thwain", "Gerald", "Harry", "Yelwyn"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Oak", "Strongarm", "the Blacksmith", "Smith", "Cooper","Potter"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(20,40)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="sacrifice">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cult leader smiles down at you as the hard cock plunges in and out of you. He starts chanting in an insane tongue, syllables you aren't sure you can even hear properly, let alone pronounce. You feel strange tendrils of thought wrap around your thoughts and start playing with them. Desperately you try to push them out, but the relentless fucking opens you up psychically as well as physically. Your thoughts twist, shimmer, and disappear, replaced by a growing sense of obedient defeat. You realise that you'll serve the same dark masters as the cult leader, and only hope you can be as effective as him.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cult leader steps in personally, reaching for your shoulders to hold you still, muttering something in a strange language. You feel his grasp grow stronger, as dark energy crackles around his fingertips.",
_descname+" grabs hold of you and pulls you in close to him, where it's easier for him to control you and make sure you're going to find it hard to get out of his grasp.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cult leader gropes and squeezes at your body, trying to turn you on. Given how he has already aligned himself with evil forces you suspect that he has worse intensions than an average monster, but even that trepidation doesn't stop you reacting to his touch.",
_descname+" fondles you, trying to find where it feels best and convince you to feel good.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" cackles. There is an edge of madness in his voice as he grabs your hips and pushes his hard cock in between your legs. You feel his entire length sink in to you, and shudder with pleasure as he starts to fuck you.",
"No! You twist and struggle but you can't keep the cult leader from sliding his cock into you. There's a wild triumph in his eyes as he starts fucking you - this is not good at all.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext.push("The cult leader drives himself into you with purpose, babbling as he does. You don't understand the language, but you can tell from the growing urgency of his thrusts that he is getting close.",
"Every time the cult leader pushes his hips forward against yours you feel some larger *thing* sitting just behind his skin, almost like it's using him as a puppet to fuck you. As you feel him growing closer to cumming it feels like this thing is getting closer to breaking through, like the barrier holding it back is worn away by the cultist's pleasure.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" tears away at your armour, stripping it away. He doesn't pause to appreciate as parts of your body are revealed, driven by some purpose darker than the lust of the normal cultists.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="trip">>
<<set $desctext.push("Suddenly you find yourself lurching backwards and falling onto your butt, as the cult leader trips you. The monsters close in, taking advantage of you being vulnerable like this.")
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<for _ff to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ff>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _sacchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _sacchance<60>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "sacrifice">>
ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <40>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<set $desctext.push("In your helpless position you can not stop the monster from completing a dark sacrifice. It's your servitude he offers, not your life, and as the sacrifice completes you feel yourself bound to a dark and terrible master. You desperately try to leave, but in your head there is the first of many commands: STAY. You can think of nothing but obedience. A new life of serving will start as soon as your master can collect you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<set $attackflavour to "The Castellian sword twists and dances in the air, cutting at your foe again and again.">>
<<goto "generic attack">>setting up a tentacle
<<goto "Tentacle moves">>setting up a Tentacled horror
<<goto "Tentacled horror moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
naked:{movesnum:[90, 70],
standard:{movesnum:[90, 70],
choices:["grab", "strip","touch"],
chances: [40,60,60]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["child","monster"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 2>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Tentacle Modifiers">>
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
standard:{movesnum:[100, 100],
choices:["lurk", "regenerate"],
chances: [100,30]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["parent","monster"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 10>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Tentacled horror Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to []>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Tentacle Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _modslist to []>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Tentacled horror Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Wavy", "Squirmy", "Sinuous", "Slithering", "Suckered", "Twisting", "Curly", "Slippery"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Tentacle", "Protrusion", "Tendril", "Pseudopod"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = 0>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Lurking", "Unholy", "Dark", "Foul"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Horror", "Menace", "Abomination", "One"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(50,150)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The tentacle wraps around your waist and tightens with a firm grip, restricting your movements. Even as you struggle you can feel it attempting to tighten its hold.",
"As soon as one tentacle finds a snakelike grip on your wrist, two more join it. The monster clearly has an instinct to fully restrain its prey once it has a grip - and more tentacles are snaking in as you struggle to break free.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("Tentacles slide over your body, teasing and squeezing in ways that normal hands couldn't. There's something perverse about it, but it does feel good even though you really wish it didn't.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="finger">>
<<set $desctext.push("An insistent tentacle finally slides inside you. You have a moment of panic as the thought of how deep it could go crosses your mind, but it limits itself to what feels like an above average lover, before pulling back slowly, and fucking in to you again.",
"Taking advantage of you being momentarily distracted, a sinuous tentacle slips into your body, immediately starting to wriggle inside you, sending pulses of pleasure into you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push("The tentacle inside you doesn't so much fuck you like a normal lover, but writhes inside you. It feels like it's massaging your pussy from within, and you can feel yourself start to react to the strange internal caress.",
"You hear strange little popping sounds, which coincide with bursts of pleasure. Slightly confused, it takes you a moment to realise that the tentacle has little suckers, which it is using to tug gently at your inner walls. As it rotates inside you you feel the popping sensations travel around too...what a strange way to be fucked!")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push("Tentacles push inside your clothing, briefly caressing your skin before ripping outward, tearing your armour and attempting to remove it completely",
"As well as being fiercely strong, the tentacle is quite dextrous, and you watch with dismay as it deftly unfastens your clothes, some primal intelligence understanding how to unwrap this particular treat it has it's eyes on.")
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="lurk">>
<<set $desctext.push("The squat mass of "+_descname+" lurks in the background, while his writhing tentacles assault you.",
"You see the body of the tentacle monster lurk out of reach, squirming and pulsating with demonic lust.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="regenerate">>
<<set $desctext.push("The foul mass knits itself together, as "+_descname+" mends the damage you have dealt him, before renewing his assault.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="extrude tentacle">>
<<set $desctext.push("With a strange sound, like a raw steak being torn apart, another tentacle pushes forth from the writhing mass. It takes a moment flexing, almost like it's tasting the air, before flicking toward you and moving to attack.",
"A strange tearing sound heralds the arrival of another tentacle, as "+_descname+" manifests another slippery tendril.",
_descname+" replaces one of his destroyed tentacles, pushing another wiggling column of flesh out from his corrupt mass, reaching towards you with evil intent."
<<set $desctext.push("A new tentacle erupts from the monster, as you watch on in horror...")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set _newtentnum to $monsterlist.length>>
<<set $monsterlist[_newtentnum] to "tentacle">>
<<set $monsterhp[_newtentnum] to 2>>
<<set _list1 to ["Wavy", "Squirmy", "Sinuous", "Slithering", "Suckered", "Twisting", "Curly", "Slippery"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Tentacle", "Protrusion", "Tendril", "Pseudopod"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<set $monsternamelist[_newtentnum] to _monstername>>
<<set $monstermoves[_newtentnum] to {
naked:{movesnum:[90, 70],
standard:{movesnum:[90, 70],
choices:["grab", "strip","touch"],
chances: [40,60,60]}
<<set $monstertraitlist[_newtentnum] to ["child"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[_newtentnum] to "standard">>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<set _randomloot = 0>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<if $monsterhp[_v] >6>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] =="regenerate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] ="lurk">>
<<if $monsterlist.count("tentacle")<5>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][0] = "extrude tentacle">>
<<if $monsterlist.count("tentacle")<3>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("extrude tentacle")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(50)>>
<<if $monsterlist.count("tentacle")<2>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("extrude tentacle")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(70)>>
<<set $desctext.push("The foul beast lurks in the shadows, trying to stay out of your reach.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Hmmm...coward!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<set $adventurename = "Head back from trouble">>
<<switch $citydanger>>
<<case 0>>
After a pleasant stroll in the peaceful lands around the city, and a quiet night camping a day's trek away, you eventually return to the city having found no threats or problems. It was a nice break from more dangerous adventuring.
[[Return to the city|Market Square]]
<<case 1>>
<<if random(0,1)>0>>
<<set $flavourtext="Although true monsters are still rare around the city, there are often small groups of bandits raiding and scouting, and with your skills you track down one such group. This time it looks like you've tracked down a slightly larger group - let's hope this doesn't spell too much trouble.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["bandit", "bandit", "bandit", "bandit"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $flavourtext="Although true monsters are still rare around the city, there are often small groups of bandits raiding and scouting, and with your skills you track down one such group. You find a couple of goblins, leaderless. Maybe a scouting or gathering party - certainly nothing that should prove too much challenge for an adventuress like you.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["bandit", "bandit", "bandit"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<case 2>>
<<if random(0,1)>0>>
<<set $flavourtext = "The lands around the city are starting to be threatened by monsters more regularly, and there are even reports of goblins scouting, or attempting to carry off villagers. You follow these rumours, which lead to a confrontation with a goblin slaver and his band, about half a days march from a small village which was destined to be their next target, if you hadn't got there first.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $flavourtext = "As danger increases and the watch patrols have to go out in bigger numbers in case they meet more serious foes, the bandits and ne'er do wells in the countryside grow more bold. Reports from a local village have led you to confront such a group. When you track them down in their hideout, you quickly realise these are a particularly hardened gang of bandits, probably from having to survive in the wild as goblin incursions grow more frequent.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["bandit", "bandit", "bandit", "bandit"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = ["tough", "tough", "tough", "tough"]>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<case 3>>
<<if random(0,1) >0>>
<<set $flavourtext = "With reports becoming more and more frequent, you meet a dribble of refugees trying to find safety in the city. One particularly terrified group of villagers tells you about their village being half destroyed by a solitary troll! That such a beast should roam so close in to civilisation needs your attention, so you track down the drooling beast, and attempt to slay it. when you find him, it appears he's picked up a follower as well, but there's nothing for it - you'll have to fight him.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["troll", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $flavourtext = "The roads are getting unsafe, even for a seasoned adventuress such as yourself. You have to do some cleaning up, or even major trade caravans into the city will start to be destroyed, and the city will start to feel under siege. You seek out a camp of enemies, and after slaying as many sentries as you can quietly, they notice you, and move in as a mob - you are seriously outnumbered.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<print "Although you do your best to find some freewheeling adventure, for some reason trouble seems to avoid you, and you return to the city without having had any remarkable encounters.">>
[[Back to the city|Market Square]]
<</switch>>After you finish your patrol, you head back to the city, satisfied that you've done your duty in reducing the danger around your home, making the world safer, for a while.
<<set $citydanger-->>
The guards greet you cheerfully as you return, welcoming you back and asking about if your hunt was successful, before letting you through the city gates and in to the [[Market Square]] setting up a bandit
<<goto "Bandit moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bottomless", "naked", "prone", "standard"],
bottomless:{movesnum:[100, 70,40],
choices:["finger", "grab", "order", "touch", "strip"],
choices:["fuck", "grab", "order", "touch"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "touch"],
chances: [60, 50, 45]},
choices:["grab", "strip", "trip", "order"],
chances: [45, 35, 30, 35]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["human"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 4>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Bandit Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "tough", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Bandit Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Derek", "Robert", "Thwain", "Gerald", "Harry", "Yelwyn","Peter"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["the Red", "the Untrusting", "the Sly", "Woods", "Little","the Knifer"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(1,20)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"The bandit grabs you roughly, jerking you against him. He smells of campfire smoke and rough leather.",
_descname+" grunts with effort as he dodges past your weapon and then grabs your wrist. You instinctively try to pull it free, but he has too good a grip.",
"Your heart sinks as swarthy calloused hands close around your shoulders, securing the bandit's purchase. You hear "+_descname+"'s satisfied grunt as he improves his hold on you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Now then miss, that's far too many coverin's for a little slut like you. Let's get them off so we can have a good time with you.\" The bandit's hands follow his words, unfastening your clothes trying to get you stripped for him.",
_descname+" sneaks inside your defense, and slides off parts of your armour, tearing where he can't easily remove them. The look on his face reveals how eager he is to get at your body.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="trip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Suddenly "+_descname+" shoves you really hard, hard enough that you end up landing prone on the ground in front of your attackers.",
"You aren't able to keep your feet, as the bandit cunningly sweeps your leg, in a well practised move - probably more often used on rich travellers than adventuresses, but it's still effective.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] == "finger">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"There we go miss, we'll have you moaning around our cocks in a jiffy now\" teases the bandit, as his finger slides into your pussy and starts finger fucking you. \"Feels good huh? Are you ready to be our little toy yet?\"",
_descname+" Slams his fingers roughly inside you before you can stop him, pulling a gasp from your mouth. He gives you no chance to react further before his fingers are hammering in and out, immediately adopting an intense rhythm designed to take your breath - and resistance- away.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"The bandit's fingers slam into you repeatedly, sending harsh pulses of pleasure through you. He grins at you, clearly seeing that pleasure reflected in your face. You can't find a way to stop him fingering you, and you start breathing heavily in time with his thrusts.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"With your skin exposed the bandit grabs at your body, enjoying the feel of your softness. His calloused hands feel rough against your skin, but that doesn't stop them feeling good.",
_descname+"'s hands linger over your curves, taking his pleasure from them just as much as he aims to increase yours. He isn't unskilled - no doubt from previous dallances with rich merchant's daughters - and he meets your gaze, the dominant look promising that giving up to him would result in a *lot* more than just this touch.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push(
_descname+" savours each moment as he slides his cock inch by inch into your body. You feel it filling you, and it feels good even before he has started to find a rhythm and fuck you properly.",
"\"annndd....THERE we go\" shouts "+_descname+" in triumph, as he hilts himself between your legs, ")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Unnhhh, fuck, yeah\". the bandit moans in pleasure as he pumps into you, his cock stiffening even further as he moves it inside you. \"I hope this feels as good for you as it does for me, cos we're going to be doing this a lot.\"",
_descname+ " thrusts in and out of you, his balls slapping rhythmically against your ass as he ploughs you. It's hard not to thrust back, it starts feeling far too good...")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="order">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Be a good obedient slut and we'll make this a lot easier for you.\". The bandit mutters to you before raising his voice and barking out an order.",
_descname+ " stares straight at you, and you prepare to deflect a physical attack. Instead he adopts a confident and commanding voice, and tries to order you to comply with his instructions.")
<</nobr>><<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "A Squamous Horror">>
Hunting down the foul creation of a dark cult is no laughing matter, and it's with a resolute but worried heart you cover the days of marching before you approach the church in the woods.
You quietly approach the door of the church, and as you ease it opn you can see several cultists, openly relaxing with some food in the middle of the corrupted church.
[[Confront them!|A Squamous Horror]]<<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "The cultists turn to face you, and their leader smiles at the audacity of this adventuress. 'come to try to tame my little pet, have you? Are you sure you won't just turn into it's pet in turn?'">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["cult leader", "cultist", "cultist"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
<<set $flavourtext to "After defeating the cultists you make your way down into the church crypt. There is a strange smell - like sex, with a strange tinge of coppery feeling magic. Something is very wrong here - it must be the lair of the beast they summoned. Sure enough, you find a mass of writhing flesh, tentacles already reaching toward you - you had better defend yourself!">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["tentacled horror", "tentacle", "tentacle", "tentacle", "tentacle"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 3>>
..and the deed is done. The foul thing lies slain, damaged and severed tentacles strewn all about you. You take a moment to catch your breath. Then you leave, and as you are walking out the dark pall that hung over the corrupted church is already starting to lift. You even hear bird song!
[[That thing did not belong in this world|Adventure's end]]
<</if>>You already enjoy being watched as...things happen to you, but this time it starts to feel better and better. The monsters eyes roaming over you feel at least as intense as their physical touches, driving you into a really intense, shaking orgasm.
You try to fight the urge, but at some point you realise you've cupped your own breasts in order to better display them to your foes, encouraging them to look more as you moan for their approval. Gutteral laughs mock you for how willing you are to show off for them, and that just makes you cum more, your pussy clenching again as they watch you wriggling for them.
<<set $conditionlist.push("helpless exhibitionist")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("exhibitionist")>>
[[I was made to be displayed, I can't help it|Conditions switching]]
You already know you love being grabbed by your enemies, but as the restraints restrict your movements, and the monsters continue to molest you, you have a strange sense of clarity.
There's something freeing about being tied like this, if they keep you well restrained enough no one could say you should keep fighting, or worry about what they'll do. You can't stop them - it's out of your hands.
You shiver. You shouldn't give in like this, but being bound makes you feel incredibly submissive now.
<<set $conditionlist.push("rope bunny")>>
[[If they keep me restrained like this, I don't have to worry about anything any more.|Conditions switching]]It was a really bad idea to let them make you come while obeying their orders! You can feel yourself associating the pulses of intense pleasure with being a good little adventuress and leaping to their demands.
You start feeling extra good about being obedient for them, and part of you is eagerly waiting for the next set of orders from these dominant bossy monsters.
<<set $conditionlist.push("eager to please")>>
[[What would you like me to do next?|Conditions switching]]You feel the happy thrill of being ordered around make you feel relaxed and really good. Those sensations combine with the physical ones to push you in to a really wonderful orgasm.
You have a momentary rush of guilt as you realise you didn't ask for permission from them, but they seem to notice, and a gentle patting on your head reassures you that it was all okay.
The instant reassurance is really comforting, obeying them feels comforting, and you feel your already weakened ability to resist being bossed around fade away in a warm glow of post-orgasm happiness.
<<set $conditionlist.push("servile nature")>>
[[It's much nicer not thinking for myself|Conditions switching]]You feel so good, with all the pleasure they are inflicting on you. Even as you keep fighting you can feel your skin getting more sensitive. You realise that this situation is training your body to react more eagerly to their touch.
You realise that it's your breasts and nipples that are most affected, your skin tingling and the little nubs hardening, excited to be played with more.
<<set $conditionlist.push("sensitive breasts")>>
[[I like having them teased so much!|Conditions switching]]As the monster impales you over and over on his hard cock, while your body pushes back against him, feeling too good not to, you feel changes happening in your mind.
It feels so right to be filled up like this, you feel so good. You're pretty sure that in the future, if you ever manage to get him to stop fucking you, your pussy is going to feel sad and lonely any time it isn't full of monster dick.
<<set $conditionlist.push("empty feeling")>>
[[I love being full!|Conditions switching]]You were always taught that this was wrong, forbidden. Even sex with evil humans is a bad idea, but to fuck monstesr? You aren't supposed to enjoy that.
Even so, bodies are bodies, nerves are nerves, and the sensations shivering through your body as this thing fucks you are much much better than you were told they should be.
You struggle to fight back a feeling that you species of your lover doesn't matter...or even that it's thrilling to break this taboo and end up filled with monster cock.
<<set $conditionlist.push("dawning perversion")>>
[[I'm not supposed to enjoy this...|Conditions switching]]You're already used to the idea of being fucked by non-humans, and now they are keeping you feeling so good!
You start to realise that you're kind of perverted, that it's not just that you don't care that they are monstrous, but that you like it. Feeling the contrast between rough monster hide and your soft yielding skin makes you feel so good! Your body wants more!
<<set $conditionlist.push("dark yearnings")>>
[[I'm so soft and weak, they're so rough and strong!|Conditions switching]]<<set _goto = "Loreila"+$loreilaprog>>
<<goto _goto>>Town danger
Ongoing Adventure
<<set $chosenadventure = "">>
<<include "Restock Armour Shop">>
<<include "Restock Weapon Shop">>
<<set $pleasure to 0>>
<<set $submission to 0>>
<<set $energy to 10>>
<<set _removedconds to ["grabbed","held","restrained","bound","prone","kneeling","wet", "fingered", "being fucked", "mild aphrodisiac", "medium aphrodisiac", "strong aphrodisiac", "overpowering aphrodisiac"]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_removedconds.length; _i++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_removedconds[_i])>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete(_removedconds[_i])>>
<<if $companionhp>0>>
<<set $companionhp to 3>>
<<if visited("Market Square") is 0>>
<<goto "Intro to City">>
<<goto "Market Square">>
<</if>>Currently nothing uses this
<<set $corruptbandits to 0>>
<<set $goblinkidnaps to 0>>
<<set $trollhunt to 0>>
<<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "Corrupt Bandits">>
You make your way north at a steady pace, arriving at the borders with the Northern forests a couple of days later. There's an old roadside inn, and you are welcomed by a friendly old couple who run the quiet inn.
[[Lovely|Corrupt Bandits Part 1]]We have word on a goblin raiding party that is hunting for victims on a trade road dangerously close to the capital. We should punish them for being so bold!The guild would like you to hunt a particularly troublesome rock troll. We have information about his lair's location. We just need a brave adventuress to take him out.We have word that a small village has turned away from the path of light, and now worships some strange cult started by one of the villagers. Something is not as it seems, and we need an adventurer to investigate.Last night our seers reported a huge pulse of malign energy, focussed - as far as we can tell - near the small church in the woods that sits between Upper Thorndell and Laiscrow. We think a cult has succeeded at summoning something horrific, and we need you to hunt it down at source before it is let loose.We have heard rumours that a bandit leader in the northern forests is getting far too confident and daring. He might be just another opportunist thug, but we can't take the risk that something else is behind him. We need a junior adventuress to go find out what she can about him - and that's where you come in.<<set $adventureprog to $nextadventureprog>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<goto "CB1 - dec1">>
<<if $adventureprog ==2>>
<<set $flavourtext = "You set off deeper into the forest, sticking close to the trade road, as the shadows deepen around you. After a little while you start to have a sense of being watched. That sense grows and grows as you travel further, but nothing comes of it. Two days in you come across a burbling stream, feeding a green lake. The lake is overrun by water weeds, but the stream is deep enough to bathe in, and you happily take the opportunity to wash off the dirt of travel. As you're finishing up though, you hear a rustling scuffle from where you left your armour. A racoon? Even as you rush toward it the stupid thing tries to run off with your top">>
<<set $nextadventureprog =3>>
<<goto "Trap striptop">>
<<if $adventureprog ==3>>
<<set $flavourtext ="After the encounter with the theiving racoon, you are somewhat distracted as you continue to search into the woods. The sense of being watched grows, and finally, you hear a snickering laugh behind you. As you turn around, goblins emerge from the forest behind and in front of you. Their leader smirks \"long way from home pretty lady. Come to be goblin pet?\" As he says this, you notice a smug looking racoon sat on his shoulder, which he gently takes down as they move to attack."
<<set $nextadventureprog = 4>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog ==4>>
You defeat the goblins, and gather your thoughts. With goblins infesting the forest, it's unlikely any bandits are likely to be stupid enough to ply their trade here - they'd likely end up on a goblin spit.
You didn't manage to find the bandits, but you killed some gobins, that has to count for something, right?
[[Head back to the city|Adventure's end]]
<<if $adventureprog ==5>>
<<set $flavourtext ="You spend a pleasant day walking through sunlit countryside, until you approach the ferry point. A young man greets you with a wave, and offers you some water, before letting you know the price of a crossing. After you let him know that you aren't interested in crossing, but want to know if he's seen anyone suspicious, he laughs \"I wish - it's been a slow month here, you're the most interesting person I've seen.\" By the time you get back to the inn the bandits will be long gone.">>
<<set $citydanger++>>
[[A nice walk, at least?|Adventure's end]]
<<if $adventureprog ==6>>
<<set $flavourtext = "You head out to the farms, and although the first couple that you visit seem more suspicious of you than they are helpful, but it's when you reach the little farm of a couple called Mr and Mrs Miggins that you find your first clue.">>
The couple introduce themselves as the Thrushroods, and as she fetchs you water and shouts at some servant in the back to look after your horse, the old lady explains that they've been running the inn for thirty three years, last Saturday.
It's all very charming, and they make you extra welcome, offering you free drinks and dinner with your room, and obviously keen to chat the evening away with you.
[[Have another drink and chat to the couple|CB1 - dec11]]
[[Politely shoo them off and enjoy a quiet evening|CB1 - dec12]]
You settle in for an evening of gossip - trying as much as you can to slow the steady flow of prized homemade brews that Mr Thrushrood presses on you and sometimes getting a word in edgeways.
You get more time to speak when they ask you for the latest news from the capital, and you tell them
<<switch $citydanger>>
<<case 0>>
that the city thrives, in one of the most peaceful and contented times that it's ever had since the corruption.
<<case 1>>
that things are kind of normal - there are still some perils, but you're sure that the Thrushrood's know what you mean.
The couple nod wisely, and a little sadly.
<<case 2>>
about the constant danger the city experiences - it's the first time you've felt safer travelling days away from the capital.
Mrs Thrushrood reassures you that they have thick oak doors, and strong locks - they don't have trouble often.
<<case 3>>
with a quiet voice something of how bad it has got. The three of you sit in silence for a while before Mrs Thrushrood tries to get conversation going again.
After Mr Thrushrood apologises and tells you that he has to go to bed, Mrs Thrushrood tells him "we'll just finish this schnapps dear, I'll be up to keep you warm soon."
<<linkreplace "She leans closer...">>
When he's gone, Mrs Thrushrood leans closer and lowers her voice. "Things aren't as good as they seem here dear. Jim thinks it's me being a silly old bat, but I've heard things in the woods - and Mrs Miggins had four chickens go missing last week - with no sign of a fox."
She clears her throat and finishes her drink.
"Right, that's me then - you'll be fine finding your room yes?"
<<set $flavourtext to "You wake up with a slightly aching head, and slowly gather yourself to head out to look for clues.">>
<<set $energy = $energy -2>>
[[Go to bed|CB1 - dec111]]
<</linkreplace>>They make a couple of attempts to engage you in conversation, but soon enough they get your hints, and go about making the inn ready for the night.
Solid oak doors are locked tight, and you refuse one more glass of home brewed liquor from Mr Thrushrood before they tell you where your room is and shuffle off together, hand in hand.
You gather your travelling pack, and [[head off to bed|CB1 - dec111]]
<<set $flavourtext = "You wake up feeling good, and the couple great you downstairs with a delicious breakfast. They wave you a cordial goodbye, and you head out to pursue your quest.">><<print $flavourtext>>
There are three places you could head from here to spend the day looking for clues. You could head deeper in to the woods, to see what things lurk there in the shadows. You could head East along the forest border, where a number of small farmsteads might have news for you, or you could head West to a ferry station and see if the ferryman has anything interesting to tell you.
<<link "Head further into the forest">>
<<set $nextadventureprog =2>>
<<goto "Corrupt Bandits Part 1">>
<<link "Head East to the small farms">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 6>>
<<goto "Corrupt Bandits Part 1">>
<<link "Head West to the ferrystation">>
<<set $nextadventureprog = 5>>
<<goto "Corrupt Bandits Part 1">>
<<switch _armourop>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _newarm = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _newarm = ["Leather vest", 2, 1, "A leather vest over a sturdy shirt. Hardly cutting edge protection, but at least it's more durable than civilian cloths", "top", 20]>>
<<case 3>>
<<set _newarm = ["Mail top", 2, 2, "A chainmail top, thousands of metal rings overlapping to protect you. Decently durable, and thick enough that you feel less effect from monsters attention.", "top", 100]>>
<<case 4>>
<<set _newarm = ["Breastplate", 3, 3, "A silver breastplate, rigid plates linked at your sides by leather straps providing very durable protection. Its rigid nature makes it much harder for monsters to molest you.", "top", 1000]>>
<<case 5>>
<<set _newarm = ["Skirt", 1, 0, "An everyday skirt, patterned fabric that hangs to just above your knees. It won't be hard to remove, and it doesn't do much - if anything - to stop things touching you.", "bottom", 5]>>
<<case 6>>
<<set _newarm = ["Leather leggings", 2, 1, "Tough leather leggings, which offer some resistance to removal, and protect you a little from touchs.", "bottom", 20]>>
<<case 7>>
<<set _newarm = ["Mail leggings", 2, 2, "Leggings made of chainmail, carefully tailored to not restrict you, while still being a strong metal barrier against the monsters groping attacks.", "bottom", 80]>>
<<case 8>>
<<set _newarm = ["Plate greaves", 3, 3, "Solid metal greaves, the thick metal making it so you barely feel touches, and the solid construction making them quite difficult to remove.", "bottom", 800]>>
<</switch>><<if _armourmod == "Tough">>
<<set _newarm[0] = "Tough "+_newarm[0]>>
<<set _newarm[1] = _newarm[1]+1>>
<<set _newarm[5] = _newarm[5]*2>>
<<if _armourmod == "Protective">>
<<set _newarm[0] = "Protective "+_newarm[0]>>
<<set _newarm[2] = _newarm[2]+1>>
<<set _newarm[5] = _newarm[5]*3>>
<<if _armourmod == "Masterwork">>
<<set _newarm[0] = "Masterwork " + _newarm[0]>>
<<set _newarm[1] = _newarm[1]+1>>
<<set _newarm[2] = _newarm[2]+1>>
<<set _newarm[5] = _newarm[5]*8>>
<<set $armourshop = []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<4; _i++>>
<<set _armourop to random(1,8)>>
<<include "armourstats">>
<<set _armourmod to ["","","","","", "", "Tough", "Tough", "Protective", "Protective", "Masterwork"].random()>>
<<print _armourmod>>
<<include "armourmods">>
<<set $armourshop[_i] to Array.from(_newarm)>>
<<for _t to 0; _t<$armourshop.length; _t++>>
<<if $undamtop[2]<-1>>
<<if $armourshop[_i][4]="top">>
<<set $armourshop[_i] to $undamtop>>
<<if $undamtop[2]<-1>>
<<if $armourshop[_i][4]="bottom">>
<<set $armourshop[_i] to $undambot>>
<<switch _weaponop>>
<<case 1>>
<<set _newwep = ["Knife", 4, ["slash"], [60], [1], "A utilitarian knife, fast, but not really balanced for combat.",10]>>
<<case 2>>
<<set _newwep = ["Dagger", 5, ["slash"], [70], [1], "A short blade meant for killing, lightning fast but not very damaging.",20]>>
<<case 3>>
<<set _newwep = ["Club", 2, ["bash"], [60], [1], "A cheap weapon, but still useful due to it's ability to bash enemies and stop them from acting.",20]>>
<<case 4>>
<<set _newwep = ["Shortsword", 3, ["stab", "slash"], [50, 70], [3,1], "A balanced sword, mainly used for its damaging stabs.",50]>>
<<case 5>>
<<set _newwep = ["Warhammer", 3, ["stab", "stab", "bash"], [50,50,60], [2,2,1], "Unwieldy but powerful, the warhammer can bash to disrupt enemies as well as stabbing for decent damage.",80]>>
<<case 6>>
<<set _newwep = ["Longsword", 3, ["stab", "slash", "slash"], [50,70,70], [3,2,2], "Longswords are expensive, but with accurate damaging slashes, and powerful stabs they are often the weapon of choice for well supplied fighters.",150]>>
<<case 7>>
<<set _newwep = ["Pick", 2, ["stab"],[50],[3], "Picks are slow, but every hit counts as they inflict deep penetrating wounds.", 60]>>
<</switch>><<if _weaponmod == "Swift">>
<<set _newwep[0] = "Swift "+_newwep[0]>>
<<set _newwep[1] = _newwep[1]+1>>
<<set _newwep[6] = _newwep[6]*4>>
<<if _weaponmod == "Stunning">>
<<set _newwep[0] = "Stunning "+_newwep[0]>>
<<set _newwep[2].push("bash")>>
<<set _newwep[3].push(60)>>
<<set _newwep[4].push(1)>>
<<set _newwep[6] = _newwep[6]*8>>
<<set $weaponshop = []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<4; _i++>>
<<set _weaponop to random(1,7)>>
<<include "weaponstats">>
<<set _weaponmod to ["","","","","","","", "","","Swift", "Swift", "Swift", "Stunning","Stunning"].random()>>
<<include "weaponmods">>
<<set $weaponshop[_i] to Array.from(_newwep)>>
<<if $attackstuns ==1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]].length; _i++>>
<<set $attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]][_i] = 0>>
<<set $attackstuns=0>>
<<print $weapon[0]>>
<<print $weapon[5]>>
Attacks $weapon[1] times per turn
Possible attacks
<<for _w to 0; _w<$weapon[2].length; _w++>>
<<print $weapon[2][_w]+" "+$weapon[3][_w]/2+"-"+$weapon[3][_w]+"% for 1 to "+$weapon[4][_w]+" damage.">>
<<print $flavourtext>>
You'll need to spend energy if you don't want to lose some clothes!
<<link "Spend 0 energy, abandon top">>
<<replace #choices>>
You decide it will take too much energy to resist, and resign yourself to being topless.
<<set $topcloth[1] = 0>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("topless")>>
<<link "Grrrrrr...">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Spend 2 energy, 50% chance to keep top">>
<<replace #choices>>
You attempt to keep hold of your top...
<<set $energy = $energy -2>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand<50>>
...and you are successful!
<<link "phew!">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
...but you fail, and your top is gone
<<link "Damn!">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<link "Spend 4 energy, 80% chance to keep top">>
<<replace #choices>>
You attempt to keep hold of your top...
<<set $energy = $energy -4>>
<<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand<80>>
...and you are successful!
<<link "phew!">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
...but you fail, and your top is gone
<<link "Damn!">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
@@setting up a granny link
<<goto "Granny moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
standard:{movesnum:[100, 100, 100,100],
chances: [50]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to []>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 3>>
<<goto "Granny Modifiers">>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<set $returnpassage = "Granny Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Old"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Meg"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set _randomloot = random(0,0)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">><<nobr>>
<<set $desctext.push("Granny leans in, and before you can twist away you feel her boney fingers digging into your ribs and wiggling! You shriek with laughter and pull away.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Ahahahhahahahahaaaahahaa ssstop!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>>"Very well then dear. It is about time we taught you to protect yourself." Granny sighs, clearly upset that the world has fallen to this state. "and first you have to protect yourself terrible tickling!!!"
"I'm going to try to tickle you, and you have to defend yourself! One secret of combat is that as long as you have energy you can avoid any attack! Practice blocking my attacks until you've spent some energy!"
[[I can do that!|Tutorial]]
<<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "Tutorial">>
<<set $weapon = ["Unarmed", 0, ["nothing"], [0],[0],"You aren't armed",0]>>
<<set $topcloth = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<set $bottomcloth = ["Fancy Skirt", 1, 0, "An embroidered skirt, a gift from your grandmother. It's got little flowers running around it, with lots of little details - your favourite is a fairy peeking from behind a rosebud on your left hip.", "bottom", 5]>><<set $attackflavour = "You reach for Granny, sliding past her attempt to tickle you more and poke her in the side! A point for you!">>
<<goto "generic attack">><<if $energy<7>>
<<goto "Tutorial">>
<</if>><<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Granny moves in, a wicked look on her face as she tries to tickle you...">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["granny"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Granny smiles at you - there! That's how to protect yourself, at least from wicked old grandmothers. Now, fight back! See if you can poke me three times! You'll spot chances in combat, but it'll take you energy to try to take them, so pick wisely! You use the same pool of energy to defend and attack, and you only get three back each turn.">>
<<set $weapon = ["Unarmed",2,["poke"],[60],[1],"You wouldn't want to actually stab your grandmother with more than your finger.",0]>>
<<set $monsterlist = ["granny"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist=[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog >2>>
Granny smiles at you "Okay, enough enough! You'll poke me half to death child!". Her face crinkles more, and the two of you spend the next 5 minutes recovering your composure from the crazy giggles you have.
"If you do find yourself in a fight, you should keep a couple of things in mind - Firstly if you can kill an enemy before they act, they won't get to carry out any of their actions. Secondly if you ever have a chance to bash an enemy, that will stop them attacking too. You can save energy that way if you're smart."
She looks like she has more to say, but eventually she seems to decide that's enough information to dump on you all at once.
"Well, it's time." She looks kind of sad. "Go make your fortune! The merchants leave soon, and they won't wait for you if you are late!"
As you hug her and turn to leave, she starts suddenly "Oh I'm a foolish old bat! You need something to protect yourself. It isn't much, but here - take a good bread knife. Just in case the merchant gets handsy."
She almost hides the tears in her eyes as you leave to <<link "join the caravan">> <<goto "Introduction1">> <</link>>
<</if>><<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog ==1>>
The start of your new life is two days of boring conversation and endless roads. The wagons wobble slowly eastwards, and the merchant insists you keep him company, and wobbles slowly on about prices, margins, stock, and so on.
At one point he gets kind of leery as he tells you about the increased market for certain herbs and spices since the corruption - traded from far off lands, they can make a man last three times as long, even *ahem, and he's so sorry to be so crude* when he's buried to the hilt in a young woman as attractive as you.
You shrug off the conversation, wondering how in all the lands he could imagine that lasting *longer* would make that kind of encounter with him more appealling. At least he gets the hint, and you even start to feel a little fond of the slightly bumbling man.
That's too bad, as it turns out, because during the second night he dies.
The first you know about it is a gurgling sound outside the wagon, and then the soft clatter of an armoured guard falling facelong. Even thinking back, you don't know how you react so quickly, but you roll quietly out of the back of the wagon just as the merchant blunders from his tent, shouting "what's going on?"
Strange last words, but few folk get to choose theirs carefully, and a huge figure casually lops off his head with a cleaver.
An orc!
You have to get out of here! Trying to control your breathing, and certain everyone within a mile can hear your hammering heart, you flee [[into the woods|adventurefightsetup]]
<<set $flavourtext = "As you flee as quietly as you can, trying not to sob, you hear a branch snap behind you. Spinning, you see a foul creature, short, green, and sporting a raging hard on. The gobin mutters something about following best ass to keep for himself, and in moments you are fighting for your life - or at least, your purity.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<if $adventureprog ==2>>
The goblin expires, and you catch your breath and wonder what to do. You can't travel far in the woods at night, so perhaps finding a hiding spot and waiting til dawn is best. But after that? You could go back and see if anything of value was left at the camp, or you could leave it well behind, and try to make your way to the city on foot?
[[Search the camp|Intro-search the camp]]
[[Head off straight away|Intro-head to city]]
<</if>>After confirming your booking, the host shows you in to the VR arcade's "back room", a private space where people who want to try something a little different from the everyday scenarios that the front room games offer.
He helps you rig up the neurolinks and boot the machine. The familiar sensation of reality washing out and the strange feeling of growing potential as the machine syncs with your neurons.
"Now, we've loaded the sim you selected in your booking form, but I need to run through a couple of things with you."
You nod your assent.
"You've picked the latest game in our Fallen World series. I need to make sure you understand what you're signing up for: The series is based on our Heroic World fantasy game. In Fallen World, a magical catastrophy has corrupted the world, and rather than your blood, the monsters in this world want to possess your body.
That means if you do badly, you can expect to experience some or all of these themes: Monstrous lovers; non consensual encounters; forced pleasure; corruption; submission; exhibitionism; and impregnation risk, although this will end the game.
Players sensitive to these themes often find their enjoyment of them increases post game - that is, the game may further increase your enjoyment of these fantasies.
Because of these themes it must be you that initiates the sim. To do so, please picture yourself wearing a leash, while enjoying being taken by a large orc. If you do not enthusiastically consent to this sim experience, please picture a cute animal - we will then offer you the full range of our PG rated sims, such as "Blood and Death in the Arena" "Assassin - Murder Spree" or "Axegod: The Slaying.", none of which contain sexual elements.
[[Picture yourself straddling a confident looking orc, a chain running from his hand to your neck|CreateAvatar]]
[[Picture a fluffy bunny, cuddled up by a wood fire|Opt out]]
The camp is a distressing place to be. Some corpses are missing - perhaps someone else escaped?
Probably not.
The wagon is still here, ransacked - presumably the greenskins have no use for a vehicle bound to the roads. Tents are still here too. One orc lies defeated, a large wound cut across his shoulder and neck.
Carefully you make your way <<linkreplace "into the clearing">> into the clearing to search the area. For 10 minutes it seems everything portable and of value has been stolen, but then you remember a conversation with the merchant. He told you that it was important to keep a stash of treasure hidden, so even if your horses bolted, or bandits stole from you, you'd have something to get going again.
Half an hour's search reveals a hollow seat on the wagon, right under where he parked his fat bottom all day. You find a catch, and slide open a well hidden door. Inside is a small bag, weighty with coins.
<<set $gold=$gold+100>>
With that secured, you have no more business here. Alone and afraid you set off [[toward the city|Intro-head to city]]
<</linkreplace>>You spend the whole of the next day travelling, leaving the woods and crossing farmland and pasture. You don't even think to stop at a farm for help, walking on almost in a daze thinking about what happened.
It seems grandmother even underestimated how much the world had been corrupted. Orcs and goblins attacking caravans!
By the time you find a hollow under a tree to sleep, your mind is made up - you are going to make your fortune - but you'll make it hunting these evil things, and uncorrupting the land. You'll be an adventurer.
<<linkreplace "sleep">>
You sleep well, despite everything. When you wake up, it's to a cold dew and the warmer rays of dawn starting to cut through the chill. You warm yourself up by walking, and by mid day you find yourself approaching the city, dead tired, but safe, for now.
[[Approach the city gates|Update Town]]
<</linkreplace>><<set $adventureprog = 0>>
<<set $adventurename = "Introduction">>
<<set $weapon = ["Knife", 4, ["slash"], [60], [1], "A utilitarian knife, fast, but not really balanced for combat.",10]>>
<<set $topcloth = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<set $undamtop = ["Shirt", 1, 1, "A normal shirt - don't entertain any illusions that it will last long in combat, nor that it will protect you particularly from wandering hands.", "top", 5]>>
<<set $bottomcloth = ["Fancy Skirt", 1, 0, "An embroidered skirt, a gift from your grandmother. It's got little flowers running around it, with lots of little details - your favourite is a fairy peeking from behind a rosebud on your left hip.", "bottom", 5]>>
<<set $umdambot = ["Fancy Skirt", 1, 0, "An embroidered skirt, a gift from your grandmother. It's got little flowers running around it, with lots of little details - your favourite is a fairy peeking from behind a rosebud on your left hip.", "bottom", 5]>>
<<goto "Introduction">>As your body shakes with yet another orgasm, you feel your will to resist slipping away. You try to keep hold of it, but another spasm of pleasure distracts you, and your hips buck back against your assailants. There's nothing you can do, it feels too good, any time you try to think clearly there are hands on your body, things inside you, rubbing and stroking. Before you've recovered from cumming, you're already building towards another orgasm, with no time to marshal your resistance.
Somewhere between your 5th and 6th orgasm, the demeanour of the monsters changes. They realise that you aren't able to struggle any more - that they have defeated you.
They push your exhausted body into another orgasm, pleasuring you relentlessly throughout it, until you can't work out if you want to pull your hips away from the overwhelming sensations, or grind back against them.
Feeling , you have no way to stop the monsters toying with you.
<<if $customlossend == "">>
[[I've lost...and they're going to train me|losstraining]]
<<link "I've lost, I'm sure there will be consequences">>
<<goto $customlossend>>
<</if>><<include "victoryremoveconditions">>
<<set _traincount to 0>>
<<set _fulltrainlist to ["cursed collar", "welcoming mouth", "naturally subby", "cursed armour", "womb tattoo", "perfect pussy"]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_fulltrainlist.length; _i++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_fulltrainlist[_i]>>
<<set _traincount++>>
<<if _traincount<2>>
<<set _trainlist to ["cursed collar", "welcoming mouth", "naturally subby"]>>
cursed collar
welcoming mouth
naturally subby
<<elseif _traincount <4>>
<<set _trainlist to ["cursed armour", "womb tattoo", "perfect pussy"]>>
cursed armour
womb tattoo
nipple ring
perfect pussy
level 3 (poss game ending)
<<set _trainlist to ["lewd belt", "monster slave", "clit ring"]>>
lewd belt
monster slave
clit ring
<<for _k to 0; _k<$conditionlist.length; _k++>>
<<if _trainlist.includes($conditionlist[_k])>>
<<set _trainlist.delete($conditionlist[_k])>>
<<set _trainlink to "lossget"+_trainlist.random()>>
<<goto _trainlink>><<print "Even though you're barely able to focus, being shoved around, pleasured, and used by your enemy, you're suddenly aware that "+$monsternamelist.random()+" is holding something that draws your attention">>
<<print "He waves the glowing object in front of your face as you blearily struggle to concentrate enough to work out what it is. Eventually it sinks in to your quagmired mind that he's holding a thin band of leather, with a malevolent red glow.">>
<<print "When he is certain you've realised what he's about to do, he moves foward, opening the circle to slide it around your neck.">>
[[Struggle|lgt collar1]]
[[Bow my head and accept the collar|lgt collar2]]They seem surprised at you suddenly starting to struggle, thrashing around to make it more difficult to fasten the collar around your neck. For a little while you manage to avoid their attempts, but then you feel something stroking against your clit again.
You do try your hardest not to be collared - at least that's what you tell yourself - but without a change in circumstances, the monsters quickly have you helplessly addled with pleasure again.
As you are twisting and writhing in another orgasm, the collar is held in front of you again. Another short wait for you to recover enough to understand what is happening, and then again the leather band is brought forward.
You manage a small attempt to struggle, but then you feel a gentle slap against your face. By now, that's enough to have you stop struggling, and watch obediently as the band is laid across your throat, and looped around either side of your neck to fasten at the nape of your neck.
As it fastens, there's a strange, brimstone like smell, and a weird feeling shivers down your spine. Your hands fly up to the seal, but it's too late - the collar has fastened with some kind of magic, and you're completely unable to remove it.
<<set $conditionlist.push("cursed collar")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("obviously submissive")>>
[[Now everyone will know I was defeated...|afterloss]]There's no use struggling. You've been dominated far too thoroughly you can't even muster a token resistance. Your eyes follow the collar as the monster brings it closer to you, until you lose it under your chin.
A couple of moments later you feel the first kiss of leather against your throat. It feels strangely warm, and something in you can sense how dangerous it is.
Even so, you know you can't avoid it, and the warm kiss wraps around either side of your neck, until they meet behind your neck. There's a sudden smell of brimstone, and that feeling of danger melts into a feeling of softness, of being controlled.
You already know it isn't worth trying to remove the collar. You felt the curse take hold and seal it around your neck, showing everyone you've been defeated and collared by your enemies. The thought is mortifying, but also you feel your pussy pulse at the idea that everyone will see...
<<set $conditionlist.push("cursed collar")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("obviously submissive")>>
[[Now everyone will know I was defeated...|afterloss]]A new reality fades in. You're in a small hut, where you've lived with your grandmother for most of your life. Text swims into your view, and then slowly fades out, taking with it all distractions reminding you of the real world.
"Welcome to Fallen World: Hope and Surrender"
"A sim by Perilous Words games"
It leaves you with impressions of what you can do - take the tutorial, or dive straight into the action.
[[Play the combat tutorial|Adventure setup - Tutorial]]
[[Go straight to the Introduction|Introduction1]]
[[Ignore these options, and turn to enter a dark citadel behind you|Dark Citadel]]
<<if $devversion == 1>>
[[Update Town]]
[[Rat's Nest Quest Setup]]
[[Hamtier's pet hub]]
<<link "Give me a powerful weapon">>
<<set $weapon = ["devbat", 5, ["slash"], [200], [10], "Lol",69]>>
<</if>>Your vision swims, and a menu appears, offering a wide range of PG sims for you to pick from for your booked time.
You end up playing "Dark goat:Reckoning of ducks" a surreal game where you play a vengeful goat slaying a range of celebrities by headbutting them in to dangerous situations.
It's pretty good - and you spot about a hundred references to politics, celebrities and memes. You almost certainly missed at least as many again, it was packed with them.
You leave the VR arcade, thinking that maybe next time you'll try one of the more risque sims...ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<if $submission < random(1,10)>>
<<for _ord to 0; _ord<$attacklist[_v].length; _ord++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_ord]== "order">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ord] to "dominate">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<25>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
<<set $desctext to (["The monster notices the band of leather around your neck. Clearly a symbol that you have already submitted to monsters at least once, the monster explores further, tugging at the collar. You feel an unnatural urge to obey, feeling your willpower drain instantly away as the monster tugs you toward him by the loop."])>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set $submission =10>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "My collar!! I feel so subby">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>>As your struggles subside you relax more and more into the pleasure of letting yourself be tended to by the enemy. WAIT! You can't just let them do this to you, you have to fight!
You aren't sure what is going to happen to you, and that thought provokes you to struggle again, but as soon as you do you feel a hand around your throat, squeezing gently.
Instinctively you stop struggling, and as soon as you do the monsters pay extra attention to your clit, rewarding you for stopping struggling.
The realisation they are training you swims into your addled mind, and you start to struggle again, but as you do the hand tightens on your neck, and you obediently relax.
This time the concentrated attention on your clit has you cumming, to sounds of approval from the monsters.
They put your hands on them, encouraging you to pleasure them. At first you refuse, but again it only takes a gentle squeeze before you tentatively move your hands up and down - and are immediately rewarded by more rubbing at the sensitive flesh between your legs.
You can't find any option other than to let yourself slip into submission, as the monsters train you more and more.
When they are done with you, they leave, shoving you away as you attempt to follow them in confusion. When you recover your senses you pick yourself up and leave.
On the journey back you realise that you're constantly thinking submissive thoughts. You just can't get them out of your head.
[[They're so good at training me|afterloss]]
<<set $conditionlist.push("naturally subby")>>After your training, you are left exhausted and alone.
For some reason the local monsters and villains do not trouble you any more, and you collect your thoughts, as well as the remains of your shredded armour and your weapon, and dejectedly trapse back to town.
[[I can't let this happen again!|Update Town]]Your foes arrange you on your back, naked, with your legs spread nice and wide. You feel really vulnerable, and wonder what they have in store for you.
They keep you pleasured, making sure your nubile body is constantly writhing for them, that yuou never have time to pull yourself together and make this a battle again, instead of this terrible training.
Then you feel them brushing your lips.
They definitely feel sensitive already, and you moan slightly as they play with your mouth, but when they try to coax you to open it you grit your teeth and shake your head defiantly.
Trouble is, it's really hard to stay defiant when they have you so spread and keep touching you like this. After another orgasm, you feel them try to open your mouth again.
You grit your teeth, but this time a quick cuff of punishment has you open them, and immediately you feel something pushing into your mouth.
Instinct has you bite down, and the intrusion is quickly withdrawn with a pained sound from the monster. This time a too-hard pinch at your nipple is your punishment, and something grips your jaw, pushing your mouth open again.
You feel more attention at your pussy pushing your body closer to another orgasm, and this time your instinct to bite comes a little later.
Soon you accept the intruder in your mouth, swirling around your tongue and sometimes fucking in and out, getting you used to having something inside. They move your jaw for you, and each time they squeeze your mouth slightly to bite at the intrusion, they accompany it with a sharp pinch, rough hair pull, or a nipping bite at some soft sensitive skin.
After a while this treatment has two effects - the first is that you are squirming openly, sweat sheening your skin from cumming so much. The second is that you are actively trying to resist biting, pushing back against any pressure that would close your mouth.
It's still a shock when you feel something warmer push into your mouth, and start fucking in and out with an increasing rhythm. You try to push it away, but you aren't strong enough. There's nothing for it but to bite! can't. The thing is sawing in and out, and you feel the first drop of salty tasting liquid in your mouth, but you can't make yourself bite down on it.
As the first gush of warm cum his the back of your throat, you realise the training has been successful. Your attacker shoves himself into you one more time, as several more spurts of cum fill your mouth. You swallow instinctively, and he stays inside you, twitching, before eventually pulling out.
[[My mouth is for fucking now|afterloss]]
<<set $conditionlist.push("welcoming mouth")>>
Add Oral
Add Anal?
City Danger System
Quest Chains
City Flavour Changes and reactions
Kick off Story
Heroine Customiser + widgets for reaction
Keyboard shortcuts
cap negative energy on subaro trap
add fastplayer resolution too
write mon of the week for patreon guy :DGrabbed: You will have an opportunity for a 40-85% chance of escaping each turn.
Held: You will get one fewer attack opportunity each turn, and an opportunity to take a 35-75% chance of escaping each turn.
Restrained: You will get two fewer attack opportunities each turn, and this might be worst if you are being fingered or fucked. You have an opportunity to take a 35-85% chance of escaping each turn, but escaping will still mean you have the Held condition.
Bound: Your normal opportunities will be replaced by a single 40-80% escape opportunity - if successful this will still mean you are in the Held condition.
Prone: Your maximum to hit is reduced by 10%, so a chance of 35-70% becomes 35-60%. You'll have an opportunity for a 60-100% chance to stand each turn.
Kneeling: Your submission increases by 1 every turn. Each turn you have an opportunity to take a 25-60% chance to stand.
Fingered: The monster fingering you will change it's attacks to 80% chances to keep fingering you. Each turn you will have an opportunity to take a 20-70% chance of stopping them.
Being Fucked: The monster fucking you will change it's attacks to 80% chances to keep fucking you. Each turn you will have an opportunity to take a 20-50% chance of stopping them.
<<print $weaponshop[_i][0]>>
<<print $weaponshop[_i][5]>>
<<print "Attacks "+ $weaponshop[_i][1]+" times per turn.">>
Possible attacks
<<for _w to 0; _w<$weaponshop[_i][2].length; _w++>>
<<print $weaponshop[_i][2][_w]+" "+$weaponshop[_i][3][_w]/2+"-"+$weaponshop[_i][3][_w]+"% for 1 to "+$weaponshop[_i][4][_w]+" damage.">>
<</for>><<print $armourshop[_i][0]>>
<<print $armourshop[_i][3]>>
<<print "Durability: "+$armourshop[_i][1]>>
<<print "Protectiveness: "+$armourshop[_i][2]>>
The gleeful foes realise you've been in this situation before, and are probably significantly more trainable than a more successful adventuress. They pin your down and pleasure you while seeming to be somewhat undecided, debating with themselves what they will do with their new conquest.
You're feeling completely defeated, and submit completely to their toying with you, waiting for them to decide your fate.
Eventually a strange garment is pulled from a secret hiding place - obviously something precious to these monsters. Looking at them with unfocused eyes it looks like some kind of dark lingerie, all black straps and shiney rings.
The monster's finally stop pleasuring you. You're completely limp, and they lift you unresisting to your feet. Your arms are held up, and pushed roughly into the garment as they lower it down over your head.
As it settles you feel a squeezing sensation as the whole thing tightens, wrapping itself closer against your skin until there is no slack and you are bound in a web of little straps and silver rings. It does nothing to cover you, both breasts exposed through some of the larger holes in the lewd mesh.
One of the monsters mutters a strange phrase in a foul tongue you haven't heard before, and you gasp slightly as the constricting touch of the cursed armour grows....tender?
As you shift weight the changing pressure of the black straps starts to feels more like the soft touch of a lover than just the restriction of inanimate straps.
With an appreciative grunt and a smack on your ass that has you mew with appreciation, the monsters leave you to collect your wits and eventually return to town.
[[They've dressed me like a looks good|afterloss]]
<<set $conditionlist.push("cursed armour")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("obviously subby")>>
<<set $topcloth to ["Mordwen's Strapwork", 3, -2, "You have been dressed in, and bonded with, the cursed artifact called Mordwen's Strapwork. Black straps between silver rings encase your body, presenting it as a submissive present to any who would claim it. The armour caresses you like a lover, and you have little hope of removing it.", "top", 5000]>>
<<set $undamtop to ["Mordwen's Strapwork", 3, -2, "You have been dressed in, and bonded with, the cursed artifact called Mordwen's Strapwork. Black straps between silver rings encase your body, presenting it as a submissive present to any who would claim it. The armour caresses you like a lover, and you have little hope of removing it.", "top", 5000]>>You've been here before, and as your resistance quickly fades under the successive waves of orgasms, your foes start to look really excited. You obviously look like a very trainable foe.
The fingers have have been playing so relentlessly with your twitching pussy are replaced by a smooth object. You don't get to see it before they are working it inside you. It doesn't take you long to start cumming again, and when you do one of the monsters releases the thing entirely, and it slips completely into you like it was made to fit there.
Then something strange happens: You are ready for the monsters to keep forcing this pleasure on you, but instead they pause, letting you recover enough composure that you're no longer wriggling in pleasure. Then you feel strong grips stretching you out on your back, arms over your head and legs straight and together. You have the weird thought that this is the first time the monsters have been trying to hold your legs *shut*.
Once they have you positioned you, a grip on your neck and another on your hip warn you not to move, while one of them pulls out a cruel looking needle, and some strange glowing ink.
You look up plaintively, trying to beg with your eyes that he does not do this, but you can't bring yourself to struggle, knowing somehow that they deserve to play with your body having defeated you so thoroughly.
The first prick of the needle on your lower body is strange - the sharpness you expected is there, but there's an answering yearning from inside you, connecting the repeated needle pricks with something deeper inside you.
Without another option, you lie back and let them mark you.
When done, the monster lifts your head by the hair, to show you his handiwork. There on your belly is a runic tattoo, in the stylised shape of a womb.
[[Is it my imagination or do I suddenly feel extra fertile?|afterloss]]
<<set $conditionlist.push("womb tattoo")>>Even as they feel the fight leaving your orgasm-quelled body, the monsters push you into another orgasm, and another... You lose track of time, riding this wave of unwanted bliss. Eventually, semi-conscious, you are picked up and carried off.
[[Uh oh...|lgt pp2]]You are somewhat alarmed at being carried off by your foes, but a reassuring pat on your ass, coupled with another few caresses between your legs takes the fight out of you again, and you let them take you somewhere more secure. You're vaguely aware that's a really bad plan, but you feel too defeated and submissive to keep struggling while the nice strong monsters carry you away.
When you start recovering some awareness you're in a small room, with a few monsters in attendance. Your body still throbs with need, remembering how good they were making you feel before you were taken here. Still, they happily remind you of your neediness, hands sliding over your body, playing with your breasts, slipping between your legs.
You've started moaning openly for them, when the training begins.
Two fingers are sunk deep inside you, and a rough command comes. "Squeeze"
Without thinking, you obey, clenching your pussy around the intruding fingers. The monster grunts, and tries to open his fingers inside you, pulling another whimper of pleasure from you as he does.
"Good. Make better"
A thick rune covered rod is produced, and you open your legs further for them so they can slide it into you. You're expecting to be fucked, but instead of the in and out motion you were expecting you feel a weird expanding/contracting rhythm start deep in your pussy.
It feels amazing - the sensations are completely different from the fucking you've grown used to, but the resulting pleasure is very very familiar.
One monster has his hand covering your pussy, holding the rod inside you while it forces your pussy into these strange contractions.
[[Fuuuccck....what's happening?|lgt pp3]]After a little while, the hand between your legs is replaced by another. A while later, another. By this point you are covered in a sheen of perspiration, your body working constantly at the rod's command.
Some of your trainers amuse themselves playing with your body - squeezing nipples, or rubbing against your clit until you cum. Other's seem less interested, carrying on conversations with their comrades in a gutteral language while holding the rod inside you to do it's work. One lifts your hand to his cock, and you instinctively start moving it, pleasuring him as he holds your crotch. After he comes across your breasts, he loses interest, and the rest of his session involves some kind of card game, which he attempts to play one handed.
You're completely exhausted by the time the original trainer comes back. He nods at your current rodkeeper, and finally the runic device is allowed to slip out of you.
You feel two fingers pushed into you again, and the same command "Squeeze".
You obey, creating a ripple of contractions around his fingers, holding them together while your pussy tries to milk them.
This time, when he tries to open them, he has no chance. You smile up at him, and send a firmer massage action against his hand.
He pulls his finger out and pats your pussy lightly.
"Now Excellent. Good. Maybe see you again soon."
[[My pussy is a perfect hole for cock|afterloss]]
<<set $conditionlist.push("perfect pussy")>>You approach the imposing gates of the city. The two guards on duty barely bother to challenge you, you hardly look dangerous, and a lazy "where've you come from lass?" is all you get from them.
You mutter something about your grandmother's house, and the two guards laugh, as it dawns on your they probably meant something about the town or village.
They seem satisfied anyway, and a caravan is drawing up behind you, so they shoo you in through the gates into the city proper.
It's bewildering, there's so much life here, so many people bustling around, bumping in to each other. The smell is terrible, so many people in one place, you're used to the smells of the woods and the countryside.
Step foward into the [[Market Square]] <<if visited("Adventurer's Guild")==0>>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild Intro")>>
<<else if $conditionlist.includes("Hamtier's pet")>>
<<set _hamrand to random(0,100)>>
<<if _hamrand < 20>>
<<goto "Hamtier wants you">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<</if>>You walk in through the doors of the Adventurer's guild, and enter a large hall. The walls and ceiling are covered in pennants, trophies, and pictures. There's even a minotaur head hanging on the far wall, above a closed and intricately carved door.
A few adventurer types are hanging out, and pay no mind to you as you wander in. The only one who seems to care that you're there is the smiling woman sat behind the table over at the far end of the hall.
She stands and beckons you foward.
She's wearing a blue dress that hugs her figure tightly, and strangely she has a glowing red collar around her neck.
She simpers at you "Can I do *anything* to help you dear?"
You aren't sure what to say until one of the adventurer's calls over to her. "Laurel, register the poor girl properly. That's an order". She gasps slightly, and hurries to flip open a large book.
The adventurer continues, while Laurel blushes deeper and deeper.
"She used to be an adventureress, but she's better at paperwork - and relaxing her guildmates, I suppose. Band of lizardmen got the better of her. Then gobins. Then it was a troll right Laurel?" She nods, and keeps quietly filling in details on the page.
"Then she was almost enslaved by some bandits, but Rae-Kim saved her. She can't go adventuring again, she's just offer herself to any monster with a hard cock."
She absent mindedly plays with her collar with one hand, finishing off the form with the other. Done, she turns the book towards you and indicates you should sign.
[[scrawl my mark|Adv Guild Intro2]]<<set $laureltraits to []>>
<<set $laurelprog to 1>>
<<set $hamtiertraits to []>>
<<set $hamtierprog to 1>>
<<set $loreilatraits to []>>
<<set $loreilaprog to 1>>You scrawl a mark in the book, and Laurel smiles at you in thanks, and carefully blots the page before closing the book.
"Guild Regulations say you have to do a small quest first, just to get used to things, so you don't end up like me"
You thank her, and head over to the quest board.
[[Quest board|Adventurer's Guild]]Normally we'd send some ordinary guards to deal with this, but we've found that sending out new adventuress applicants to deal with small groups of goblins is a great way of them cutting their teeth.
Or just getting them out of our hair if they aren't cut out for this.
Good luck.<<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "A Greenskin Trio">>
Full of new resolve and hope to make a difference in the world, you head out of the city. It takes two hours to reach the spot the greenskins were reported at, and sure enough when they see a pretty novice approaching the little gibbering things find you...
[[Let's do this!|A Greenskin Trio]]<<set $adventureprog++>>
<<if $adventureprog == 1>>
<<set $flavourtext to "Even if you were thinking about escape, the three nimble monsters soon have you surrounded. Fighting it is! Surely you can beat three goblins without things going too badly for you? Even if one looks tougher and meaner....">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = ["tough"]>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureprog == 2>>
You finish off the last goblin, and clean off your weapon and armour as best you can. That was it! You'll finish this quest within a day - maybe now they'll let you challenge proper adventures and really make a difference.
[[Back to town|Adventure's end]]
<<set $adventurelist to ["Goblin Raiders", "The Lair of Grobnash", "A Strange Affliction", "A Squamous Horror"]>>
You turn and walk through the vast archway, giant gates of some strange metal swinging open to admit you to the fortress within. Mist coils around your feet, something about how it moves almost seeming like it has some primitive cunning.
The hallway within is vast and gloomy. Lines of armoured trolls shift weight nervously against each wall, guarding the citadel from intruders. This is where supplicants and representatives come to pledge allegiance to the forces of darkness, and where particularly revered commanders of the dark legions send their favourite slaves to advertise their prowess and ensure their names are whispered with respect throughout conquered lands and corrupt legions.
If you have the mark of the dark legion, you can progress through the [[foul door]], and enter the private regions of the keep reserved for the more senior members of the dark legions.
Otherwise, you can admire the slaves, enjoy their predicaments and offer respect to the dark lords who have sent them here.
<<linkreplace "Lin-ni, here to glory the creator himself.">>
You see a petite woman in a dramatic full length dress. Below the high collar of the dress, the front of the dress is cut to reveal her breasts, and chains run down from the collar, ending in little clamps on her constantly aroused nipples. She is clearly still not completely tame, her keeper is a broad shouldered cultist, holding a long chain attached to her wrist.
He tugs on her chain to prompt her, and she addresses you with lowered eyes. "Thank my master and tamer for my presence here, the Creator of darkness himself counts me his little pet."
<<link "Leave the Citadel and start your adventure">>
<<goto "Introduction1">>
<</link>><<if $darkforges ==1>>
The imposing guards step forward as if to bar your way, but then they notice who you are, and immediately halt. As they melt back to the sides of the doorway one of them greets you deferentially. "Welcome Commander of the Dark Forges".
There's even, satisfyingly, a tremble of fear in the monster's voice. You pay the guards no further mind as you step from the public halls in to the inner sanctums of the dark citadel.
In here, the doom of the world is planned by senior commanders. The forges far below echo faintly even up to these corridors, and occasionally you hear the cries of pleasure as a much vaunted and powerful heroine captive continues her fall into slavery.
<<link "Head in to the Arena">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Arena">>
<<link "Head back to the Entrance Hall">>
<<goto "Dark Citadel">>
The guards bar your way. "None may enter here, unless they bear the dark seal of the legion."
[[It was worth a try|Dark Citadel]]
<</if>>Tell us about yourself
<<textbox "$playername" "">>
<<button "Continue">>
<<set $playername = $playername.trim()>>
<<replace "#namechoice">> Your name is $playername. <</replace>>
How tall are you?
<<link "I'm pretty tall, I could look an orc in the face">>
<<set $playerheight to 2>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>You're taller than most men, with legs that seem to go on forever.<</replace>>
<<link "I'm average height, not short or tall">>
<<set $playerheight to 1>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>You're average height, if you weren't so pretty you'd blend in with crowds easily.<</replace>>
<<link "I'm kind of short, not that much taller than a goblin">>
<<set $playerheight to 0>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>You're a short-stack, used to looking up at people.<</replace>>
What about your hair?
<<link "Red and fiery">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "red">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>You have flaming red hair, sometimes when it moves it seems alive like fire.<</replace>>
<<link "Sable black">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "black">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>You have midnight black hair, like a raven's wing.<</replace>>
<<link "Straw blonde">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "blonde">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>You have yellow blonde hair like reflected sunlight on your head.<</replace>>
<<link "Chestnut brown">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "brown">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>You have deep brown hair, soft and warm.<</replace>>
Tell us about your breasts
<<link "They are small and perky">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 0>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>You have <<breastsize "print">>, you never really need a bra.<</replace>>
<<link "They're medium sized, a bit more than a handful">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 1>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>You have <<breastsize "print">>.<</replace>>
<<link "They're large - most men have trouble looking me in the eyes">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 2>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>You have <<breastsize "print">>, it's only since the fall that armourors stock equipment that fits you.<</replace>>
Tell us about your ass
<<link "Tight and toned">>
<<set $playerass to 0>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>You have a small tight ass and somewhat narrow hips.<</replace>>
<<link "Medium and rounded">>
<<set $playerass to 1>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>Your ass is nice and round, and you have curvy hips.<</replace>>
<<link "Large and plush">>
<<set $playerass to 2>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>Your ass is large and wobbles when you walk, and your hips are wide to match.<</replace>>
[[I'm done! Pick the rest for me randomly!|randomiseblanktraits]] <<goto "TEMP nomoretraining">><<goto "TEMP nomoretraining">><<goto "TEMP nomoretraining">>More training will be added, but for now you're about as trained as a heroine can get. Good/Bad job!setting up a tripvine
<<goto "Tripvine moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["prone", "standard"],
chances: [30]},
chances: [30]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to [""]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 20>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Tripvine Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to []>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Tripvine Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Creeping", "Coiling", "Green", "Tangled"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Coils", "Vines", "Stems", "Thorns"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = 0>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("Now you are fallen, you can feel the tripvine coiling under and around you. You try to pull yourself away, but with a lurch of panic you realise that that plant is improving its hold on you.",
"Although you try to pull your arms and legs away from it, the tripvine ensnares you further. You need to do something before you're secured firmly to the forest floor!")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="trip">>
<<set $desctext.push("Distracted for a moment in the chaos of the fight, you feel a curling vine snag your ankle, and before you know it you're sprawling headlong on the ground. You roll on to your back ready to defend yourself against the other monsters, cursing the thick layer of tripvines for making this so much harder.",
"You step backwards - or at least you intend to, but a snag of tripvine stops your foot moving, and your momentum carries you into a fall. You land on your ass, the other monsters grinning and moving closer to your fallen form.")
<</nobr>><<if ($monsterlist.length - $monsterlist.count("tripvine"))==0>>
<<set $attacklist[_v] = ["wither"]>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v] = [100]>>
<</if>><<print $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length]+" is no threat without other monsters around. You can easily avoid the corrupted plant, and as if in recognition of this is starts to die back before your eyes. Soon, there's little sign of the dangerous flora, at least above the ground.">>
<<if $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set _delat to $monsternamelist.length-$attacklist.length>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_delat)>>
<<link "Stupid plants!">>
<<goto "Victorycheck">>
<</link>><<if ndef $playerbreastsize>>
<<set $playerbreastsize to random(0,2)>>
<<if ndef $playerass>>
<<set $playerass to random(0,2)>>
<<if ndef $playerheight>>
<<set $playerheight to random(0,2)>>
<<if ndef $playerhaircolour>>
<<set $playerhaircolour to ["red", "black", "blonde", "black"].random()>>
<<if $playername == "">>
<<set _name1 to ["Lian", "Niseca", "Tash", "Solarr", "Ailex", "Kalis", "Lawri", "Delilah"].random()>>
<<set _name2 to ["of Arkadia", "the Joyful", "Brighteye", "Miller", "Fieldschild", "Saxson"].random()>>
<<set $playername to _name1+" "+_name2>>
<<goto "Enter the game">><<set $devcondlist to ["prone", "kneeling", "wet","bound","slutty nature","helpless exhibitionist", "naked"]>>
<<capture _i>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$devcondlist.length; _i++>>
<<capture _devbut>>
<<set _devbut to $devcondlist[_i]>>
<<button _devbut>>
<<set $conditionlist.push(_devbut)>>
<<set $monsterlist to ["naga"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = [2,3]>>
<<set $timeevents = [["Oh no more goblins", "addmon", "Goblin", "addmon", "Goblin"],["even more!","addmon", "Goblin"]]>>
<<print "You have long "+$playerhaircolour+" hair.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includesAny("topless","naked")>>
Your <<breastsize "print">> are openly displayed.
Your <<breastsize "print">> are hidden under your $topcloth[0]
<<if $conditionlist.includesAny("bottomless","naked")>>
Your <<asssize "print">> and <<hipsize "print">> are naked, drawing appreciative attention from anyone who sees you.
Your <<asssize "print">> and <<hipsize "print">> are hidden beneath your $bottomcloth[0]
<<set _removedconds to ["grabbed","held","restrained","bound","prone","kneeling","wet","cumming", "being fucked", "fingered", "flaming weapon", "edging"]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_removedconds.length; _i++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_removedconds[_i])>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete(_removedconds[_i])>>
<<set $fingerer to "">>
<<set $fucker to "">><<if $playermoves.length == 0>>
<<goto "autores Hero2">>
<<elseif $playermovesconfirm[0]<0>>
<<set $playermoves.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermoveschance.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesdam.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto "autores Hero">>
<<goto "autores Hero1">>
<<print "You try to push yourself up, but the monsters focus their attentions on you, and you can't find space to safely regain your feet.">><<print "Despite a clumsy attempt by "+$monsternamelist.random()+" to keep you down, you rise to your feet again, facing down your foes.">><<set $conditionlist.delete("prone")>><<set _rand = random(1,100)>>
<<if _rand > $playermoveschance[0]>>
<<set _text to $playermoves[0]+"textfail">>
<<set $playerautorestext.push(_text)>>
<<set _text to $playermoves[0]+"textsucceed">>
<<set $playerautorestext.push(_text)>>
<<set _effect to $playermoves[0]+"effect">>
<<include _effect>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[0] to -1>>
<<if $playerautoinhib == 0>>
<<goto "autores Hero">>
<</if>><<for _i to 0; _i<$playerautorestext.length; _i++>>
<<include $playerautorestext[_i]>>
<<if $playerautoresatt.length>0>>
<<print "Attack effects:">>
<<for _l to 0; _l<$playerautoresatt.length; _l++>>
<<print $playerautoresatt[_l]>>
[[Let's see what they can do|Autores Monsters 1]]<<print "Despite your best efforts, and a few moments struggle, soon you give up to the feelings of the monster pushing in and out, in and out...">><<if $conditionlist.includes("fingered")>>
<<print "With a huge effort, you pull out the monster, and twist your hips aside, protecting yourself from his frustrated attempts to penetrate you again.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<print "Desperately pushing at the monster, you wriggle free enough to end his penetration, and gasp with relief as his hard cock is no longer sheathed in your pussy.">>
<</if>><<if $conditionlist.includes("fingered")>>
<<for _i to $attacklist.length-1; _i>=0; _i-->>
<<for _j to $attacklist.length-1; _j>=0; _j-->>
<<if $attacklist[_i][_j] == "keep fingering">>
<<set $attacklist[_i].deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_i].deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $fingerer to "">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("being fucked")>>
<<for _i to $attacklist.length-1; _i>=0; _i-->>
<<for _j to $attacklist.length-1; _j>=0; _j-->>
<<if $attacklist[_i][_j] == "keep fucking">>
<<set $attacklist[_i].deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_i].deleteAt(_j)>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<set $fucker to "">>
<</if>><<print "You struggle against the bonds, but you are quite firmly tied for now, helpless to fight back against the monsters.">><<print "With a huge effort you manage to break out of the crude bonds! You aren't done fighting yet, although the monsters still have a firm grip on you.">><<set $conditionlist.delete("bound")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("held")>><<print "You try to make yourself stand up, but at the moment you haven't quite overcome the force of the order that made you kneel, and you can't make yourself stop kneeling for them.">><<print "Despite a clumsy attempt by "+$monsternamelist.random()+" to keep you down, you rise to your feet again, facing down your foes.">><<set $conditionlist.delete("kneeling")>><<print "You struggle against the monsters, but they are so strong, and have such a firm grip. For now, it's hopeless.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
<<print "You manage to loosen the monsters grip on you, although they still have you in their clutches.">>
<<print "You twist away from the monsters grasp, breaking free from their hold.">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("grabbed")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("grabbed")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("held")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("held")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("restrained")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("restrained")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("held")>>
<</if>><<print "Your attempt to bash the monster misses.">><<print "Your weapon smashes into the monster with a crunch, sending it reeling backward, cancelling its actions as well as damaging it">><<include "generic attackeffect">><<print "Your attempt to stab the monster misses.">><<print "You thrust forward, and the sharp tip of your weapon impales your foe">><<include "generic attackeffect">><<print "Your attempt to slash the monster misses.">><<print "The edge of your weapon cuts into the monster, wounding it">><<include "generic attackeffect">><<print "Your attempt to swooping strike the monster misses.">><<print "The Castellian sword twists and dances in the air, cutting at your foe again and again.">><<include "generic attackeffect">><<set _damage = random(1,$playermovesdam[0])>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("flaming weapon")>>
<<set _damage++>>
<<set _flametext to " with your flaming weapon">>
<<set _flametext to "">>
<<set $playerautoresatt.push("Your attack"+_flametext+" does "+_damage+"hp damage to "+$monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]])>>
<<set $monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]]=$monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]]-_damage>>
<<if $monsterhp[$playermovesconfirm[0]] <1>>
<<set $playerautoresatt.push($monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]+" can't take any more damage, and collapses.")>>
<<for _h to 1; _h<$playermovesconfirm.length; _h++>>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[_h]==$playermovesconfirm[0]>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_h] to -1>>
<<if $playermovesconfirm[_h]>$playermovesconfirm[0]>>
<<set $playermovesconfirm[_h] to $playermovesconfirm[_h]-1>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $playerautoresatt.push("The defeated monster drops "+$monsterlootlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]+" gold pieces of loot.")>>
<<set $gold = $gold + $monsterlootlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]]>>
<<set _deldependants to 0>>
<<if $monstertraitlist[$playermovesconfirm[0]].includes("parent")>>
<<set _deldependants to 1>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt($playermovesconfirm[0])>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if _deldependants==1>>
<<for _del to $monsterlist.length-1; _del>=0; _del-->>
<<if $monstertraitlist[_del].includes("child")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] == $fucker>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("being fucked")>>
<<if $monsternamelist[_del] ==$fingerer>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("fingered")>>
<<set $monsternamelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterhp.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstermoves.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monsterlootlist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attackchancelist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $attacklist.deleteAt(_del)>>
<<set $monstercounter-->>
<<if $attackstuns ==1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]].length; _i++>>
<<set $attackchancelist[$playermovesconfirm[0]][_i] = 0>>
<<set $attackstuns=0>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length==0>>
<<set $playerautoinhib to 1>>
<<goto "autores Herovictory">>
<</if>><<print "Your flaming weapon deals an additional point of damage to the monster">>
<<set $playerautoinhib to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$playerautorestext.length; _i++>>
<<include $playerautorestext[_i]>>
<<if $playerautoresatt.length>0>>
<<print "Attack effects:">>
<<for _l to 0; _l<$playerautoresatt.length; _l++>>
<<print $playerautoresatt[_l]>>
[[All of the monsters have been defeated!|Victorycheck]]setting up a doppleganger
<<goto "Doppleganger moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bottomless", "naked", "topless", "standard"],
bottomless:{movesnum:[100, 70,40],
choices:["grab", "strip", "clone"],
choices:["grab", "clone"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "clone"],
chances: [40, 40, 50]},
choices:["grab", "strip"],
chances: [40, 40]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 4>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Doppleganger Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "tough"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<set $returnpassage = "Doppleganger Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Formless", "Misty", "Empty", "Blurred"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Figure", "Form", "Humanoid", "Thing"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = 8>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The doppleganger's strength is very similar to yours, so for a moment it isn't clear who will win this little trial of strength, but you don't quite manage to pull free, and you're quickly held tighter by the monsters.",
"Although your strengths are well matched, this time you just barely fail to break free as the doppleganger uses the grip to pull itself against you. You feel the length of its body pressed against yours, moving sinuously against you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push("The formless doppleganger is clearly desperate to get to your bare flesh, and it tears and rends your clothes. Although it isn't so strong, the desperation and persistence take a steady toll on your armour.",
"With a satisfied grunt the doppleganger pulls your clothes away from you, attempting to slide its hand underneath them to lay against your skin. You just about manage to twist aside, but only by pulling against your own armour, weakening it significantly.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="clone">>
<<set $desctext.push("In the swirling melee you suddenly feel a cool hand lay on your bare skin. Moment's later that coolness turns in a strange pulling sensation. You feel something inside you yanked away, flowing through your body into the doppleganger. Looking at it in momentary shock, you see the things face shift and merge, until it settles in to a familiar visage: Your own.",
"The doppleganger lays a misty hand on your skin. You try to twist aside, but it manages to keep contact, and you gasp in shock as the touch turns in to a strange tugging - something deep inside you pulled away and through the contact in to your foe. As it does, a change ripples through the doppleganger, starting with the hand it has on yoru skin, flowing down its arm, and from its shoulder out into its body. In moments it has adopted a more solid form. Worse, its new body is a perfect copy of yours.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("Hands that feel worryingly familiar slide onto your body. You can feel an echo of the pulling sensation that you felt when you let the doppleganger steal your essence, but it's much weaker. The main sensation is your body being pleasured by copies of your own hands.",
"You don't manage to defend yourself against the dopplegangers touches, and the thing steps in, its "+_bsizetext.random()+" pressing against yours as it does. You feel its hands caress you, and stifle a moan.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="force kiss">>
<<set $desctext.push("The doppleganger's "+_bsizetext.random()+" "+_breastverbtext.random()+" against you as it moves in. Unable to stop her you submit to a dominant kiss from your likeness. Before you break free you can't help but think how oddly taboo this must look, two perfect twins pressing against each other and passionately kissing.",
"You sigh into the doppleganger's mouth as it forces a deep kiss against you. Her tongue slides over your lips, teasing and probing, and for a moment the idea of giving in and letting her kiss you as much as she likes crosses your mind, but you eventually manage to banish the traitorous thought and push her away.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="finger">>
<<set $desctext.push("With one hand your likeness grabs hold of your "+_asssizetext.random()+", and with the other it pushes fingers inside your pussy, quickly starting to find a consistent rhythm.",
"The doppleganger slides fingers into you, and quickly finds your favourite spots - maybe it wasn't just physical form that the thing stole from you. Soon it's hard not to buck back against it, and your own face smiles as it watches you struggling with the pleasure.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push("It feels far too good - you are being fingered in exactly the same way that you like to touch yourself. You sigh, and as you do the monster cuddles closer, four "+_bsizetext.random()+" pressing together as the doppleganger fingers you.",
"The doppleganger shifts its hold slightly, and you feel it brace you with one hand on your "+_hipsizetext.random()+". Holding you steady, it picks up the pace of its fingering, strokes coming harder and faster into your struggling body.")
<</nobr>><<if $monstertraitlist[_v].includes("cloned")>>
<<if $conditionlist.includesAny("fingered", "being fucked")>>
<<set _att1 to ["touch", "force kiss"].random()>>
<<set _att2 to ["touch", "force kiss"].random()>>
<<set _att1 to ["finger", "touch", "force kiss"].random()>>
<<set _att2 to ["finger", "touch", "force kiss"].random()>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includesAny("bound", "restrained")>>
<<set _att3 to ["grab", "touch"].random()>>
<<set _att3 to "touch">>
<<set _ran1 to random(25,50)>>
<<set _ran2 to random(25,50)>>
<<set _ran3 to random(25,50)>>
<<set $attacklist[_v]=[_att1, _att2, _att3]>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v]=[_ran1,_ran2,_ran3]>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster touches your bare skin, and you feel a strange pulling sensation as something is sucked out of your body. That same energy flows into the monster and you see it shifting shape...until it looks like a mirror image of you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set _monfind to ($monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length)>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[_monfind].pushUnique("cloned")>>
<<set _increment to 1>>
<<set _newname to $playername>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<10; _i++>>
<<if $monsternamelist.includes(_newname)>>
<<set _increment++>>
<<set _newname to $playername+" "+_increment>>
<<set $monsternamelist[_monfind] to _newname>>
<<for _i to $attacklist[0].length; _i>=0; _i-->>
<<if $attacklist[0][_i] == "clone">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(_i)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(_i)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster forces its face in close to yours, and before you can squirm away you feel its lips pressed against yours, a tongue probing between your lips as the monster kisses you.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<set _kisspleasure = random(1,2)>>
Your lips tingle as the monster forces the kiss on you. The feeling of soft lips and tongues tangling together turns you on, and you take _kisspleasure pleasure. Letting them kiss you like this is definitely submissive, and you feel your sense of confidence and control slip a little.
<<set $pleasure=$pleasure+_kisspleasure>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("edging")>>
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("cumming")>>
<<set $submission++>>
<<if $submission>10>>
<<set $submission to 10>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<if $companiontype == "Fire Mage">>
Quick tempered mages who excel at elemental magic usually become Fire Mages. They learn to bend the element of fire to their will, casting it in looping bolts of white hot flame, or setting a burning edge to an allies weapon.
Whatever her natural hair colour, a fire mages hair inevitably turns to a deep hue of red as she grows in power.
<<if $companiontype == "Pet">>
You have not managed to protect your companion from the attention of the foul monsters, and over several incidents in the heat of battle you've watched her be dominated and trained by the monsters.
$companionname is now a tame little pet, and all that's left is for you to escort her back to the city - she has no business being outside its relatively safe walls, and even her life in the city will no doubt involve serving anyone who realises how well she's been trained.
<</if>><<if $dungeoncontents.length == 0>>
You reach the end of $dungeonname, you've explored it completely, and cleared out it's inhabitants so the forces of evil can no longer use it as a base.
<<link "Head back to town">>
<<goto "Market Square">>
<<include $exploreflavour>>
<<link "delve deeper">>
<<set _delve to $dungeoncontents[0]>>
<<set $dungeoncontents.deleteAt(0)>>
<<goto _delve>>
<<link "give up and return to the city">>
<</if>><<set $flavourtext = "You walk into a small cavern, some scraping on the rocks indicating it's been artificially enlarged over the years, even if it isn't made of finished stonework. There are a few rugs and skins scattered on the floor, and a couple of those cover goblin sized bundles.\n Even more worryingly, as you enter the room some of the goblins are awake, and screech in alarm. The awake goblins move to attack you, while the bundles start to stir.\n if you can't finish this fight in time, more of the goblins are going to join them.">>
<<set $monsterlist to ["goblin", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = [4]>>
<<set $timeevents = [["You realise that in the time you've been fighting, two of the sleeping goblins have managed to shake themselves awake, arm themselves, and join the battle. At the same time you realise that goblins *definitely* get morning wood!", "addmon", "Goblin", "addmon", "Goblin"]]>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $condswitchtext = $condswitchtext+" "+_ttevents[0]>>
<<set _ttevents.deleteAt(0)>>
<<for _tt to 0; _tt<_ttevents.length; _tt++>>
<<if _ttevents[0] == "addmon">>
<<set $devtestARRRGH to "ARRRGH">>
<<set $addmoninhib to 1>>
<<set _montype to _ttevents[1].toLowerCase()>>
<<set $monsterlist.push(_montype)>>
<<set _monaddmoves to _ttevents[1]+" moves">>
<<include _monaddmoves>>
<<set _monaddmodifiers to _ttevents[1]+" Modifiers">>
<<include _monaddmodifiers>>
<<set _monaddnames to _ttevents[1]+" Names">>
<<include _monaddnames>>
<<set _ttevents.deleteAt(1)>>
<<set _ttevents.deleteAt(0)>>
You find a small chest. It isn't fancy, but it is sturdily built from some kind of dark wood. As far as you can tell there's noone around.
[[Leave it alone|Small chest leave]]
<<link "Open it">>
<<replace "#exits">>
<<set _rand to random(30,60)>>
You open the small chest. Sure enough, there's a pile of coins there - obviously the ill gotten savings of some foul creature. You waste no time liberating them - you'll put the funds towards better fighting this creatures kin.
You've found _rand gold pieces!
<<set $gold to $gold+_rand>>
<<link "YES! Treasure!">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
You feel too worried about traps or ambushes to risk opening the chest. The chance of a a few gold pieces aren't worth the worst things that could happen if you drop your guard.
Still you can't help being somewhat regretful as you turn away from the wooden chest, and leave the chance at some extra gold behind.
<<link "Delve further into the dungeon">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
<</link>><<set $monsterlist = []>>
Rounding a corner, the first thing you see in front of you is a chest. Wood bound with metal straps, you're fairly sure that it's the kind of thing you might very much like to get inside of.
Before you can get to it though, there's the second thing you notice: The guards. Several monsters are stood close to it, talking in a gutteral language and not looking like they are planning to move any time soon.
You see
<<for _mon to 0; _mon<$dungeonextrainfo[0].length; _mon++>>
<<set $monsterlist.push($dungeonextrainfo[0][_mon])>>
<<if _mon == 0>>
<<print "a "+$dungeonextrainfo[0][_mon]>>
<<elseif _mon ==$dungeonextrainfo[0].length-1>>
<<print ", and a "+$dungeonextrainfo[0][_mon]>>
<<print ", a "+$dungeonextrainfo[0][_mon]>>
<<print ". They are definitely guarding the chest. If you want to get in to the chest, you're going to have to fight them, but their singular focus also means you could sneak past them without them noticing.">>
<<link "I'll take them on">>
<<set $flavourtext = "You watch them for a bit, looking for the best time to step out and attack. Then you step forward in to the light, blade drawn. They scramble to meet your advance, each casting sideways glances at the treasure chest, no doubt assessing how much more their share will be if you kill one of their companions.">>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $dungeonextrainfo.deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $adventurename = "guardedchestwin">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<link "I'll sneak past, and ignore the chest">>
<<goto "guarded chest leave">>
<<set _rand to (0,4)>>
<<switch _rand>>
<<case 0>>
You advance forward slowly into the oppressive gloom. Flickering torches fastened haphazardly to the cave walls offer you some illumination, enough to make your way further in to the dungeon.
<<case 1>>
The floor under your feet is uneven and difficult. You walk forward slowly, feeling out each step with your foot as the rocks shift slightly under you.
Having to stay so alert is a little draining, and you feel like you'll be affected at the start of the next fight
<<set $energy-->>
<<if $energy<0>>
<<set $energy to 0>>
<<case 2>>
The way ahead opens out into a large cavern, the ceiling covered in stalactites. There's a relatively smooth worn path through the middle of some impressive rock formations, and although the shadows and twisted shapes make you nervous, nothing untoward happens as you proceed through the cavern.
<<case 3>>
You pause at a Y junction in the sprawling underground caves. Taking a sip of water and checking your equipment, as well as wondering about which branch to take.
<<set _way to ["left", "right"].random()>>
After a 5 minute break, you haven't found anything to recommend either path. Making sure you'll recognise the way back if you need it, you take the _way hand path.
<<case 4>>
A small cavern on the left of the main cave proves to be a dead end. On the way back though you notice a few coins scattered on the floor of the less-visited part of the cave.
<<set _randcoin to random(2,10)>>
<<set $gold to $gold+_randcoin>>
<</switch>><<set _rand to (0,4)>>
<<switch _rand>>
<<case 0>>
You pace down regular stone corridors, past several small rooms. Checking them reveals an array of cleaning equipment, garbage, heaps of useless junk, and even a small unused bedroom. Nothing useful. You keep moving forward toward your next encounter.
<<case 1>>
A locked door looks like it will prevent you making progress in to the dungeon, but as you double back you take a chance on a side corridor. Without much trouble you circle your way forward. When you get to what seems like another locked door you peer through the keyhole, and confirm your suspicion - this is the same door, from the other side.
Feeling smug, you turn, and advance from the door deeper and deeper.
<<case 2>>
Well finished stone walls mark a better built - perhaps more prestigious - part of the fort. The masonry appears more adept than most buildings outside the palace. Hoping this means you'll find some valuable reward, you press forward.
<<case 3>>
A small side room gives you a relatively safe place to take a well deserved break. You check your weapons and equipment, making sure you are well prepared for whatever is around the next corner.
You even find some reasonbly not-dubious looking food, and after a tentative taste you recognise it as chicken. You wolf it down. It's even tasty! Finished with your break, you step forward with renewed vigour.
<<case 4>>
Something tingles at the back of your neck as you make your way down an otherwise unremarkable corridor. Trusting your instincts, you stop and examine the stonework. It doesn't take you so long to find a hidden mechanism which you carefully trigger.
The wall hinges inward smoothly, revealing a hidden corridor! Inside, it's clear from the thin layer of dust that nothing uses these passages. You ease forward quietly, excited at the thought of using this new discovery to ambush your next foes.
<<set $conditionlist.pushUnique("ambush")>>
<</switch>><<set $dungeonextrainfo to []>>
select flavour
pick a type
<<set _allowedcont to ["sleeping goblins", "small treasure chest","guarded chest","just goblins", "empty room", "wounded troll", "doppleganger room"]>>
<<set $dungeoncontents to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<4; _i++>>
<<set _dungcont to _allowedcont.random()>>
<<if $dungeoncontents.length>0>>
<<if _dungcont == $dungeoncontents[$dungeoncontents.length-1]>>
<<set _dungcont to _allowedcont.random()>>
<<set $dungeoncontents.push(_dungcont)>>
with boss??
now set extra info where needed
<<for _q to 0; _q < $dungeoncontents.length; _q++>>
<<if $dungeoncontents[_q] == "guarded chest">>
<<set _infoadd to ["goblin slavemaster"]>>
<<set _rand to random(2,4)>>
<<for _g to 0; _g<_rand; _g++>>
<<set _infoadd.push("goblin")>>
<<set $dungeonextrainfo.push(_infoadd)>>
<<set $adventurename = "dungeoncore">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
Deciding that discretion is the better part of greed, you circle around the corners of the area, staying out of the light and well away from the tempting chest. Sure enough, the monsters don't notice you and soon you are slipping away, further into the dungeon.
<<link "further, but no richer...">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
<</link>>With the guards defeated you can finally get to the chest. At first it resists your attempts to open it, but after a quick search you find one of the monsters was carrying a key which fits in to the solid feeling lock on the front of thing.
The key turns easily and something clicks open in the chest. Trying again, you find you can lift the lid, and reveal a small horde of gold pieces!
<<linkreplace "Claim my spoils!">>
<<set _rand = random(80,150)>>
You find _rand gold pieces in total, and happily add them to your stash.
<<set $gold = $gold + _rand>>
<<link "I bet there's more treasure just around the corner">>
<<set $adventurename = "dungeoncore">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
<<set $flavourtext = "A small band of goblins rushes toward you. You aren't sure if they were tipped off by some alarm, or had other business and just happened to cross your path.\n Either way, you're going to have to fight them.">>
<<set $monsterlist to ["goblin slavemaster", "goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $flavourtext = "The room you enter looks empty at first glance, but you realise that actually there are three humanoid shapes standing there. They are vague undefined shapes of amorphous grey - Dopplegangers! You grip your weapon tightly as you move in to attack this rare and dangerous enemy.">>
<<set $monsterlist to ["doppleganger", "doppleganger", "doppleganger"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $flavourtext = "You come across what might almost be a touching scene: A large troll slumps in the corner, nursing one leg that has obviously been broken somehow. Bending over him in concern is a goblin, who pokes and prods, clearly trying in a primitive way to help his oversized buddy regenerate faster. Another goblin watches in concern, but this one is alert enough to call out an alarm as you walk in. The two goblins close in on you, while in the background the wounded troll's leg starts knitting together. He eyes you balefully, intent on helping his friends.">>
<<set $monsterlist to ["goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =["Lil Doc"]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = [4,5]>>
<<set $timeevents = [["The troll has finally managed to knit his leg together enough that he can stand on it, and with a lurch he staggers toward you. He'll be in the fight in moments"],["With a snarl the troll throws himself in to the fight, no sign of his previous wound.", "addmon", "Troll"]]>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>You find your path open out in to a medium sized space. There are bits of crude furniture scattered around, and even a half drunk mug of some horrible smelling ichor, but as far as you can tell the whole place is empty.
<<linkreplace "look around">>
Looking around you confirm the room is as empty as it seems (and that the ichor really is completely foul). You check beneath a crude stool, under a little box seemingly used as a doesn't matter. All you find is dust, a rat skeleton, and crumbs of food on the floor. Not even any gold.
<<link "Oh well...">>
<<goto "dungeoncore">>
<</linkreplace>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<switch _duntype>>
<<case "cave">>
<<set _possnames to ["Caverns", "Caves", "Pit", "Gloom"]>>
<<case "fort">>
<<set _possnames to ["Hold", "Fort", "Stand", "Tower"]>>
<<set _dunname1 to _possnames.random()>>
<<switch _dunsize>>
<<case "small">>
<<set _possnames to ["Glum", "Small"]>>
<<if _duntype == "cave">>
<<set _possnames.push("Dusty", "Shallow")>>
<<if _duntype == "fort">>
<<set _possnames.push("Stone", "Squat")>>
<<set _dunname2 to _possnames.random()>>
<<set $dungeonname to _dunname2+" "+_dunname1>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
As she’s talking to you, a large man in a fur lined cloak walks up behind her. Even as she’s talking he puts his hand around her neck. His cloak falls open, and you see that he’s mostly naked underneath it, his modesty covered only by a fur hanging down from his belt.
Laurel doesn’t object or resist as he pulls her face sideways against his crotch, and the big barbarian laughs.
“Oh dear, we’ve almost finished the job all those nasty monsters started, haven’t we?”. Laurel’s eyes go wide, but she turns her face in to the hardness growing beneath his fur. You hear a muffled "No Master Hamtier" from her.
“Good - just like we trained you.” He smirks. “I’m the strongest adventurer here, so it’s not like anyone is going to save you.”
He drops his hand to casually cup her breast. “Now, finish registering this pretty little thing, and we can see if she has any chance of avoiding the same fate.”
Laurel bites her lip slightly as he pinches her nipple, and finishes writing your details on the form. With that done, you’re free to look at the quest board - and worry about how there seems to be corruption in the adventurer’s guild, as well as outside the city.
The girl behind the desk is dressed very submissively. She seems like she wants to ask you something, but doesn’t quite dare - clearly she’s too far in to Hamtier’s clutches to actively seek an escape. If you don’t help her out somehow it’ll be too late.
<<link "Leave Laurel for now">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<<set $hamtierprog = 2>>
<<set _goto = "Laurel"+$laurelprog>>
<<goto _goto>><<if $conditionlist.includes("Hamtier's slave")>>
<<goto "HamtierSlave">>
<<set _goto = "Hamtier"+$hamtierprog>>
<<goto _goto>>
<<if visited() == 1>>
A brutish looking barbarian looks up at you, a lewd smile spreading across his face. “Fresh meat. Hope the monsters don’t spoil her too much before we get to her, hey lads?”
The other adventures nod and laugh obsequiously - this man is clearly the de facto leader of their little clique.
The brute just sits there broodily, eyeing up your body and sometimes making a crude remark to his group.
<<link "Walk away from the brute">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<</link>><<if visited() == 1>>
Hamtier laughs as you approach, and stands up to tower over you. “Here to offer me your wrists already, little one?”
<<if $conditionlist.includes("obviously submissive")>>
He eyes you up, taking in how you look, and that you’re already obviously falling. Without waiting for you to answer he takes hold of your shoulder, and pulls you to follow him. His cronies part ways and he leads you back to his seat.
Something about your situation makes it very hard to fight back - if you looked at yourself you’d also see a submissive slut. It’s hardly surprising that he’s taking you like this. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from blushing in embarrassment as one of his little gang points out exactly that.
You should never have confronted him while looking so obviously submissive!
By the time you muster your wits and start to protest, he has you topless in his lap, and you feel his hands take confident possession of your breasts. You give in quickly to his dominant handling of your body, laying your head back against his fur clad shoulder and letting him play with you. He smells of fresh sweat and furs - a smell that your body responds to instinctively. You shift your thighs unconsciously, parting them slightly.
When he’s sure you aren’t going to resist, he starts telling you how good you’ll be for him, and how you’re going to be his little servant, just like Laurel. After a little while of him dripping this poison into your ear you find yourself nodding along, gasping with arousal as he enjoys your breasts.
Several adventurers enter the guild during an afternoon of being fondled expertly on his lap. He swaps jokes with some of them, and introduces you as Laurel’s sister. Your face is red with embarrassment, and with so many of the guild already seeing you like this you aren’t sure you’ll be able to fight back against Hamtier in the future. Maybe this is your role, at least in the guild.
<<set $hamtiertraits.push("tamer")>>
<<set $laureltraits.push("prelost")>>
You shake your head.
<<link "I don't want to cause any trouble, but I'm not going to be your toy">>
<<replace "#dialogue">>
You face off against the large man, and tell him that you’re here for bigger things than him - along with a matching glance at his loincloth that causes his friends to snigger. If he keeps out of your way, you’ll keep out of his.
For a long moment it looks like he’s going to grab you or something, and you feel adrenaline rising in preparation for a fight. Then he sits down and turns away from.
“We’ll see.”
<<set $laureltraits.push("prelost")>>
<<link "You leave that girl alone.">>
<<replace "#dialogue">>
You tell Hamtier that things are going to change around here, and you won’t tolerate what he’s doing to Laurel.
As soon as you tell him this you see a deep anger fall over his face. His posture shifts forward and his voice gets louder. “You’re gonna regret saying that.”. He pauses, thinking. “Then you’re going to be happy you said that.”
His friends laugh.
“Just wait. You slip, and I’ll catch you.”
It isn’t the reassuring promise that those words would usually be - you are very confident of that. Show weakness and Hamtier will drop everything to show the rest of the guild that you should never have opposed him. It seems your time in the adventurer’s guild is going to be more interesting than you anticipated.
<<if $hamtiertraits.includes("tamer")>>
Hamtier smiles lewdly as you stand in front of him again. He grabs at your <<asssize "print">>, squeezing it firmly by way of greeting you.
“There’s no hurry. I’ll give you more attention tomorrow”
He gives your ass a quick swat by way of goodbye.
You blush, not quite sure why you came back to him so easily. The big barbarian turns back to his friends and ignores you.
The two of you eye each other warily from across the room. You aren’t sure this uneasy truce will last for very long.
<<link "Walk away from Hamtier">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<<if $laurelprog ==1>>
<<set $laurelprog =2>>
<</if>><<if $laureltraits.includes("lost")>>
Laurel is wearing a sheer dress, transparent enough you can see her body is naked underneath it. Her glowing red collar has a tag that reads "Hamtier's Slave".
Laurel is wearing a figure hugging blue dress, and the red collar that you've grown used to seeing her wear.
<</if>><<if visited()==1>>
<<if $laureltraits.includesAny("prelost","lost")>>
Laurel looks up at you from the desk and smiles. You can see in her eyes she's fully accepted her fate as Hamtier's slave now, with you unable to offer her the chance of rescue.
After filling in some details in the ledger, Laurel stops for a moment. She hesitates, then shakes her head slightly and turns back to her work.
Laurel looks up at you as if you just saved her from a pit of vipers. Maybe you did. "Th..thank you" she mutters. "I might have ended up being..well.." you wait patiently. "I might have ended up defeated, but I was trying to do good deeds. I'm not sure I want to belong to Hamtier."
You reassure her that you're going to beat Hamtier, and she smiles at you again, then lowers her voice.
"You're going to need help. He's got a lot of followers in the guild, if you aren't careful he'll claim both of us." She thinks for a moment. "We might need help - perhaps you can ask around and see if anyone knows anything we can use against him?"
<<set $loreilaprog to 2>>
<<if $laureltraits.includesAny("prelost","lost")>>
Laurel smiles at you, but doesn't say anything. She sits patiently waiting for you to ask her for help registering a quest, but otherwise her face is blank.
Laurel looks up at you "Anything yet?" You shake your head, but reassure her that you are working on it.
<<link "Turn away from Laurel back in to the guild hall">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<</link>><<print "You reach for Granny, sliding past her attempt to tickle you more and poke her in the side! A point for you!">><<print "Your attempt to poke granny fails">><<include "generic attackeffect">>setting up a trollkin
<<goto "Trollkin moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["naked", "standard"],
choices:["fuck", "grab", "touch","regenerate"],
choices:["grab", "strip","touch","regenerate"],
chances: [50, 50, 30,70]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["bigcock","humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 5>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Trollkin Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough","rock"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Trollkin Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Ragged", "Underfoul", "Fallgrim", "Snaggle", "Clawbreak"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Bloodcall", "Gorekin", "Fallspawn", "Shankgut", "Whelpmate"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(10,15)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The trollkin yanks on your arm, jerking you into the bulk of his body. He keeps hold of you, trying to restrain you from fighting back effectively.",
"You can smell the foul smell of troll as the trollkin pulls you in close to him and wraps you in one arm. Even though your eyes tell you this is a lesser thing than the full sized monstrosity of a troll, it still stinks the same.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(_descname+" rips, tears, and shreds your armour with long snaggly claws. Soon your clothing starts to give way as the trollkin yanks and pulls.",
"Although not a full troll, the trollkin has more strength than any man you've known, and with brute strength it assaults your clothing, trying to strip it from you and get access to the flesh beneath.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("The trollkin carefully keeps it's claws away from you as those oversized hands knead at your body, savouring it as the monster anticipates what it might do to you.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push("The trollkin's assault on your apex is almost feral, strong hands pushing your thighs apart and holding your knees. It takes two errant stabs forward, before the third hilts the trollkin's cock in your spread pussy.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext = ["The trollkin's fucking is not gentle, it fucks like a drowning man given a last chance for air. Your body is shaken with each thrust of the oversized cock, but although it threatens to be overwhelming it also feels really good"]>>
<</nobr>><<if $monsterhp[_v] >3>>
<<for _cc to 0; _cc<$attacklist[_v].length; _cc++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_cc] =="regenerate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_cc] ="grab">>
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <15>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<if visited() ==1>>
"Oh hello dear! You look like you're new here? And you're what? Planning to be an adventuress? Well bless you dear, we always need more of those - have to keep the darkness at bay right? Here's a pie - it's on the house, the first one is always free right?"
The barrage of friendly chat continues as you sink your teeth into an almost-too-hot pie. Delicious juices explode in your mouth, savory, salty and thick gravy along with chunks of perfectly seasoned meat. You close your eyes for a moment as the crisp buttery pastry melts together with the filling. It's bliss - easily the best pie you've ever tasted.
When you open your eyes, the pie lady is looking at you and smiling.
"You never forget your first dear! Come back and find me if you want another - and if you need help with anything too. I've got sharp ears and a lot of folk treat shopkeepers like scenery. Plus I do like gossiping!"
You hardly open your mouth before Loriela is off, a stream of gossip, greetings, wellwishes and friendly banter. You start to suspect she became a pie lady to have an excuse to fill other people's faces so she had more space to talk.
<<link "She's very friendly!">>
<<goto "Hotpots and Happiness">>
<</link>><<if visited() ==1>>
You approach the friendly pie lady, and between her constant gossip you manage to tell her the problem you're having with Hamtier. She reacts immediately, leaning forward conspiratorally and lowering her voice.
"Oh dear, that's a problem - and you so new here too! I really hope you don't end up falling in to his clutches, I don't think he makes a gentle master."
She thinks for a moment.
"Oh! I do know something that might help though! He's always been a wrong 'un, and I don't think anyone likes him so much as fears him. I bet that's the way to beat him - make it so noone's scared of him any more and he'll have to slink off, tail between his legs"
You open your mouth to start to reply, but...
"I tell you what - go finish a quest for the guild, start building your reputation so people take you seriously. We'll go from there."
<<set $finishquesteffects.push("LoreilaGuildQuest")>>
"I think you need to finish a quest first dear, make sure people start taking you seriously, then we can figure out how to beat that nasty Hamtier man."
<<link "Thank Loreila and leave">>
<<goto "Hotpots and Happiness">>
<</link>><<set $loreilaprog to 3>><<if visited() == 1>>
"Oh, there you are, back safe and sound dear, that's good, I was starting to worry about you. Here, have a pie - it's a sweetfruit one, I baked it fresh this morning. Oh, no, don't pay, it's on me as a celebration of your building up that reputation."
You thank her, and she quizzes you for a a little while about the details of your quest. You skip the embarassing bits, but you get the impression she reads between the lines somewhat anyway.
When you're done catching her up, she leans forward to talk through the next part of the plan to best Hamtier.
"I've been having a snoop around - even more than usual" she smiles a wry grin "and that lump spends a bunch of time when he's not at the guild down at the Rat's Nest, in the harbour district. Even after hours when it isn't open. If you snuck in there at night you might be able to figure out why - and knowing what we do about that man it won't be anything good."
<<set $loreilatraits.push("ratgo")>>
This might be just the chance to get an advantage over Hamtier!
"The Rat's Nest - it's an inn in the harbour district. The sooner you look in to that the better I think"
<<link "Thank Loreila and leave">>
<<goto "Hotpots and Happiness">>
<<if visited()==1>>
You walk in to the harbour district for the first time. As you make your way down Fishgut street the city changes character around you. The houses grow more cramped and a little run down, and the smell of all these people packed together is joined by a growing river scent, of dead fish, tar, and hints of salt from the trade ships that come up the river from the Scaly Sea.
The people here are rougher too - dockworkers rub shoulders with visiting sailors, and a wide range of whores call from alleys or windows to anyone who looks interested.
Fishgut street is always busy, day or night. The distinctive city-harbour feel greets you, and you can see a few masts swaying gently in the wind, where trade ships are docked on the river.
You could walk back up Fishgut street to the east, back to the [[Market Square]]
You could visit the [[Rat's Nest]]
<<if $chosenadventure == "Adventure setup - Smugglers Hunt">>
You could ask around for <<link "rumours about the smugglers">> <<replace #leaveops>><<include "SmugQ Rumours">><</replace>> <</link>>
<<if $chosenadventure == "Smugglers Quest">>
You could <<<link "head to the warehouse">> <<goto "SmugQ Warehouse">><</link>> that you found out about, to investigate further.
@@<<if visited() ==1>>
The Rat's Nest could not be more aptly named. The place smells of tobacco, stale beer, and stale sailors. The old timbers are painted black with tar, dulled with a layer of dust and grime.
There are no tables in the front, patrons stand in a packed crowd that you have to push your way through to get to the bar.
<<if $conditionlist.includes("obviously submissive")>>
A couple of hands cup and fondle your <<asssize "print">> as you make your way through the crowd, clearly emboldened by your appearance.
Tending bar is a thin lady with a cruel twinkle in her eye. She looks you up and down, and then turns to finish serving another customer, before she turns back to you.
"You lost dear? Whorehouse is over the way there, but you're welcome to tout for business here." Before you can think up a response, she's turned back to another customer, and ignores you.
You brace yourself for the wall of sweat beer and smoke that always welcomes you to the least reputable pub you've ever found. The familiar press of patrons is there - drinking away their plunder, gambling and fighting.
<<link "Head back to the street">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<if $loreilatraits.includes("ratgo")>>
You could wait for the right moment to sneak into the back rooms of the Rat's Nest, as Loreila suggested
<<link "Into the back rooms">>
<<goto "Rat's Nest Quest Setup">>
<</if>>setting up a thug
<<goto "Thug moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bottomless", "naked", "prone", "standard"],
bottomless:{movesnum:[100, 70,40],
choices:["finger", "grab", "order", "touch", "strip"],
choices:["fuck", "grab", "order", "touch"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "touch"],
chances: [60, 50, 45]},
choices:["grab", "strip", "trip", "order"],
chances: [45, 35, 30, 35]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["human"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 4>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Thug Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["sneaky", "tough", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Thug Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Little", "Big", "Hookhand", "Foul", "Scarred", "Whistling","Lost"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["K", "Jimmy", "Peter", "Ron", "Orin","Harry"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(1,20)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"The thug grabs you roughly, jerking you against him. He smells of campfire smoke and rough leather.",
_descname+" grunts with effort as he dodges past your weapon and then grabs your wrist. You instinctively try to pull it free, but he has too good a grip.",
"Your heart sinks as swarthy calloused hands close around your shoulders, securing the thug's purchase. You hear "+_descname+"'s satisfied grunt as he improves his hold on you.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="strip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Now then miss, that's far too many coverin's for a little slut like you. Let's get them off so we can have a good time with you.\" The thug's hands follow his words, unfastening your clothes trying to get you stripped for him.",
_descname+" sneaks inside your defense, and slides off parts of your armour, tearing where he can't easily remove them. The look on his face reveals how eager he is to get at your body.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="trip">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"Suddenly "+_descname+" shoves you really hard, hard enough that you end up landing prone on the ground in front of your attackers.",
"You aren't able to keep your feet, as the bandit cunningly sweeps your leg, in a well practised move - probably more often used on rich travellers than adventuresses, but it's still effective.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] == "finger">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"There we go miss, we'll have you moaning around our cocks in a jiffy now\" teases the thug, as his finger slides into your pussy and starts finger fucking you. \"Feels good huh? Are you ready to be our little toy yet?\"",
_descname+" Slams his fingers roughly inside you before you can stop him, pulling a gasp from your mouth. He gives you no chance to react further before his fingers are hammering in and out, immediately adopting an intense rhythm designed to take your breath - and resistance- away.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fingering">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"The thug's fingers slam into you repeatedly, sending harsh pulses of pleasure through you. He grins at you, clearly seeing that pleasure reflected in your face. You can't find a way to stop him fingering you, and you start breathing heavily in time with his thrusts.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"With your skin exposed the thug grabs at your body, enjoying the feel of your softness. His calloused hands feel rough against your skin, but that doesn't stop them feeling good.",
_descname+"'s hands linger over your curves, taking his pleasure from them just as much as he aims to increase yours. He isn't unskilled - no doubt from previous dallances with rich merchant's daughters - and he meets your gaze, the dominant look promising that giving up to him would result in a *lot* more than just this touch.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="fuck">>
<<set $desctext.push(
_descname+" savours each moment as he slides his cock inch by inch into your body. You feel it filling you, and it feels good even before he has started to find a rhythm and fuck you properly.",
"\"annndd....THERE we go\" shouts "+_descname+" in triumph, as he hilts himself between your legs, ")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="keep fucking">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Unnhhh, fuck, yeah\". the thug moans in pleasure as he pumps into you, his cock stiffening even further as he moves it inside you. \"I hope this feels as good for you as it does for me, cos we're going to be doing this a lot.\"",
_descname+ " thrusts in and out of you, his balls slapping rhythmically against your ass as he ploughs you. It's hard not to thrust back, it starts feeling far too good...")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="order">>
<<set $desctext.push(
"\"Be a good obedient slut and we'll make this a lot easier for you.\". The thug mutters to you before raising his voice and barking out an order.",
_descname+ " stares straight at you, and you prepare to deflect a physical attack. Instead he adopts a confident and commanding voice, and tries to order you to comply with his instructions.")
<</nobr>>ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<if $submission < random(1,10)>>
<<for _ord to 0; _ord<$attacklist[_v].length; _ord++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_ord]== "order">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ord] to "dominate">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<25>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
<</if>><<set $adventureprog =0>>
<<set $adventurename = "Rat's Nest Quest">>
You wait until the barmaid is distracted by a spillage of some foul salty smelling drink to slip open the wooden door separating the back rooms from the rowdy common area behind you.
The relief from the shouting and noise is immediate as the door closes. You pause for a moment, but no one seems to be raising an alarm. You're in.
[[Let's see what we can find|Rat's Nest Quest]]
<<set $adventureoptions to ["worn door", "back door", "cellar", "stairs"]>>
<<set $customlossend to "Hamtier's pet">>
You take stock, looking around the corridor for where you'd like to explore next.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("worn door")>>
The first door in the corridor is a well used wooden door, a little ajar. You could listen to see if you can hear anything, or walk through quickly before anyone comes.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("back door")>>
The other door in the corridor is less well used. It's closed tight. You could see if you can get in.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("cellar")>>
There's a hatch in the floor, large enough to lift a barrel through. Above it in the ceiling is a kind of pulley system.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("stairs")>>
At the end of the corridor, some wooden stairs wind up to the second floor of the pub. You could head up there, if you think you've done enough exploring on the ground floor.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("worn door")>>
<<linkreplace "listen at the worn door">>
You hear some laughing and cursing voices, gruff. It sounds like they are negotiating how to split something. It sounds like there are maybe five of them behind the door.
<<link "try the worn door">>
<<set $adventureoptions.delete("worn door")>>
<<set $flavourtext to "You push open the door, and a table of thugs turn to face you as you do. Smiles grow on their faces and they quickly corner you. One of them mutters that Hamtier mentioned there might be a "+$playerhaircolour+" haired piece of ass poking around looking to get made into a slut. You're going to have to fight them to escape.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["thug", "thug", "bandit", "thug", "bandit"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $alternateend to "RNQ defeated">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("back door")>>
<<link "try the back door">>
<<goto "RNQ back door">>
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("cellar")>>
<<link "try the hatch in the floor">>
<<goto "RNQ cellar">>
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("stairs")>>
<<link "go up the stairs">>
<<goto "RNQ stairs">>
You smiling opponents don't miss the chance to make lewd comments mocking how much you came for them, and how good you looked when you were wiggling helplessly.
They carry you to a storeroom in the upstairs of the pub, and tie you up. When the door closes it's almost perfectly dark, and you spend what must be hours propped up uncomfortably against a broom, worrying about what might happen.
Eventually, the door opens...
<<linkreplace "who is it?">>
...and Hamtier sneers down at you. "Silly girl think she's smart enough to outsmart me?" He doesn't wait for a reply before he picks you up roughly, and carries you down a corridor and through a worn door into a small bedroom.
"You can stay here for a while. No one knows you're here, you leave when you are happy to serve me."
<<link "This is NOT good...">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
<</linkreplace>><<if $conditionlist.includes("hungry")>>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hungry">>
<<elseif visited()>4>>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet Laurel">>
<<set _hamtiertraining to ["Hamtiers pet away", "Hamtier's pet impaled", "Hamtier's pet public"].random()>>
<<goto _hamtiertraining>>
Today, the door opens and you look up expecting Hamtier, but instead four of his laughing cronies from the inn come in.
They've brought with them a very revealing outfit. It's a serving girl's outfit, but...less. The skirt is so short it'll show everything if you bend over, and the top fastens with one button<<if $playerbreastsize ==2>> which your breasts strain against<</if>>, leaving a deep cleavage and your stomach completely bare.
<<link "Refuse to wear it">>
<<replace "#waitressoptions">>
You flat out refuse to wear such a humiliating garment. You're fully expecting the men to force you in to it somehow, but instead they shrug, and while you sit with your blanket wrapped around you they sit at the table to play cards.
Later in the day, another woman brings them food. It smells amazing, but they tell you that of course you can't have any as you aren't serving them.
You sigh, and spend the rest of the day feeling hungry and listening to the men making crude jokes and arguing over the cards.
<<link "Grrrr">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("hungry")>>
<<link "Put on the outfit">>
<<replace "#waitressoptions">>
You drop your blanket and slide the tiny skirt up over your hips. Then you throw the top around your shoulders, and fasten the button. You tug the skirt down to cover as much as it will, and adjust the top several times. It doesn't matter - as soon as you start walking around in it, the outfit is going to show off your body.
The four men are going to enjoy that. They send you to the bar to fetch some drinks, sending you on the way with a pat on your mostly exposed <<asssize "print">>.
You spend the rest of the day serving them. The whole situation makes you feel more servile, and by the end of the day despite yourself they are feeding you tasty morsels and having you sit in their lap to "help them with the game".
That involves quite a lot of casual touching and groping. You're stoked up into quite a state, although they never really focus on you in a way that's going to get you to cum.
After they leave you can't help but touch yourself. You find yourself thinking about all the orders they gave you, and how it felt to just give in and let them boss you around.
<<link "This wasn't such a bad day, I guess...">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
@@You wake up starving, still thinking about how you missed out on food yesterday, even starting to regret the decisions that led to you missing out.
You're waiting for the door to open, and you eagerly greet Hamtier when he enters holding a bowl. There are delicious smells coming from it. He smiles at you. "Waiting for food?".
You nod, and he smiles wider, and beckons you over to him. You start to walk, but something about how he looks at you tells you that isn't the right option. Eyes fixed on the bowl you drop to your knees and crawl to him.
Pulling out a spoon, he scoops some of the stew up, and lowers it to your face. You gratefully suck down the thick, tasty goop. IT's just what you needed - it would be tasty even if you weren't so hungry and right now it's just delicious.
The second spoonful tastes just as good, and the third...doesn't come.
You look up plaintively at Hamtier. He smiles down at you, and unfastens his trousers.
He carefully feeds you his thickening cock, and you let him slip it into your warm mouth, feeling it grow against your lips and tongue. Surprisingly it tastes clean, like he bathed before coming to see you. After making sure you meekly accept his cock, he pulls it out and feeds you another spoonful of stew.
You can't help but think that maybe you should have done what he wanted to get fed yesterday - instead of getting to the stage where you'll eagerly obey him as he feeds you.
It's too late now though, and Hamtier turns this in to a long session, rewarding you with hand-fed spoonfuls of food in between your increasingly enthusiastic periods of sucking his now rock hard cock.
"There we go. All that silly resistance just to take your natural place anyway. Look up at me! And take it as deep as you can....there....oh, you look so good like that. Okay, here's some more stew. What a good girl."
His teasing praise and the feel of the cock taking your mouth are turning you on, and you're soon squirming while eagerly opening your mouth, no longer caring if it's for cock or stew.
Eventually, Hamtier grunts, and groans, and you feel hot spurts of salty cum fill your mouth - which you swallow just as eagerly as you did the food.
<<link "Yummmmmmm">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("hungry")>>
<</link>>You have a very lewd dream, where you are tied down to the floor of a dungeon, and Hamtier supervises a line of monsters coming forward one by one to fill your pussy with cock. After a sneering goblin cums in you, Hamtier leads a large minotaur, who gently stretches you around his girth, fucking you agonisingly slowly. After he gushes into you, next up is a beastman, a goat like man who finds a perfect rhythm and has your body quivering even before he leans forward to take your nipple in to his mouth and bite at it.
The pinching sensation wakes you, and you find that Hamtier has woken you - he is gently stroking your wet pussy with one hand, while the other pinches at your chest. No points for guessing where the biting part of the dream came from.
As you wake up you try to wiggle away from Hamtier, but your hands are restrained above your head, tied to the bed frame or something like that. Instead you have to put up with his touch - although as you are already feeling kind of horny, it isn't so much put up with as reluctantly enjoy.
When you stop struggling he pats your pussy. "Good $playername. No resisting. Just feel good doing what I say."
You don't see you have any other option, and by the time Hamtier unties your wrists you allow him to pick you up, and lower you on to his hard cock. It fits perfectly, and feels so good after being turned on since before you woke up.
"Today you get used to this. So you remember how good it feels."
Hamtier spends the day with you, keeping you nicely impaled on his shaft. You never manage to pick up enough resistance to struggle, instead being toyed with and turned on all day, the whole time full of your rival's hardness.
By the end of the day, when he patronisingly pats your head and pulls himself out of you, you feel almost empty, and before you sleep you touch yourself. As you cum you can't stop imagining his cock inside you, stuffing two fingers into your pussy to try to remember the feeling of being his all day.
<<link "all I have to do is give in...">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
<</link>>This morning Hamtier comes in with the woman you saw behind the bar. The two of them untie your restraints from the ceiling, and fix them instead of a long chain, which the woman holds.
Hamtier throws you a fur cloak, which you hastily throw around your shoulders for modesty as the landlady takes the chain and leads you out of the room.
The main room of the Rat's Nest is as busy as it was when you snuck through it before Hamtier's thugs captured you. A few patrons look round at you with sneering looks on their faces.
The lady leads you over to a table, and loops the chain around the thick central leg, leashing you to the table. Hamtier addresses the crowd "There's a new serving girl and I'm going to make sure she understands what serving means. I think she'd like you to watch."
<<link "Deny it">>
<<replace "#hamtierpublicchoices">>
You shake your head, but Hamtier just takes a seat at the table and pulls you in to his lap. "That's okay. I'll pet you and everyone can see you liking it."
He's as good as his word, one hand massaging your <<breastsize "print">> while the other swigs his beer, or waves for the barmaid to bring him food. Over the course of the day several people come to meet him, and you're certain he is making some unsavoury deals, but even though you try to concentrate on them, by that point you're starting to lose yourself in the constant attention and pleasure - made worse by the eager eyes of an unusually busy Rat's Nest.
Underneath your cloak you're making Hamtier's lap wet, and by the time he offers you a finger to suckle it's hard to resist. The whole pub cheers as you take it into your mouth, and Hamtier's other hand drops between your legs. He's going to make you cum in public!
"Best not say no to me" he grunts, as you shift your thighs open subconsciously to let him finger you. You nod instinctively, and he smiles, his fingers working at your clit as your body starts to buck.
<<if not $conditionlist.includesAny("exhibitionist", "helpless exhibitionist")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("exhibitionist")>>
You feel the eyes of everyone watching you being forced to cum for them like this. Hamtier takes his fingers out of your mouth to tug open your cloak, fully exposing the length of your body to the appreciative crowd. In moments you are cumming like this, eyes wide open, watching everyone watching you and feeling very good and very subby at the same time. Hamtier has turned you in to an exhibitionist!
Your orgasm leaves you flopping agaisnt Hamtier, just as his next business partner approaches the table to talk about...well, it could be anything as far as you're concerned, stunned by pleasure you wait until the meeting is finished for Hamtier to lead you
<<link "back to your room">>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet hub">>
@@The door opens the next morning and you see not one, but two familiar faces.
Hamtier walks in first, and Laurel follows behind him on a leash. She gasps as she sees you, and her face falls.
"I thought..."
He shoves her forward roughly. "You thought she would beat me?" He laughs, while he guides Laurel's head between your legs.
You find yourself opening your legs obediently, and Laurel offers even less resistance. The first lap of her tongue tells you she's willing to do whatever Hamtier tells her.
After all the training you've been through in the past few days, you can't help but think that you aren't so far behind her. You lift one leg up to wrap a calf around her head, and grind upwards against her face.
Hamtier grunts his approval. With her being so happy to follow his orders he moves round to look down at you. In turn, you look up in to his eyes, feeling him dominating you as the woman you were trying to save from him suckles on your clit.
You might feel it clearly already, but Hamtier is not a subtle man, and he decides he should reinforce his dominance with a hand on your neck. In the state you're in that has you spiralling quickly toward cumming, losing your thoughts in the controlling grip and the endless submissive lapping.
As you start cumming, Hamtier shoves Laurel's face hard against your grinding <<hipsize "print">>. You hear Laurel moaning into your pussy, her desperate sounds mingling with yours in the taming room.
"Heh. She just came from eating you. You'll make great slave sisters."
Laurel keeps lapping away between your legs, and as you squirm against her you find you can't muster any resistance to his words. It's true - you're going to be his slave. There's no point fighting it any more.
"Look at you wriggling." Hamtier laughs. "Are you ready to serve me now?"
<<link "Yes Master Hamtier. I'm yours.">>
<<set $conditionlist.push("Hamtier's slave")>>
<<goto "Hamtier's pet finish">>
<</link>>setting up an orc
<<goto "Orc moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["bottomless", "naked", "prone", "standard"],
bottomless:{movesnum:[100, 70,40],
choices:["finger", "grab", "order", "touch", "strip"],
choices:["fuck", "grab", "order", "touch"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "touch"],
chances: [60, 50, 45]},
choices:["grab", "strip", "trip", "order"],
chances: [45, 35, 30, 35]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 5>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Orc Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough", "hung"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Orc Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Little", "Big", "Hookhand", "Foul", "Scarred", "Whistling","Lost"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["K", "Jimmy", "Peter", "Ron", "Orin","Harry"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(1,20)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <20>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(20)>>
<<if $submission < random(1,10)>>
<<for _ord to 0; _ord<$attacklist[_v].length; _ord++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_ord]== "order">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ord] to "dominate">>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("companion")>>
<<for _ee to $attacklist[_v].length-1; _ee>=0; _ee-->>
<<set _compattchance to random(1,100)>>
<<if _compattchance<25>>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ee] = "assault your companion">>
You lift the hatch and peer down into a dark cellar. There are several large barrels of beer stored down there, and you can see the marks where they have been dragged in to their position from another hatch, or dragged from their storage spaces to be lifted up by the block and tackle over your head.
There's a ladder beside the hatch which you could use if you wanted to [[explore the cellar|RNQ into cellar]]
Or you could turn [[back to the corridor|Rat's Nest Quest]]
<<set $adventureoptions.delete("cellar")>>The cellar is gloomy but you can pick your way between the barrels. All of the ones you can make out the name on are stamped "Hogger Brewery - rejected stock". You guess that the really cheap stuff has to end up somewhere.
There's nothing else of interest down here though. After a quick poke around you [[return to the corridor|Rat's Nest Quest]]
<<set $adventureoptions.delete("cellar")>>You consider the stairs to the second floor of the inn. Perhaps up there is where you'll find evidence that'll get Hamtier to give up his attempts to dominate the adventurer's guild..and you!
<<link "Yes, I'm ready, let's move up stairs">>
<<goto "RNQ Upstairs">>
<<set $adventureoptions to ["curtains", "office", "storage"]>>
<<set $adventurename to "RNQ Upstairs">>
<<link "Wait! I might have missed something down here">>
<<goto "Rat's Nest Quest">>
<</link>>You can't tell if anyone is in the back room until you slide the door open, but thankfully it's empty. You close the door quietly behind you and look around.
<<set _timer to 0>>
You can see a <<linkreplace "desk">> <<set _timer++>>desk which you rifle through. There's a <<linkreplace "few coins">> <<set $gold to $gold+10>> few coins scattered on the desk, that you sweep into your coin pouch. <</linkreplace>>, a mug half full of questionable beer, and <<linkreplace "a key">> a key, which you take.<<set $inventory.push("Rat's Nest Key")>><</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>
On one wall there's an epic <<linkreplace "painting">><<set _timer++>> painting, of a battle scene. A group of women in silver armour are surrounded by orcs and goblins, but it looks like they are winning - half a troll fills the foreground of the picture and the leader of the women is plunging a flaming sword into another.<</linkreplace>>
You aren't sure, but it looks like one of the <<link "floorboards">> <<set _timer++>> <<replace "#floorboards">> You lever up a loose floorboard, and find a bag of 50 gold stashed underneath! <</replace>> <<set $gold = $gold+50>><</link>> is loose.
You can <<link "leave the back room">><<set $adventureoptions.delete("back door")>><<if _timer == 3>><<goto "RNQbackroomcaught">><<else>><<goto "Rat's Nest Quest">><</if>><</link>> if you're sure you're done here.You realise you've spent quite a bit of time in the back room...hopefully that won't backfire on you. You go to slip out of the back office, but as you step into the corridor you see a group of three thugs approaching. You move quietly back into the room hoping they will walk past.
<<linkreplace "hold my breath...">>
Unfortunately they walk straight in to the room, and after a moment of shock one says "It's the bitch that Hamtier was talking about! Get her!
<<link "Caught!">>
<<set $flavourtext = "You're going to have to fight them. The thugs move in, lust in their eyes...">>
<<set $alternateend to "RNQ defeated">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["thug", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<</linkreplace>>You're upstairs, deep in the Rat's Nest. Up here is very different from the scuzzy beer joint downstairs. There are tapestries on the walls, and even a carpet. The ramshackle and smelly venue downstairs gaves no clue to the obvious riches that you see here!
This has to be something to do with what Loreila sent you to investigate. No dockside boozer would have such a plush upstairs without something fishy going on.
Time to look around.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("curtains")>>
There's quiet conversation coming from behind some velvet curtains at the end of the corridor.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("office")>>
There is an imposing door made of black wood on one side, it looks solid and expensive.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("storage")>>
A well used door looks like it's some kind of cupboard or storage space. It's well made, but not close to as expensive looking as the curtain or the black door.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("curtains")>>
<<linkreplace "Listen at the curtains">>
You sneak up to the curtains, until you can make out the quiet voices behind them. There are several voices, the one talking most often is a female voice with a distinct lisp. The other voices clearly defer to her when she wants to speak. As you come up, she's saying "You sstill refusse to trade uss sslaves? Very well. It iss our ssinccere belief that you will wissh to change your mind. You are not our only contactss in your cccity." A gruff voice replies. "Let me talk to Hamtier again. It's not my call."
<<link "Push aside the curtains to enter the room">>
<<goto "RNQ behind curtains">>
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("office")>>
<<link "Open the big black doors and investigate">>
<<goto "RNQ upstairs office">>
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("storage")>>
<<link "Try the storage space, see what you can find">>
<<goto "RNQ upstairs storage">>
<</if>>You brashly pull aside the curtain, and 4 shocked faces turn to look at you, eyes wide at the unexpected interruption. Three of them are humans, probably thugs involved in the same business as Hamtier, whatever that is. The other is a snakelike woman - an Naga!
She is first to react, and the thugs are not far behind her...
<<set $adventureoptions.push("upfight")>>
<<link "ooops....">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["naga", "thug", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $alternateend to "RNQ defeated">>
<<if not $inventory.includes("Rat's Nest Key")>>
<<set $adventurename to "RNQ fightgetkey">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<set $adventureoptions.delete("curtains")>>You walk in to a large, well appointed room. There's a few large chests around the outside of the room, all locked, as well as a cabinet on the far wall.
Try as you might, the chests are all double locked with very thick metal locks. It's a shame, as you have the impression that the contents are probably quite valuable - as well as potentially revealing something about the goings on here that Hamtier seems to be deeply mired in.
The cabinet though...that might be worth taking a look at...
<<link "take a look at the cabinet">>
<<if $inventory.includes("Rat's Nest Key")>>
<<goto "RNQ find docs">>
<<replace "#cabinet">>
You take a look at the cabinet - it looks like a place someone might file important records - but without some kind of key you won't be able to get in. Perhaps you missed something downstairs, but now you're going to have to take a risk.
<<link "Leave the room">>
<<goto "RNQ Upstairs">>
<</link>>You look into what turns out to be a small storage cupboard. There are several small <<linkreplace "chests">>chests, that turn out to be empty<</linkreplace>>, some cleaning supplies - obviously an overflow from the inns' downstairs activities - and a not unimpressive store of weapons. Most of them are pretty crude, but one in particular catches your eye.
It's a cruel looking dagger, that sometimes does more damage than the size and weight of weapon would suggest.
<<link "Take the dagger">>
<<set $weapon = ["Cruel Dagger", 5, ["slash","slash"], [70,70], [1,2], "A cruel dagger that sometimes causes larger wounds than the size of the blade might indicate.",50]>>
<<link "Back outside- I'll have to keep searching">>
<<goto "RNQ Upstairs">>
<</link>>setting up a naga
<<goto "Naga moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
index:["constricted", "bound", "restrained", "standard"],
constricted:{movesnum:[100,100,100, 60,30],
choices:["constrict", "touch", "dominate", "poison", "force kiss"],
choices:["constrict", "touch","dominate","poison"],
chances: [60, 60, 40,40]},
choices:["bind", "bind", "dominate", "touch", "poison"],
choices:["grab", "strip", "dominate", "poison"],
chances: [50, 35, 30, 20]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 6>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Naga Modifiers">>
<</if>><<set _modslist to ["tough"]>>
<<if random(0,100) < 40>>
<<set $monstermod=_modslist.random()>>
<<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Naga Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<<set _list1 to ["Sssara", "Ssllither", "Ssiliea", "Sssumaa", "Sssifuli"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Addersskin", "Vipertongue", "Sscalechild", "Fangsseer"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(20,50)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="constrict">>
<<set $desctext.push("You feel the Naga's coils tighten around your body. If she wanted to squash you, you aren't sure that you'd be able to stop her but instead she squeezes just enough that you feel yourself go light headed.",
"You feel scales gently rub on your skin as the Naga squeezes around you, you're forced to breath in shallow breaths as the snake woman tries to constrict you in to defeat.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="touch">>
<<set $desctext.push("The Naga's hands stray over you, and she snuggles close against you, clearly appreciating the warmth of your body at least as much as your feminine shapes.",
"The soft scales of her hands feel cool on your skin, and each movement gives you the slightly weird feeling of dozens of small scales brushing across you. She smiles as you shiver under her touch.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="dominate">>
<<set $desctext.push("The Naga whispers in your ear \"Ssoft little warm thing, give in and let me enssslave you. I'll make it mosstly painlessss and ssso good for you.\"",
"The Naga gazes in to your eyes with her snakelike pupils dilating, drawing you in. You feel something strange in her gaze, something dominant, just about manage to stop yourself sinking in to a trance as the Naga tries to overpower your will.")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="poison">>
<<set $desctext.push("A sharp pang at your neck is quickly replaced with a flush of warmth as the Naga's fangs penetrate your skin and deliver her venom. You gasp slightly, and you aren't sure if it's in reaction to the moment of pain, or the flood of pleasure that follows it.",
"You try to twist aside, but the Naga nestles her mouth against your collar. Her forked tongue tastes your skin, before the inevitable - two fangs slide into your flesh, and aphrodisiac flows freely through them into your bloodstream.")
<<set $venomtype = "aphrodisiac">>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="force kiss">>
<<set $desctext.push("A hand on your neck pulls you round to face the Naga, meeting her almost hypnotic gaze moments before her forked tongue pushes between your lips, sliding into your mouth to kiss you deeply as the Naga continues to wind around you.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="bind">>
<<set $desctext.push("With you already struggling in the grasp of the monsters, the Naga takes advantage and restrains you properly, using her own coiling body where most monsters would use ropes or chains. It's just as effective though, and you find yourself feeling more and more helpless.",
"Coils of serpentine Naga wrap around you and tighten, until you find it hard to move at all. You struggle, but it's too late, she's effectively restrained you, making it much harder to fight back.")>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="grab">>
<<set $desctext.push("The Naga grabs you and pulls you in close to her. You feel her cool body writhe against yours, and realise that she's pulling you in to try to wrap you in her body and control you that way.",
"In a flash the Naga darts in and grabs you. You feel the strength in her grip as she coils in closer, attempting to improve her hold on you.")>>
<</nobr>><<if (random(1,100)<($submission*10)>>
<<for _dd to 0; _dd<$attacklist[_v].length; _dd++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_dd] == "dominate">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_dd] = "order">>
ADD COLLAR ATTACK (if cursed collar)
<<if $submission<10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("cursed collar")>>
<<set _cc to random(1,100)>>
<<if _cc <50>>
<<set $attacklist[_v].push("use cursed collar")>>
<<set $attackchancelist[_v].push(35)>>
<</if>>The key slides into the lock, and turns easily. Click. Any locksmith would be proud of the smooth action - it's clearly an expensive lock.
You open the cabinet, finding several pages of what look like receipts, letters, manifests... At first glance they are relatively boring, but you quickly make out entries like "supply of Kallus venom inside city walls", "Agent Nixus, disguise, board, and safe extraction", "Kallus venom, 500 doses" and so forth.
This place was already obviously not just a tavern, and quickly your suspicions gel - this is the hub of a smuggling operation, that's working with someone outside the city.
You rifle through the papers, but there's nothing that directly links Hamtier with this... even so, you grab a sheaf of the most troubling documents - it will at least be enough to cause him a lot of discomfort. Hopefully enough to give you some leverage over him.
With that done, you turn to leave...
<<link "let's get out of here">>
<<goto "RNQ exit">>
<</link>>You've found what you were looking for - if it isn't watertight, it is at least evidence that will throw Hamtier seriously off balance, maybe enough leverage to get him to back off.
<<if $adventureoptions.includes("upfight")>>
You walk out on to the landing, wary of any further conflict, but no one is around. Still, your heart is in your mouth as you slip downstairs, along the corridor, and back through the crowded bar. The barlady definitely looks at you askance as you smuggle out the papers, stuffed into your clothing. She's too busy at the bar to challenge you though, and soon you are <<link "back on the street">>
<<set $Hamtierprog =100>>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
You walk out on to the landing, wary of being caught, and your heart sinks as the curtain is pulled back just as you are at the top of the stairs.
"Sssstop her" hisses a strangely sibulant voice, and a glance behind you shows you several thugs rushing at you, while a strange looking lady follows them. Without a fast way out of here, you'll be caught and have to fight.
If you know which way you want to leave, type the room name here:
<<set _escapedefault = "???">>
<<textbox "$escapeattempt" _escapedefault>>
<<link "Escape!">>
<<set $escapeattempt = $escapeattempt.toLowerCase()>>
<<if $escapeattempt=="cellar">>
<<goto "RNQ escapecellar">>
<<set $flavourtext = "You hurtle down the stairs, but confronted with the downstairs corridor and no real idea which way to turn, you hear footsteps closing quickly behind you. You'll have to fight.">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["naga", "thug", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $alternateend to "RNQ defeated">>
<<set $adventurename = "RNQ winescape">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<link "Turn and fight">>
<<set $flavourtext = "You turn to face the dangerous gathering - this will be a tough fight, Nagas are renowned as dangerous adversaries">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["naga", "thug", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $alternateend to "RNQ defeated">>
<<set $adventurename = "RNQ winescape">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<</if>>You struggle to keep fighting, but as the third orgasms shakes through your body, forced on you by your superior opponents, you can't bring yourself to keep fighting.
You feel your body relax - everything is easier now that you don't have to struggle, that you've acknowledged that you've lost. You hear some comments about Hamtier being right about your potential, and how pleased he'll be, before the clever touching and humiliating words have you cumming for them again.
[[Let them do what they will with me|Hamtier's pet]]
<<set $alternateend = "">>
<<include "victoryremoveconditions">><<nobr>>
<<set $desctext.push("The monster constricts around you, you feel yourself go woozy and light headed as you can only breath in shallow pants.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("constricted")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("constricted")>>
As the constriction starts to get to you, you feel yourself grow weaker - your attacks next turn will be weaker.
<<set $conditionlist.push("breathless")>>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<<set _desctext to "You can't avoid the monster's attempts to intoxicate you, and in moments you feel a strange feeling as the "+$venomtype+" starts to affect you.">>
<<set $desctext.push(_desctext)>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<include "venom types">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<link "Noooooo!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</link>><<if $venomtype == "aphrodisiac">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includesAny("mild aphrodisiac", "medium aphrodisiac", "strong aphrodisiac", "overpowering aphrodisiac")>>
You feel your skin flush and grow more sensitive as the aphrodisiac is introduced into your system. You feel a heat grow between your legs, and your nipples harden in response to the chemicals.
<<set $conditionlist.push("mild aphrodisiac")>>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("overpowering aphrodisiac")>>
You gasp openly in lust, the aphrodisiac already so intense in effect that you can't discern any further increase in it's effect - you can hardly discern anything except a desperate need to be touched now.
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("strong aphrodisiac")>>
The flood of toxins becomes overwhelming as you allow another dose to enter your system. You swoon slightly, trying to stop yourself from reaching for the nearest cock.
<<set $conditionlist.delete("strong aphrodisiac")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("overpowering aphrodisiac")>>
<<elseif $conditionlist.includes("medium aphrodisiac")>>
More and more of the aphrodisiac builds up, affecting you more and more strongly. You can definitely feel the effects now. You feel your skin start to crave touch, and your pussy begs you to let something penetrate it.
<<set $conditionlist.delete("medium aphrodisiac")>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("strong aphrodisiac")>>
The strength of the aphrodisiac grows as a second dose is introduced to your system. You feel yourself start to crave more touch, and you bite your lip as you try to resist the effects of the toxins.
<<set $conditionlist.push("medium aphrodisiac")>>
<<set $conditionlist.delete("mild aphrodisiac")>>
<</if>><<if $conditionlist.includes("mild aphrodisiac")>>
Your body reacts quickly to the pleasure, encouraged by the aphrodisiac's gently warming effect.
<<if random(0,100)>50>>
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+1>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("medium aphrodisiac")>>
You shiver with pleasure as the aphrodisiac amplifies the effects of the pleasure on you.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+1>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("strong aphrodisiac")>>
The aphrodisiac coursing through your blood has you almost defenseless against the pleasure being inflicted on you, and you gasp as your body involuntarily pushes into the touch.
<<set $pleasure = $pleasure+2>>
<<if $pleasure>10>>
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes("overpowering aphrodisiac")>>
You almost cum on the spot, every sensation feeling almost too intense as your body is turned into a mess of overstimulated nerves by the huge dose of aphrodisiac you are affected by.
<<set $pleasure to 10>>
<</if>>Yes! You duck down into the cellar, run between the old kegs, and there it is! You guessed it would be there, the hatch to accept beer deliveries from the street. You throw it open and explode out on to the street, hearing the pursuit behind you.
Once you are on the streets in the harbour district, the Naga can't follow, and you hear a frustrated hiss of defeat as you collect yourself and make sure you still have the incriminated documents.
You're back in the <<link "Harbour District">><<goto "Harbour District">><</link>>
<<set $Hamtierprog = 100>>
<<set $Laurelprog to 100>>
<<set $Loreilaprog to 4>>
<<set $loreilatraits.delete("ratgo")>>
<<set $adventurelist.push("Smugglers Hunt")>>You've defeated all the enemies in the Rat's Nest back offices for now, and it's a relatively simple measure to slip out of the inn with the incriminating documents, and return to the <<link "Harbour District">> <<goto "Harbour District">><</link>>
<<set $Hamtierprog to 100>>
<<set $Laurelprog to 100>>
<<set $Loreilaprog to 4>>
<<set $loreilatraits.delete("ratgo")>>
<<set $adventurelist.push("Smugglers Hunt")>>With the Naga defeated you notice a key dangling from her belt. Something tells you it might be useful, and you pocked it.
<<link "great! now to find what this unlocks">>
<<goto $adventurename>>
<<set $inventory.push("Rat's Nest Key")>>
<<set $adventurename = "RNQ Upstairs">>You give in, it's too much to ask you to resist any more, and beside, serving Master Hamtier feels so right - he's so strong and capable, he easily tricked you and trapped you and...
You spend most of the evening on your knees, serving Hamtier and pleasuring Laurel in turn as he makes the most of having two such willing slaves. When he finally lets you sleep, you understand that you belong to him now, and you don't really even think about if there's any chance of getting out.
Waking up the next morning you find yourself alone. You stretch langorously, your body relaxed from the evening of fucking, and no longer worried about trying to escape before you were trained.
You find breakfast has been left in the room for you, and that the door is unlocked, allowing you to leave the Rat's Nest.
<<link "Back to adventuring?">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<</link>>Hamtier lowers his eyes as you walk by, and when one of his cronies tries to shout something at you he swats him to shut him up.
"You treat her well boy!"
The man looks confused, but accepts what Hamtier says.
<<link "Hah!">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<</link>>Master Hamtier pulls you in to his lap, and you mould your body back against him, your hand reaching automatically underneath you to pleasure him.
He pets you gently, then cups one of your <<breastsize "print">> in his hand, massaging it while he continues talking to some of his cronies.
You let your mind drift away, working on the thick hardness in his pants, and otherwise enjoying the feeling of safety that comes with being owned by such a strong Master.
After you don't know how long, he slaps your <<asssize "print">> and shifts you off his lap. "I'll give you a good fucking later - for now I need to have important talks and you need to go do something else for a while.
<<if $adventurelist.includes("Smugglers Hunt")>>
"In fact I have just the thing for you to look in to. It’s fun having you here, but you got to earn your keep too.” Master Hamtier pets your ass, you bite your lip and try to concentrate on his briefing. “My associates who helped convince you where you belonged have recently found they have some unwanted competition.”
His hand slides forward slightly, and you gasp as he gently plays between your legs.
That’s not really a fair instruction, but you do your best to obey as you feel your body start yearning to be taken by it’s owner again.
“I want you to look in to a group of smugglers, taking slaves out of the city. Sneak on to a ship - don’t worry, we’ll get you caught by them - and then find where they take people. Come back and let us know, so we can shut them down.
I hope you come back. I like having you at my call”
He pats your pussy fondly, reminding you exactly what he likes to have on call. Now, let's get you nice and caught.
<<link "Uh oh">>
<<goto "SmugQ HamtierIntro"
You obediently <<link "hop off his lap">><<goto "Adventurer's Guild">><</link>> and go about your business.
<</if>>Laurel has a big smile on her face as she greets you. "Hey! $playername! How are you? How's the adventuring?
It's been loads better here since you got Hamtier to back off - I'm starting to think I can be happy and independent here, even if I wish I could still be trusted to go adventuring like you.
Still, I'll do my best for you if you need help with things in the city."
<<link "Yay! She's doing much better">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
<</link>>Loreila beams as you greet her. "I've heard already dear! That's great news - That giant lump is bound to be a bit more bearable now you have that hanging over him."
"I'm so glad you managed to sort him out - he was all kinds of bad news - even I feel safer now you've got him cornered."
<<if visited()==1>>
While she talks, she's wrapping a series of small pastries in paper. The scent of them alone makes your mouth water, and your eyes widen as she presses the entire package in to your hands. This will keep you in delicious treats for a little while.
<<link "Thank Loreila and leave">>
<<goto "Hotpots and Happiness">>
<</link>>setting up a dreamstealer
<<goto "Dreamstealer moves">>SETTING MONSTER
<<set $buildmonstermoves to {
choices:["dominate", "order", "invade mind"],
chances: [60, 50, 30]}
<<set $buildmonstertraits to ["humanoid"]>>
<<set $buildmonsterhp to 6>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Naga Modifiers">>
<<set $desctext.push("You feel the monster prying open your mind, doing its best to open your defenses and access your thoughts, desires and fears directly.")>>
<<set _descname to $monsterlist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<set _monsterdesc to _descname+"descs">>
<<if tale.has(_monsterdesc)>>
<<include _monsterdesc>>
<<print $desctext.random()>>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("mind open")>>
<<set _resistchance = 100 - (10*$submission)>>
The monster attempts to overcome your defenses. Your chance of resisting (based on your submissiveness) is _resistchance
<<linkreplace "roll">>
<<set _roll to random(0,100)>>
<<print "You roll a " + _roll>>
<<if _roll> _resistchance>>
<<link "I can feel it pushing in to my thoughts...">>
<<goto "invade mind hub">>
<<set $attacklist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $attackchancelist[0].deleteAt(0)>>
<<set $desctext to []>>
<<if not _roll> _resistchance>>
<<link "Hah! I kept it out!">>
<<if $autores == 0>>
<<goto "Resolution Passage Monsters">>
<<goto "Autores Monsters 1">>
<</nobr>><<set _speciallist to []>>
<<set _normlist to []>>
<<set _uselist to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_speciallist.length; _i++>>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_speciallist[_i])>>
<<set _uselist.push(_speciallist[_i])>>
<<if _uselist.length =0>>
<<set _uselist to Array.from(_normlist)>>
<<elseif _uselist.length <2>>
<<set _uselist.push(_normlist.random())>>
<<set _invchoice to _uselist.random()+"invdesc">>
<<goto _invchoice>><<set $monstermod to "standard">>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<set $returnpassage = "Naga Names">>
<<goto $monstermod>>
<</if>><<set _list1 to ["Thought", "Mind", "Dream", "Memory"]>>
<<set _list2 to ["Thief", "Stealer", "Warper", "Corruptor", "Twister"]>>
<<set _monstername to _list1.random() +" "+ _list2.random()>>
<<if $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>1>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the third">>
<<elseif $monsternamelist.count(_monstername)>0>>
<<set _monstername to _monstername+" the second">>
<<print $monsternamelist.length>>
<<print $monstercounter>>
<<if $monsternamelist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsternamelist.push(_monstername)>>
<<set $monsterhp[$monstercounter] to $buildmonsterhp>>
<<set $monstermoves[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstermoves>>
<<set $monstertraitlist[$monstercounter] to $buildmonstertraits>>
<<set _randomloot = random(0,5)>>
<<if $monsterlootlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monsterlootlist[$monstercounter] to _randomloot>>
<<if $monstermodifierlist.length ==$monstercounter>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist[$monstercounter] to $monstermod>>
<<set $monstercounter++>>
<<if $addmoninhib == 0>>
<<goto "Monstersetupstart">>
<<set _descname to $monsternamelist[$monsternamelist.length - $attacklist.length]>>
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="dominate">>
<<set $desctext.push("It doesn't happen verbally, but you feel a powerful mind communicating with yours. It sends a sense of natural submission, shows you how strong it is and how weak you are, and even in the moments before you wrench your thoughts away from the dreamstealer, you feel a little more submissive, a little more convinced of the reality it tries to show you.",
"The dreamstealer pushes easily into your mind, it feels like you are enveloped by a powerful force, warm and seductive if you only do what it commands...always...")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="order">>
<<set $desctext.push("The dreamstealer sends you vivid pictures - of you debasing yourself for it. They aren't just visual, you can smell the smells, feel the sensations on your body. When you rid yourself of the dream picture, there's a chance you find you have complied in reality as well...")
<<if $attacklist[0][0] =="invade mind">>
<<if not $conditionlist.includes("mind open")>>
<<set $desctext.push("The dreamstealer tries to reach deep into your mind, opening you up for it to capture your thoughts and send you in to strange dreams.")>>
<<set $desctext.push("Taking advantage of having forced open your mind to be vulnerable, you feel the dreamstealer reach deep inside. Moments later you are struggling to work out what is real and what is dream as it threatens to take you into a world of its choosing.")>>
<</nobr>><<if $submission < random(1,10)>>
<<for _ord to 0; _ord<$attacklist[_v].length; _ord++>>
<<if $attacklist[_v][_ord]== "order">>
<<set $attacklist[_v][_ord] to "dominate">>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You step in to the Arena. A wide circular stage surrounded by seats, and with four large doors allowing different combatants to be led or driven into the Arena.
The citadels supply of unbroken adventureresses is kept in cells below the Arena, fed and exercised by the goblin wardens. They usually fight in large spectacles, when the Dark Lord wants to reward his soldiers for some grand victory, but today the public gates are locked closed.
Even so, the privileges of your rank extend to freely drawing on the cells to entertain yourself.
With that in mind a strange goblin, twisted either by some weird forge accident or unfortunate birth, limps up obsequiously to serve you.
"Ssssirrr, Ssssirrrr, Ssuchh a plesssure too haaveee you heeere"
He turns his head to one side as he speaks - you remember that he was almost killed for spitting on the wrong person, and has had to train himself to look slightly askance so he splatters the wall next to you.
"Wut willl be schlyour pleaassure?"
<<link "Arrange a fight for my entertainment">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Fight">>
"Yesssss, let me feetch the rrring massstster"
The weird goblin hobbles off. Not long later, another goblin approaches you, in a weird black hat like a tall black cylinder with a brim.
"Welcome Sir! We will put on a fantastic show for you, don't worry about that! First maybe tell me something about which heroine you'd like to see fight for you? Are there any features you'd like us to hunt through the cells for?"
We can pick a taller or shorter heroine, if you'd prefer?
<<link "Get me a tall heroine, to look me in the eye as she surrenders.">>
<<set $playerheight to 2>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>We'll find you a taller heroine, sir.<</replace>>
<<link "Not tall or short, get me an average height woman.">>
<<set $playerheight to 1>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>Yes Sir, we'll get you a <</replace>>
<<link "Get me a short heroine, whose stature reflects her rightful place.">>
<<set $playerheight to 0>>
<<replace "#heightchoice">>Right, we'll find a small heroine for you.<</replace>>
What about her hair?
<<link "I'd prefer a flame haired heroine">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "red">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>Her hair will be like flashes of flame, sir. I already have a couple of candidates in mind.<</replace>>
<<link "Like midnight, or my soul">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "black">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>Black hair it is sir, like she was meant to serve you.<</replace>>
<<link "Blondes have more fun...or at least are more fun to watch being forced to have fun">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "blonde">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>Yes sir, we'll find you someone with hair like the sun.<</replace>>
<<link "A brunette, if you please...">>
<<set $playerhaircolour to "brown">>
<<replace "#hairchoice">>Yes sir, chestnut hair, a fine choice.<</replace>>
And breast wise, sir? You want huge, I suppose?
<<link "Don't presume upon my tastes, peon. Small and perky.">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 0>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>Sorry sir, sorry...Of course small is best.<</replace>>
<<link "No. I would prefer handfuls, certainly, but no more.">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 1>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>As you wish sir, sorry to presume sir.<</replace>>
<<link "You know my tastes well, goblin.">>
<<set $playerbreastsize to 2>>
<<replace "#breastchoice">>She will have a bounty on her chest both cumbersome and delicious sir!<</replace>>
Finally, do you have a preference regarding her backside, my lord?
<<link "Yes. Make it tight and toned">>
<<set $playerass to 0>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>As you wish sir, small and shapely.<</replace>>
<<link "Medium and rounded will be excellent">>
<<set $playerass to 1>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>Yes sir, a nice round ass, as you prefer.<</replace>>
<<link "Big. Fetch me a heroine who wobbles pleasingly.">>
<<set $playerass to 2>>
<<replace "#asschoice">>Yes sir. Large, plentiful, womanly. Of course!<</replace>>
<<link "I'm done. Send a serf to fetch a heroine that meets my criteria">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Outfit">>
<</link>>"And how should we outfit her, commander?"
<<set _wepops to [["Knife", 4, ["slash"], [60], [1], "A utilitarian knife, fast, but not really balanced for combat.",10],["Dagger", 5, ["slash"], [70], [1], "A short blade meant for killing, lightning fast but not very damaging.",20],["Club", 2, ["bash"], [60], [1], "A cheap weapon, but still useful due to it's ability to bash enemies and stop them from acting.",20],["Shortsword", 3, ["stab", "slash"], [50, 70], [3,1], "A balanced sword, mainly used for its damaging stabs.",50],["Warhammer", 3, ["stab", "stab", "bash"], [50,50,60], [2,2,1], "Unwieldy but powerful, the warhammer can bash to disrupt enemies as well as stabbing for decent damage.",80],["Longsword", 3, ["stab", "slash", "slash"], [50,70,70], [3,2,2], "Longswords are expensive, but with accurate damaging slashes, and powerful stabs they are often the weapon of choice for well supplied fighters.",150],["Pick", 2, ["stab"],[50],[3], "Picks are slow, but every hit counts as they inflict deep penetrating wounds.", 60]]>>
<<set _topops to [["Chainmail top", 2, 2 ,"Your captors have dressed you in a chain top, crudely forged of dark metal. For some reason it pleases them to give you genuine armour.", "top", 50],["Lace Vest" ,1,1, "A Lewd looking, but still minimally protective top that your captors have forced you to wear to fight in their arena.", "top", 5],["Body straps", 3,-1,"You are wearing a top formed of leather straps, cunningly fastened around your torso to present your body, rather than cover it.","top",5]]>>
<<set _botops to [["Chainmail leggings", 2,2,"Chain leggings, forged in a dark metal and forced on your by your captors, before your arena fight.","bottom",50],["Lace Skirt", 1,0,"You are covered (but hardly concealed) by a short lace skirt, offering easy access to your body","bottom",5],["Hip chains", 2, -1, "You are wearing thin chains designed to augment your hips and ass, while making it very easy to pleasure you.", "bottom", 5]]>>
What weapon should we provide her with?
<<capture _i>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_wepops.length; _i++>>
<<capture _wepbut>>
<<set _wepbut to _wepops[_i][0]>>
<<button _wepbut>>
<<set $weapon to Array.from(_wepops[_i])>>
<<replace #weaponchoice>>
<<print "Very well, we'll give her a "+$weapon[0]>>
<<set _wepchose to 1>>
<<if _topchose+_botchose+_wepchose == 3>>
<<replace #nextpage>>
<<link "And her foes...">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
What should we dress her in?
<<button "Just leave her naked, I will enjoy her futile fight">>
<<set $topcloth to ["prison rags", 0,1,"Rough rags, torn off you anyway as you entered the arena", "top", 5]>>
<<set $bottomcloth to ["prison rages", 0, 1, "A rough wrap of cloth that you wore in your cell, torn off as you entered",5]>>
<<replace #topchoice>>
We'll have her nicely naked for you sir!
<<replace #botchoice>>
<<set _topchose to 1>>
<<set _botchose to 1>>
<<if _topchose+_botchose+_wepchose == 3>>
<<replace #nextpage>>
<<link "And her foes...">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
<<button "Keep her topless, let her struggle be harder">>
<<set $topcloth to ["prison rags", 0,1,"Rough rags, torn off you anyway as you entered the arena", "top", 5]>>
<<replace #topchoice>>
We'll make sure she's nice and exposed up top sir.
<<set _topchose = 1>>
<<if _topchose+_botchose+_wepchose == 3>>
<<replace #nextpage>>
<<link "And her foes...">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
<<capture _j>>
<<for _j to 0; _j<_topops.length; _j++>>
<<capture _topbut>>
<<set _topbut to _topops[_j][0]>>
<<button _topbut>>
<<set $topcloth to Array.from(_topops[_j])>>
<<replace #topchoice>>
<<print "Of course, we will dress her in the "+$topcloth[0]>>
<<set _topchose = 1>>
<<if _topchose+_botchose+_wepchose == 3>>
<<replace #nextpage>>
<<link "And her foes...">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
<<capture _k>>
<<for _k to 0; _k<_botops.length; _k++>>
<<capture _botbut>>
<<set _botbut to _botops[_k][0]>>
<<button _botbut>>
<<set $bottomcloth to Array.from(_botops[_k])>>
<<replace #botchoice>>
<<print "On her bottom half, she'll have the "+$bottomcloth[0]>>
<<set _botchose = 1>>
<<if _topchose+_botchose+_wepchose == 3>>
<<replace #nextpage>>
<<link "And her foes...">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
<<set $monsterlist to []>><<set _posmonlist to ["goblin", "gobin slavemaster", "troll", "trollkin", "cultist", "possessed hand", "doppleganger", "bandit", "thug", "naga"]>>
"Right right" The goblin gestures at a lurking servant, who scurries off to find a suitable heroine for you.
"Now, who should she fight? A quick demonstration of her killing a worthless goblin? Or a hopeless fight against more trolls than five heroines could handle? Whatever you want sir!"
<<capture _i>>
<<for _i to 0; _i<_posmonlist.length; _i++>>
<<capture _monbut>>
<<set _monbut to "Add a "+ _posmonlist[_i]>>
<<button _monbut>>
<<set $monsterlist.push(_posmonlist[_i])>>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foesbounce">>
<<if $monsterlist.length>0>>
So far, we have prepared these monsters for her to fight:
<<for _j to 0; _j<$monsterlist.length; _j++>>
<<print $monsterlist[_j]>>
<<link "That will do. Take a seat on my throne and watch the fight.">>
<<set $customlossend to "DF Arena Ending">>
<<set $adventurename to "DF Arena Win">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<</if>><<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>You watch as the heroine is overcome by your servants, her body writhes with pleasure as she finally gives up her resistance and lets herself become a toy for the monsters.
Her <<breastsize "print">> are constantly caressed now, and her <<hipsize "print">> are handles for the monsters to move her as they wish on their fingers and cocks.
<<link "Excellent, I enjoyed that. Back to work I suppose">>
<<goto "Dark Citadel">>
<</link>>The heroine stands triumphant, having defeated all the monsters you sent against her. She looks up at you, not quite defiant, but unbroken as yet. You could send her back to the cells, or send more monsters against her.
<<link "Send her back to the cells, I'm done with her">>
<<goto "Dark Citadel">>
<<link "No, I think I'll have her fight again">>
<<goto "Dark Forges Foes">>
<</link>>You are met at the door by Laurel, dressed in skimpy lingerie and a short cape, with Hamtier's collar around her neck.
"Hey! Master wants you, he's been waiting for you to arrive."
You follow her obediently in to a side room in the Guild, where Master Hamtier is sat, trousers off, leg's sprawled and cock already wet from one of his other pet's drool.
He smiles when he sees you
"Oh good, it's my little adventuring toy! I'm glad you got here, I woke up feeling horny as the gods and decided I was going to save it for you."
You get a thrill hearing him say that he's been waiting to fuck you, and quickly move over and kneel in front of him, just like he's trained you to do.
He guides you forward over his cock, and you open your mouth, the already slick rod pushing in between your lips. He's already hard from a mix of the previous attention's he was getting and anticipation for fucking you, and it isn't long before he pulls you up to your feet, turns you around, and sits you down on his cock.
You moan as he fills you - after accepting his mastery over you the thick cock feels like a physical manifestation of his dominance. You feel your <<asssize "print">> squash against his thighs as you take him in all the way, and then start lifting yourself up and down in his lap.
It isn't long at all before you feel him tensing his legs, and then a warm gush inside you marks the start of his orgasm.
You smile dopily, pleased that you managed to serve him so well, and nestle on to his lap, enjoying the rush of warmth that serving him is starting to bring you, and savouring the time before he pulls you off his deflating cock and slaps your ass to dismiss you, and set you back to adventuring.
<<link "I'll serve him whenever he wants">>
<<goto "Adventurer's Guild">>
There's always someone gossiping, a card game on upturned barrels, sailors coming off a ship or a harlot with pillow talk to share.
You snoop around, listening to the scuttlebutt and rumour of the harbourside…
<<set _smugrand to random(0,3)>>
<<switch _smugrand>>
<<case 0>> end up hearing an interesting piece of information about the relationship between the harbourmaster and his secretary, but it’s more salacious than useful.
<<link "An unusual place to hide an apple!">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<case 1>>
...a young man who smells of seaweed says he knows what you are looking for, and he has something for you, and leads you down an alley. Before you can ask him what he knows he’s trying to unfasten his trousers.
You step back, only to realise there are several other figures in the alley.
“She’ll do excellently. Well done!”
They move to attack you...
<<link "defend myself!">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["thug", "thug", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $customlossend = "SmugQ abducted">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<<case 2>> waste a good hour making subtle enquiries, but nothing comes of them.
<<link "An unusual place to hide an apple!">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<case 3>>
…you find a couple of whores working the dockside, who take a shine to you and quietly tell you about some young women they’ve seen led to a certain warehouse, looking dazed and subdued.
From the sound of it, this might be the lead you wanted! You get them to describe the warehouse’s location to you - they refuse to show you in person - and thank them.
<<link "Ah ha! A lead...">>
<<set $chosenadventure to "Smugglers Quest">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
You walk around the warehouse, looking for a way in. There are doors by the waterside, as well as doors on the opposite side, where wagons pull up to take cargo away. Neither looks obviously guarded.
The water entrance is hidden from the city by the warehouse, the street one more by long shadows in the evening streets.
<<link "sneak in the water door">>
<<replace #doorops>>
There’s enough space to sneak along the water front and in to the front door, which to your relief does seem to be unguarded. Inside it’s a largely empty warehouse - there are a few crates along the wall, but otherwise nothing. In one corner is a small inside room - some kind of office space. There’s light seeping under the door.
<<link "Back out">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<link "Investigate the office">>
<<goto "SmugQ Office">>
<<link "sneak in the street door">>
<<replace #doorops>>
You try the door from the street, but find it’s firmly locked. As you’re turning away from it, having done your best to pick it, you’re confronted by a cruel looking man, backed up by several thugs. “Whatchu doin’ there, girly? You want in the warehouse so bad? We’re happy to give you the tour...”
As you ready your weapon, you realise one of the figures standing behind the man is moving strangely...something about them makes your instincts scream "not human"
<<link "bring it on">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["thug", "naga", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $customlossend ="SmugQ abducted">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
@@They must have been watching from a nearby building...clearly they're involved with the smugglers. That makes it even worse that there was a Naga involved - agents in the city willingly cooperating with monsters??
On a hunch, you try the key that was hanging on a chain round the naga's neck in the warehouse door, and it swings open.
<<link "great, let's see what they are hiding">>
<<goto "SmugQ InsideWarehouse">>
<</link>>Having dealt with the thugs, you check the bodies, and sure enough there's a shipping manifest hidden in the pocket of the one who confronted you.
You find a corner to read it in, and after a quick scan through what are obviously thinly fabricated records of mundane cargo (who imports several crates of agricultural tools into the city?) you are in luck - you find an address.
It looks like a warehouse by the could head there and see what you could find...
<<link "Excellent...">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<set $chosenadventure = "Smugglers Quest">>
You unlock the door, and swing it open a crack - just enough to slip inside. There's a soft click as you close the door behind you.
Inside it’s a largely empty warehouse - there are a few crates along the wall, but otherwise nothing. In one corner is a small inside room - some kind of office space. There’s light seeping under the door.
<<link "Back out">>
<<goto "Harbour District">>
<<link "Investigate the office">>
<<goto "SmugQ Office">>
<</link>>When they have you complying with them rather than struggling your opponents happily drag you into a small room in a waterside warehouse. You're blindfolded and tied, and then most of the enemies leave. One stays with you, making sure to keep you nice and distracted, in the losing mindset you're in after cumming for them in the fight.
"Don't worry Miss." He says. "We'll get you nice and trained up early, so it's less of a shock for you when we sell you on"
<<link "this isn't good">>
<<goto "SmugQ Training">>
<</link>><<if visited() == 1>>
The office door opens easily, but you realise there’s only a handle on the outside. If it shuts again you’ll be trapped here.
Inside are <<print _girlcount>> women in various states of dress, all looking up at you from where they are sat in chains against the wall. They're all pretty, and they all look kind of stunned, as well as frightened.
"You're not one of them?" one quavers at you
<<include "SmugQ OfficeOps">>
<<elseif visited() == 4>>
You've freed all of the women - now you just need to decide how to get on to the boat...
You untie the weakest looking woman, and point her out of the warehouse. After a few moments gathering her wits, she runs out of the warehouse. You probably saved her from a terrible fate.
<<include "SmugQ OfficeOps">>
You reassure the other women as best you can, and consider your next course of action...
<<link "Free one woman">>
<<goto "SmugQ Office">>
<<link "Hide in the shadows behind a crate in the warehouse">>
<<if visited("SmugQ Office")==1>>
<<goto "SmugQ CrateHide">>
<<goto "SmugQ CrateSuspicious">>
<<link "Ruffle and disorganise your clothing, and wait in the office with the other captives">>
<<if visited("SmugQ Office") ==2>>
<<goto "SmugQ OfficeHide">>
<<goto "SmugQ OfficeSuspicious">>
You leave the women where they are - the smugglers would surely know something was wrong if they found some of their cargo had gone missing - and instead hide behind a dust-gathering crate.
It's a boring wait, but eventually - at something like three a.m. - You hear noises.
Several shapes make their way in from the street door, and escort the women from the office. As they do, a boat floats up quietly, and a burly man throws a rope to the waiting smugglers. It's a smooth operation, carried out in silence except for the occasional sniffle from one of the women.
In a few moments you see your chance. All of the boat crew are busy on deck, and the women have been taken below. You can't use the gangplank -too obvious - but a leap from the shadows of the warehouse takes you into a shadowed patch of the boat's stern.
The boat is an old river barge, wallowy and weathered. It smells of fish, and faintly of sex. You wonder how long this operation has been going on...
From your landing point on the stern, you look around, and carefully move through the shadows until you slip into a cargo hatch, finding yourself in an empty hold space.
<<link "let's see where they take me">>
<<goto "SmugQ Stowaway">>
<</link>>You settle in next to the other women, trying to look defeated like they do. You reckon it’s about 3am when the door opens, and the three of you are wordlessly bundled through the dark, and unceremoniously led on to a boat.
One of the women seems to realise this is her last chance to struggle, but her attempt to break free end quickly with a slap and a hand on her neck roughly dragging her across the gangplank.
The three of you are led down into the hold, and locked in a small room.
You wake up to the smell of a delicious breakfast, which is brought to you by three women who are also wearing chains - although theirs are much finer, more ornamental than restraining.
Rather than leave you with your breakfast, each one of them settles in behind one of you, and as you start eating the food you feel their hands trace along your flank, down over your thigh, and across your stomach.
The food is good, honeyed porridge with nuts, better than most food you’ve been able to eat in the city itself. Obviously crime does pay, at least in the short term.
It’s impossible to just enjoy the food though. Slim hands quickly explore your body, finding the places that quicken your breath. Soon your attendant has one hand on your breast, gently massaging and pinching at your nipple, and the other stroking around your thighs and lower stomach, teasing you with almost-contact between your legs.
Meanwhile, the captured woman opposite you is gasping, trying to eat while both her heavy breasts have been exposed and are being kissed and stroked by her attendant. The attendant playfully tones down her attention to let her take another mouthful of food, before teasing her up to the point where she can hardly do anything but gasp.
<<link "try to eat - I need to keep my strength up">>
<<goto "SmugQ OfficeHide2">>
<</link>>You settle in to the office, trying to look defeated like the women you found there. You reckon it’s about 3am when the door opens, and the smugglers come in.
The smugglers stand you up, and start moving you toward the boat. You try to act like one of the captured women, and it seems to work - they lead you on to the boat, and tie you securely in the hold.
That's when you realise your mistake. Or rather, one of them points it out to you.
"Imagine thinking we wouldn't notice the number of girl changing." One smuggler scoffs at you.
You try to jerk free, but the bonds are *very* well secured.
"At least you were kind enough to donate us an extra slave." He smiles. "Still, I supposed we'll have to take extra care to break this one, given how clever she seems to think she is"
<<link "Damn!">>
<<goto "SmugQ training">>
<</link>>You hide behind a dust-gathering crate.
It's a boring wait, but eventually - at something like three a.m. - You hear noises.
Several shapes make their way in from the street door, and escort the women from the office. As they do, a boat floats up quietly, and a burly man throws a rope to the waiting smugglers. They quickly tie off the barge, and head toward the office.
There's a muttered discussion when they open the door and find that some of their cargo is missing, and they cast a cursory glance around the warehouse before apparently deciding that whoever set the girls free wouldn't hang around.
There's an argument, then one of them leaves through the street door, to try to find someone to talk to "from the supply side".
They'er all angry and jumpy, but you find a quieter moment to slip on to the ship, and hide in one of the holds.
The barge stays tied up for an hour or so, before all of a sudden there's a burst of activity and you are moving, the flat bottomed vessel swaying slightly in the river.
The trip sounds tense, from where you are, with several fights and once even a splash as a body is thrown overboard. It lasts almost two days, until you feel the boat bump up against the shore, and the sailors disembark.
<<link "Time to see where I am">>
<<goto "SmugQ OffEasy">>
<</link>>The cargo hold remains empty and unused - clearly the umbering river barge has far more space than the slavers need to transport their few choice kidnappees out of the city. You don't see another person for the couple of days journey, and although you try to keep track of where the river takes you it's hard to do without getting up on deck and risking being spotted.
You travel for a couple of days - luckily you brought plenty of rations with you - before at about midday on the second day you feel the barge bump to a halt against the shore.
There's some shouting as the women are ordered off the boat, then a lull in the action. Are they going to set off again immediately, or would waiting give you a safer chance to leave?
<<link "Try to get off the boat immediately">>
<<goto "SmugQ OffFight">>
<<link "Wait a little while">>
<<goto "SmugQ OffEasy">>
<</link>>Emerging from the hold it looks like the boat has pulled up in a small waterside hamlet. There's a ferry post just downriver from you, a village inn, and a small gathering of houses. Strangely, most of them seem to be empty - but from the inn emerge two figures who heads purposefully over to greet the sailors stepping off the barge.
One of the figures is short and capering - obviously a goblin - and as the figures pass the crew members who seem to be in a hurry to get their throats wet, you realise it isn't moving like a human. Another Naga?
You realise it's now or never if you're going to escape. It's not great that you already feel really turned on, but while most of the slavers are in the inn you stand your best chance of getting away and reporting their location.
<<link "Let's do this!">>
<<set $adventurename to "SmugQ Away">>
<<set $customlossend to "">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["Naga", "goblin", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $pleasure = 8>>
<<set $conditionlist.push("wet")>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
Emerging from the hold it looks like the boat has pulled up in a small waterside hamlet. There's a ferry post just downriver from you, a village inn, and a small gathering of houses. Strangely, most of them seem to be empty - but from the inn emerge two figures who heads purposefully over to greet the sailors stepping off the barge.
One of the figures is short and capering - obviously a goblin - and as the figures pass the crew members who seem to be in a hurry to get their throats wet, you realise it isn't moving like a human. Another Naga?
You realise it's now or never if you're going to escape - if you can defeat the last couple of sailors and the two monsters, you'll be able to escape, get back to the city, and report the location of the smuggling ring.
<<link "Let's do this">>
<<set $adventurename to "SmugQ Away">>
<<set $customlossend to "">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["Naga", "goblin", "thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<</link>>The next 48 hours or so are a blur for you. Loaded on to their barge, but kept individually in a small room, you're visited reguarly by a member of the crew who seems to take delight in telling you exactly what he's doing to you.
<<set _trainlist to ["naturally subby", "servile nature", "sensitive breasts"]>>
<<for _i to _trainlist.length; _i>=0; _i-->>
<<if $conditionlist.includes(_trainlist[_i])>>
<<set _trainlist.deleteAt(_i)>>
<<if _trainlist.length = 0>>
You trainer tests you a little, ordering you to kneel for him, stroking your body to see how responsive you are, looking into your eyes while he holds your chin and fucks his thumb in and out of your mouth over and over.
Then he laughs.
"Oh, there's not so much training you need, is there? Someone already got to you pretty good! Be a good girl and suck me off, and then we'll leave you be. You don't need any more attention do you."
You nod in agreement and reach for his cock...
<<set _trainlist.shuffle()>>
Your trainer sets about training you, making your body more sensitive, ordering you about, and also taking the time to enjoy appreciating your body while he does.
He's a good trainer, keeping you feeling very obedient and submissive while constantly getting you to obey him, imprinting patterns on your mind that you can feel settling in even as he tells you what he's doing.
<<print "By the end of the trip, as you feel the barge bump up against the side of the river you realise you have let him train you to have the "+ _trainlist[0]+" condition.">>
<<link "Oh no!">>
<<goto "SmugQ OffFight">>
<<include "victoryremoveconditions">>The whole day goes by in the same fashion. By afternoon you are squirming, and sopping wet, but the skilled lady pleasuring you never let's you cum, even when you start trying to grind your hips against her hand.
One of the other women is softly begging her tormentor to let her cum. you're a bit stronger willed than that, but even though you can see this is a deliberate tactic to weaken you so you're nice and compliant for them at the other end, it's still having an effect.
You are teased all through dinner as well, but then thankfully they leave you to sleep.
You sleep fitfully, tossing and turning, finding it hard to calm down after being teased so skillfully for a day. When you wake up, it's to the same hands already working you up again, even before breakfast.
Time is hard to track like this, and your world narrows to an ongoing haze of pleasure, quick hands, soft lips and almost-in-reach orgasms you're starting to yearn for. You do notice when they bring you lunch though, and it isn't long after lunch that the slaves leave again and you feel the barge bump gently against the side of the river.
You've had no chance to track where you went, but hopefully you can find your way back to the city and work out what route you took.
First though, you need to <<link "get off the boat">>
<<goto "SmugQ OffFight">>
<</link>>After winning the fight, you make your way quickly away from the hamlet, before any of the other monsters can notice you.
At first you flee at random into the countryside, but then you loop back round to the river, figuring you can follow it back toward the city. As you get further away from the smugglers you start to relax more, even waving to a flat bottomed boat shipping vegetables, heading the same way as you are.
As it disappears around a gentle meander you realise you could have asked the boatsman for a lift!
As evening comes you find a secure dry place to shelter, a copse of dense trees a little way away from the riverside. You sleep pretty well, and wake up early to birdsong and the dawn.
As you make your way back down toward the river you are shocked to run in to a group of marsh goblins, heading toward the same sleeping spot as you spent the night in.
The slimy things are similar to normal goblins, but with toadlike skin that makes the most comfortable in wetland. They are just as surprised as you - two of them jump to attack at the same time as you do, while others stand around slack jawed - though you're sure they'll join in as they recover from the surprise.
<<link "Get them!">>
<<set $adventurename to "SmugQ Win">>
<<set $monsterlist to ["goblin", "goblin"]>>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $timetriggers = [1,3]>>
<<set $timeevents = [["Two more goblins recover from their shock, and rush forward to help their friends", "addmon", "Goblin", "addmon", "Goblin"],["The last two marsh goblins finally shake off their surprise and rush forward to engage you!","addmon", "Goblin", "addmon", "Goblin"]]>>
The marsh goblins are scattered around you, and you give yourself a moment to take a sip of water before you head on. Reaching the river again you turn toward the city.
The rest of your day is uneventful - even a pleasant walk. As evening draws in you see the city in the distance, and you arrive there an hour or so later, happy to be home, and with the location of the smugglers as well!
<<link "Home sweet home">>
<<goto "Update Town">>
<</link>>There’s always been some smuggling down in the docks - some of it overlooked by the palace, most of it hidden by folk who know the waterways and hiding spots a lot better than the city guards.
In days before the fall, goods flowed in to the city - soft drugs, rare foods reserved by decree for nobility, cheap alcohol distilled by enterprising famers far from the reach of the taxman. Since the fall though, the direction of trade has equalised somewhat. Now the flow of drugs and booze in to the harbour district is paid for by export of something the city has large stocks of.
At least one smuggling organisation has been corrupted since the fall, and now trafficks citizens, kidnapping them, imprisoning them near the docks, and then exporting them on ships, to gods know where.
It’s a slow trade - but still enough to be noticed, which is where you come in.
The records you found in the Rat's Nest gave us enough to start investigating - We need you to find a way on to a boat, see where they take the prisoners, and come back to the city to tell us everything you can.
<<set $adventuretraits to ("city")>>Master Hamtier's last words to you are "Make sure you lose, now. Otherwise you'll be letting me down, and I know you hate that."
You shiver at the thought of allowing yourself to be beaten, but Master was very clear.
One of his servants escorts you through the streets to the docks, where he tells you to walk down a certain alley, slowly, as if you were drunk.
Sure enough, you find yourself cornered by two lowlifes. You'd normally thrash them easily, but your orders are to let them win...
<<link "Let's get this over with">>
<<set $monsterlist = ["thug", "thug"]>>
<<set $chosenadventure = "SmugQ Hamtier Disappoint">>
<<set $monsternamelist =[]>>
<<set $monstermodifierlist = []>>
<<set $customlossend = "SmugQ abducted">>
<<goto "adventurefightsetup">>
<</link>>You've beaten them! Oh no! Master Hamtier will be really upset.
Panicked, you look around. Sure enough, his crony has already walked up, and taken a rough grip on your arm. You find yourself dragged through the streets, until you are deposited in front of a grimacing Hamtier.
"Very well, if you can't serve me as an adventuress, you can be my personal fucktoy every day. At least, until your belly is ripe with my seed. After that I have men with preferences, until you're in shape to get fucked by me again."
He shakes his head
"All you had to do was follow orders"
(For now this is game over)